Flist, I'm going to give you a little insight in to the inner-workings of my brain.
- Post poll on to LJ to figure out what to watch next.
- Wait for results.
- See that the vast majority of people who voted want me to catch up on Doctor Who.
- Add all of Doctor Who to Netflix Instant Queue. Add series 1 & 2 as well so I can refresh myself.
- See an icon for Misfits on my flist from the corner of my eye.
- Watch all of Misfits
Hahaha. Oh, self. I kill me. Never change. ...Seriously though, I will catch up on Doctory Who! Promise! I think Misfits was just a little less intimidating because it only has 10 episodes so far.
Yeah. I loved it. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ I think I have a thing for shows with pretty people dealing with superpowers. What do you think?
I love each of the characters, especially because they are all severely flawed, criminally-inclined people. That's...a different approach, to be sure. I will admit it's always somewhat shocking to watch British television because they go there and don't gloss over things like American TV tends too. The rough language these kids use! GOOD GRIEF! o_O On the other hand though, I am SO GLAD that the writers focus on these kids as individuals with distinct personalities instead of basing their entire character on their race/gender/weight/whatever. (Glee, I'm looking at you). I love Kelly for the simple fact that I would never see her in an American show portrayed the way she is (and that's just sad).
Some random ramblings
- THIS SHOW DOES "RANDOM PAIRINGS THAT SHOULDN'T MAKE SENSE BUT DO!" BETTER THAN ANYTHING I'VE EVER SEEN! Damn! Nathan/Kelly & Simon/Alisha are pairings which should be completely WTF-worthy and just not work but somehow! Somehow the writers make it work really well! So much so that I was severely disappointed when Kelly turned Nathan down after all of the flirting and the filthy thoughts Kelly read from Nathan's mind.
- Speaking of Nathan, HE IS SUCH A HORRIBLE PERSON! And he's going to be a horrible person until the end of time! But at the same time...I love him? I'm conflicted. I think if anyone else was playing him, I'd hate him. But as it is, Robert Sheehan plays him with such humor and energy that it's hard to dislike him for very long.
- Simon is such a creepster but at the same time incredibly endearing. It's clear that if this whole community service thing hadn't happened he had the potential to become, like, a serial rapist or something. ...Scared of that! ...BUT THANKFULLY! He did get community service + superpowers so now he is awkward, yet lovable. ♥
- I...won't even both going in to Alisha's power and the wrongness of it. It's been said before. Just...WTF? The power to make men want to rape you. I...really hope there's a point to that somewhere. o_O
- Curtis going in to the future and finding himself in a superhero outfit was amazing and random! He had a cape and everything! Which leads me to believe that as time goes on, the kids' powers will evolve significantly. When Curtis came to in the future, it seemed like he was going to jump (perhaps fly?) off of the building. Don't know why a dude who can only travel through time would have a cape, but hey, what do I know?
- Related to that same evolving power theory...seems like Future!Simon time traveled by himself AND has somehow built up an immunity to Alisha's powers. Hmm...
- I love that the new guy was only there for, like, 3 minutes so he could die and give his heart/power to what's-her-name. His ghost giving Nathan the finger was hilarious!
- Loved the episode when they were on drugs and it caused all of their powers to have an opposite day.
- ALISHA/FUTURE!SIMON WAS THE MOST EPIC AND TRAGIC PAIRING EVER! ;__; I was spoiled silly for it, but I still got all weepy. Also, it is amazing what a bit of self-confidence can do for a person. DAYUM, Future!Simon! Damn!
Speculation for next episode
So, I have a few different theories about the whole Future!Simon thing and how it will play out in the next episode. Haven't read any spoilers, these are just four different ideas I had.
- Future!Simon knows that this all already happened, and will happen again, but there's nothing he can do to change it. He and Alisha are in a loop, where they are both doomed to die. (I HOPE THIS IS NOT THE CASE! Simon watches too much Sci-Fi for that).
- Nathan can now see dead people. Future!Simon is now dead. Perhaps he'll pay Nathan a visit and pass on a message to help set the future straight? (I'm personally hoping for this one!)
- Despite her best efforts to keep it from everyone, Alisha will accidentally think about what happened and Kelly will pick up on it.
- Future!Simon, despite all of his awesomeness, is in fact evil and was manipulating Alisha for whatever reason. (That one's a bit of a stretch, but despite Simon being one of my favorites I still don't trust him 100%).
Oh, one last thing.
Don't screw this up.