Nov 04, 2008 10:24
Straight Dem except for Attorney General. My patience is thin right now with Democrats who aren't actually progressives, and I really can't get behind this guy when he's so radically gung-ho to preserve an execution system that was ordered by our Supreme Court to be suspended due to its inherently racist overtones. Whether you think execution is barbaric or necessary, it hardly matters when the system executes innocents, or disproportionately singles out people from a particular ethnicity. Fix it or get rid of it. So, I went with the Libertarian. She won't win, but I just can't vote for that Democratic nutjob. blech. (Ok, if the Republican had looked significantly less progressive than the nutjob, I _might_ have voted Dem, but he seemed pretty much the same, except maybe less of a dick. Hard to tell, of course.)
The ballot questions were kind of gray area for me this year, which I suppose is a good thing. No prop 8s in PA (yet). A couple of should we take on more debt for public works. (reluctantly yes.) And should we consolidate two phila departments? (reluctantly yes) And should we add yet another restriction to phila job hiring practices? (For pete's sake No.)