Ah HA!! The last bit of review of what I've learned and come across this last decade. A weird journey for sure. I've spend HOURS upon HOURS reviewing my own writing going back many years, and it stuns me that this isn't more of a chore. I'm glad I like my own silly meanderings and rant-fests! I at least entertain myself with my past prose. =^)
On with the links!
2013-- Truth & Faith:
lucretiasheart.livejournal.com/1001558.html 2013-- Christians vs Xtians:
lucretiasheart.livejournal.com/1002200.html 2013-- Community & Prepping:
lucretiasheart.livejournal.com/1002246.html 2013-- Nurturing Friendships:
lucretiasheart.livejournal.com/1002872.html 2013-- Respecting My Physical Limits:
lucretiasheart.livejournal.com/1003217.html So 2013 was the year of the Massive Garden & Chickens project. It went well and we all learned a lot. Making prepping fun and part of a community project was very incentivizing and I LOVED it! But maybe a little too much...
I unfortunately pushed myself too hard and wound up with sprained ankles over and over again, and sprained knees, and even wrists from using them to get up and down from chairs, my bed, and the toilet. I was out of commission due to injury from May through August. Sound familiar? I was feeling energetic and was able to push without much fatigue, but one of my problems is bad myofacial tissue. I get sprains very easily, and -- that can take me out easily. This last year, my tendons giving out spontaneously as I walked across my bedroom led to multiple breaks as the lack of tendon strength meant my foot was actually able to bend in HALF completely, breaking bones all the way across. 2013 was the first year since my teens that I kept spraining and re-spraining my ankles. I HAD to stop pushing myself to get well! That is so difficult when I finally have energy to move! I'm prone to moving around a lot when I'm able to and my lack of fatigue actually made me too cocky that year and I paid for it all summer.
Aside from that snafu, however, my friendships and ability to thrive with people in a community came out very clearly. I get along well and easily with people if given half a chance, and I felt very sure of myself and my confidence was at an all-time high. A good year aside from injury.
Lastly, I have a post which details the years 2010 thru 2012 and even goes over my first decade on LJ. I'm happy to give that link HERE:
lucretiasheart.livejournal.com/917609.html I'm very proud of that entry, and my final post on the past decade will be written tomorrow. The last decade was my 40s, and soon I'll be writing about where I'm planning to go in my 50s. Having a stable and trustworthy landlady/roomie makes a lot of difference. She actually responds when I have a complaint or suggest corrections. (Not right after we moved when she went off Zoloft, but once she started taking St. John's Wort and L-tyrosine.)
As a bonus, I will include the ONE post that has had the MOST hits on this LiveJournal. We're talking in the THOUSANDS! It gets hits on my At Spiral's End site as well, but my Towards A New World one seems to attract the most readers, and I get unique views almost every day even now. I wrote this January of 2013. Enjoy!
Photos Found of Past Life Self:
lucretiasheart.livejournal.com/918541.html Thank you to all my readers for joining me on this journey! <3