14 February 2005
Title: Guilt
Author: Orli
Pairing: Jack/Kate
Rating: PG
Summary: 100 words. "Whatever the case may be". When Jack's yelling at Kate to TELL! HIM! THE! TRUTH!
Cross-posted at
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jackkatefans “It belonged to the man I killed!” She screams.
He’s speechless as he watches her sit, her hand on her forehead and her body wracking with sobs. He doesn’t know whether to trust her after she’s put so many lies between them. He doesn’t want to, but as he watches her grief and regret breaking her, he can’t convince himself that her tears are just another lie. Not after he’s seen through all her previous lies and recognized each one as it escaped her lips.
He’s riddled with unjustified guilt when he looks at her again, but he leaves anyway.
Comments appreciated. Short, Long, one worded. Appreciated.