It's so many miles and so long since I've left you

Nov 27, 2010 18:30

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 1)

Oh. Every so often I'm punched in the face and reminded that Harry Potter is, in fact, amazing and the obsession starts all over again. This is most certainly one of those times. All the actors knocked it out of the park and made it easy to forget that this was a 2+ hour movie where not all that much really happened. I'm looking forward to part 2, but I'm already preparing myself to be an emotional wreck. Dobby, Hedwig, and Mad Eye's deaths were enough to get me choked up. Cannot imagine what state I'll be in during the credits of part 2.

There were a few too many moments where I was reminded of Lord of the Rings, but I felt that way a while reading the series so I'll let it slide. I did love seeing the Horcrux's effect on the kids--how it weighed each of them down and darkened their thoughts. I thought it was subtle, but still very effective. I also loved, loved, loved the gorgeous scenery shots! It was so refreshing to see! I love Hogwarts as a set, but the new locations really helped set this movie apart from the others. I felt like the two previous movies blended slightly, and I had a hard time recalling which scene came from which movie.

REMUS! Oh, I hate how little play he's gotten. But I still get over excited when I see him in the background. Like when he was watching over Harry outside the wedding tent and then turned around silently and went in once he knew Harry was coming. REEMMMUUUSSS~! ♥

The award for most improved goes to...Emma Watson! My goodness! Whoever has been giving her acting lessons lately deserves a medal! Of the three main actors, she was without question the best. Dan has always been very good and Rupert...well, he plays the part well. I'm just not a fan of Ron to begin with, so sometimes I have a hard time seeing past that. =/

I'll admit I'm not a big fan of the last two books of the series, but I liked how the movie portrayed certain scenes that I was pissed at in the book (like Ron leaving). I'm hoping this keeps going through to the end because I hate, hate, HATE the epilogue. Somethings should just be left unsaid.

Oh, finally, MAJOR props to Tom Felton as well! He just gets Draco Malfoy and brings a lot to a character that, at times, I felt was over-simplified in the books. Bravo.

ETA: Mind the dust; I felt like changing up my LJ.

harry potter

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