Does anyone find it spectacularly shite that the artists you love are always being praised for/are most well known for producing songs that you despise.....???
theyare45 prompted this thought with the comment to my last far too indulgent post...if you aren't on my flist you are lucky!!! for instance the smiths who as you all know I worship and adore are well known for being the creators of Girlfriend in a Coma and There is a Light...for instance and I have always despised both of these songs lyrically and musically with a passion bordering on mania - unless there is a light its being sung by Johnny Marr in the year 2006 and then all of a sudden it becomes heavenly - almost!!
I also am finding the same goes for the Beatles why is it that people adore those bits of twee McCartney schmoop??? I cannot stand Let it Be, or Hey Jude - jesus have you seen how long that song goes on for like 7 minutes??? there is no fucking need for it ever to have been made I admire the sentiment and all McCartney trying to help out a mate's kiddy... but still NO!!!!
and well best not to get me started on what I think of Yesterday (less so) and Penny Lane (more so) I mean WTF!!!! these songs I've always been led to believe are their most popular songs but leave me cold I'm afraid!!
also whenever people are praising the songwriting skills of Mr Harrison under the Beatles umbrella they always praise Here Comes the Sun and Something two of the worst songs I have ever heard not even just withing the beatles although they are a lot worse than McCartney's most syrupy of indulgences these Harri songs are meaningless lyrically and shite musically and well I am especially enraged, since it is overlooking how cool his other songs were sometimes the lyrics to I want to tell you for instance are so cool - I've bonded to it because its like he's speaking my soul and the soul of every other tongue tied suicidally socially inept person on the earth but doing it with a jauntiness and a sense of I am always confuzzled when I pick up Beatles books and have the author write them songs (like don't bother me and i want to tell you) as being lightwieght - whilst then calling "Something" one of the greatest love songs of our times?????....cos there is so much class to be had there but this encapsulates none of it!!!!
but still not just the critics when even George Harrison wrote of Don't Bother me which for me always had that something new (ie expressing unhappiness in a genuinely grumpy tone of voice as opposed to the emptiness of using words like I'm feeling 'blue' or 'down' type shite that Lennon and McCartney were pumping out) as really not being a very good song!!! but then again I understand that perhaps he's not the best person to ask about his own stuff....
I am also encountering this with George Harrison solo, everyone praises My Sweet Lord or All things must pass and yet when I heard these expecting to find the goods I found I had to look elsewhere to find out the good stuff because it was always superbly favourite Harrison songs of the moment are I'd have you anytime, apple scruffs, learning to love you, blood from a clone, save the world....
Isn't it a pity (but for the words alone) and I read in numerous biogs that other people saw these as weak spots if anything at all....:(
as an aside though anyway I would like to say now that I happen to believe that How Soon is now really is one of the few songs that actually deserves all the hype about it that it has received.....
So whats up duck?? is this to be some comment on a deficit of the general public (ie that they prefer twee bullshit) or some twisted comment on my over obsessive commitment to supporting the underdog???
for instance I think George Harrison was the most talented Beatle, that his lyrics were better they were always meaningful (something, here comes the sun and
beautiful girl obv excluded) and summed up things so simply even if a little spitefully or misguidedly...and well musically they tend to be interesting at the very least....
but is that because he had more talent? or merely the fact that I felt sad that he didn't get the attention the other got. and wish to recitify it (albeit in a small tiny way) through my own praise hmmm?? a hard question and not one that I can answer as I cannot be objective....obviously!!!
I am realising that I have always posessed a desire to go for the things that are unpopular and so I wonder is that colouring my critical judgement on these issues and am I pretending to not like things I do - I don't think so but its an interesting enough thing to wonder about....
anyway amidst this nonsense I thought I should tell you what I see as the true joints in my teo fave bands catalogue
Top ten smiths songs
That Joke isn't funny anymore - my funeral song
Headmaster's Ritual
Girl Afraid
Back to the Old House
Queen is Dead
Suffer Little Children
William it was really nothing
How Soon is now
Wonderful Woman
these are my beauties.....I thought long and hard what to exclude and Well I wonder and Barbarism were nearly there
the Beatles
Blue Jay Way
Don't Bother me
I'm a Loser
I'm so tired
I want to tell you
Mother Nature's son
Strawberry Fields - check out the drumming its beautiful!!!
Lovely Rita
Run for your life was nearly there because I adore how deliciously unpleasnat that song is to a up jumpy beat and typical sweet lads harmonising stuff....shocking much more so thatn the sexy noises on the end of Lovely Rita!!!
Well people feel free to gis me your fave smiffs song or beatles song I really am interestd in what other peoples lists look like....also let me know if you want me to upload some bangers I might upload dancing girls for
officefurniture whether she likes it or not simply because she said ages back that she didn't know who Nik Kershaw was - lol I think that song is great stuff - think tacky eighties with every keyboard/synthesiser known to man thrown into the mix its trashy and bad but its good bad.....Nik Kershaw eh I shouldn't actually like him but he's cool.....
these things coming are mine own stuffe, things that I wrote humour me I was kinda trying to write songs....the first two are kinda unfinshed (if anyone wants to help finish them I'm always open) anyway the second was inspired by goes....
Nothing important to say
but this feeling won't go away
to communicate something with you that is true
racking my brain for platitudes
to reflect clearly my attitudes
is it any suprise my attempts fall through
I could start by being honest and pure
If I accepted that knowing me truely is what you're here for
but instead I am driven to impress
and I am so depressed at this being a waste
Because my heart is too removed
from anything that you will ever hear
because my soul and head just aren't aligned
I feel heartsick but expressions not near
looking at you so sublime at knowing your pain and knowing mine
I feel so maligned its a waste of time
and I'm a waste of space
I feel such closeness to you
I wonder should I not
you've brough to end years of self doubt
I think you mean a lot
but although we are so perfect
its the opinion of so few
because our bodies are too similar
for me to ever be with you
tired trite and too ridiculous
that I will be controlled
not by my heart but by my head
with the emotions you unfold
I could have anyone I want
its half endured but its true
but the only companion I need
is the one who got me through
tired trite and too ridiculous
the longing for you in my body
in the hotels and on the bus
If I indulge I will be sorry
your portrait of human kindness unparrelled
how comes you care so much what goes on in my world
you were never there to ask you
you weren't there so I don't know
because the day I decided I was interested
was the day you decided to go
did i make you feel put down and upon
I was unknowing and remained that way far too long
I was never there for you
you had pain I'll never know
because the day I realised I loved you
was the day you decided to go
where i became so selfish and hid behind a gilded mask
I never really contemplated and you never really asked
so i can barely keep on living with my pain
alone by myself entirely ashamed
you cannot be there and I need you
so I will never show
because the day I found my only friend
was the day he decided to go.