Don't Try This at Home

Mar 18, 2010 15:45

Earlier today, in preparation for my meet-up with archas this weekend, I took a trip down Memory Lane.

Someone should rip-up and not bother repaving that street. Seriously.

I didn't take this journey to relive the last four years, though that was a side-effect of it, but rather to firm up some dates in my head in order to give archas a relatively reliable timeline of the years we've been apart.

And, though it wasn't the most pleasant trip, I got (most) of the information I wanted* and realized a few things about myself.

The biggest realization: I am so not the person I was four, three or even two years ago. Nor was I living a healthy or happy life, and I can't believe how long it took me to figure that out. Don't get me wrong, I had a hell of a lot of fun in the past and will cherish the good memories of those times, but wow, just wow - I am such a different person now.

Another, and sort of sad realization, is that I used to be so much closer so a certain group of people, and I do truly miss them. But, I'm also not sure how to insert myself back into their lives without having to take up some of the things that no longer work for me.

Anyway, enough thinking and feeling and living in the past.

This time is hard
It's not as easy as it was
With you around
You stood always by my side
You made this world a better place
With just a smile

I waved goodbye
I shed a tear
And never felt for someone
The way I felt for you
And I don't mean... for anyone...
I mean... for you!

And all these memories fade away
I can feel that I will lose these images
I tried so hard to keep...
But I never will forget...
You made it such an easy thing
To feel at home

I waved goodbye
I shed a tear
And never felt for someone
The way I felt for you
And I don't mean... for anyone...
I mean... for you!   

And now, back to work, for an hour!

* The last time I saw archas was not in NYC in April 2006, but at Black Sun in August 2007.
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