I Have Minimal Needs

Dec 04, 2010 11:42

(I think it goes without saying some of these reviews may contain spoilers).

The Walking Dead

Man, I'm loving this show. It isn't perfect, for sure. If you look to closely at some things there are GIGANTIC PLOT HOLES...but I don't care. The acting is fantastic, and so many of them are from The Mist! That scene between the sisters really got to me. :( I was actually kind of surprised by how long it took for Amy to get her zombie on. Wonder if the show-runners will stick to that in the future or if it'll become more instantaneous. One thing is for sure, the show clearly isn't afraid of killing people off. (JUST LEAVE RICK AND GLENN ALONE, PLEASE!) This is both good and bad in my opinion. I personally think too many shows rely on the "who is going to die this season?!" plot and it weakens the overall show and the audience's ability to care about the characters on-screen.

I half-expected Desmond to pop out towards the end. The whole C.D.C. thing reminded me a lot of the hatch. Things are going to get ugly, I'm guessing. AND THEN THE SEASON IS OVER! GAH! AND NEXT SEASON WE'RE GETTING ALL NEW WRITERS! Don't screw it up, people! Zombie TV is a beautiful thing.

This wasn't the best episode, but at the same time I really liked how low-key it was. I love the crazy episodes as much as the next fan, but there's no way the show could possibly keep up that momentum and top themselves every week.

It was nice to see the gang hanging out outside of school. These people would never be friends in real life, but somehow the show makes it seem completely believable. I love how Troy ended up being the one who took responsibility for the whole gang, even though it was his 21st birthday. That shot of him looking around the bar was SO TRUE! Everyone makes turning 21 and drinking seem OMG!AMAZING!, but it really isn't. You either end up loud and obnoxious like Jeff + Britta or quiet and alone like Annie and Abed.

(gif by jaeutiful)

TROY IS TOO PRECIOUS FOR THIS WORLD!!! I have developed a crush on Donald Glover, and seeing his stuff for the GAP reduced me to speaking in gibberish.

Shirley broke my heart this week. As did Pierce. :( I hope we get to see more of them this season. I sometimes feel like they're second rate characters because they're older (or in Shirley's case, because she has children). I will say that I actually like how the show has kept up with Pierce's injury. I expected them to move on after an episode or two, but it's more realistic this way.

Also, I won't say anything about next week's episode...except...SQUEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

The Vampire Diaries
I started watching this not expecting a whole lot. From day one I was never very interested, just because the whole thing had a "been there, done that" sort of vibe. I just kept seeing PRETTY icons/screencaps and my curiosity finally got the better of me.


The first few episodes were kind of yawn-worthy. It was EXACTLY like Twilight.Then there was the cliffhanger with all the townsfolk having a secret society determined to keep vampires out of Mystic Falls and I was like asdhfkjldfghlakdfhgdhfg!!!! I've been enjoying the ride ever since, and I can't get through season 1 fast enough.

Some random thoughts:
  • I usually hate the whole brooding vampire thing after a while, but I actually like Stefan's character. Paul just plays that role really well.
  • Same goes for Ian as Damon. PERFECTION! He manages to be completely evil and despicable at times, and yet I love his character. I especially like when he manipulates people, but then afterwards I'm like "oh yeah, that's fucked up."
  • I was so sad when they killed of Lexi! I like Stefan/Elena ok, but Stefan/Lexi had such amazing chemistry! Stefan was a completely different person (er, vampire) around her.
  • On the opposite end of the spectrum, SOOOOOOOOO GLAD that Vicki is gone! I cringed every time she was on screen.
  • Was that shot of Tyler in front of the full moon foreshadowing?! IF SO, I AM COMPLETELY OK WITH THIS! Trying to stay spoiler-free until I'm caught up, but I'm SO TEMPTED to peek.
  • Music choices FTW, show.
  • HOLY SHIT! The last episode I saw was Elena getting in to the car accident and the body in the road getting up in the freakiest way possible!!!! C'mon, Netflix! Need that next disc!

And apparently because that's not enough...


tv: the vampire diaries, tv: the walking dead, tv: community

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