Sanders or Warren, My Own Choices

Jan 06, 2020 10:28

If anyone wonders- I'm very cued into the politics of our day, although things are so rotten and ugly with Trump ("sippy-cup Mussolini" is what Cat calls him!) that I actively avoid any news with him talking. He lies, he's a narcissist of the worst kind. He's stupid. It's painful to listen to him. So I don't. I literally use my little 'scrubber' to skip over anything he says to the rest of the news.

When it comes to the Democratic contenders, I only give respect (and a tiny bit of money) to campaigns who refuse big donors, because money in politics is what got us to Trump. It's fucking embarrassing!

Once I know a campaign refuses "special access" fundraisers and corporate dollars, I look at policies. Warren, who I deeply respect (bought her books, and they helped me financially) is my favorite thus far. I don't agree on everything she advocates, but on over 95%-- yeah. We agree. Just now the nation needs a bigtime lurch to the left. We've been dragged to the right for 40 years and things are just awful. We used to be first on so many things, but now America is dead last on health care, innovation, and so many other things we used to take pride in. We are no longer even towards the top! Also, I'm very, very poor and disabled and I have to vote my in my own interest, not always on my ideals.

But Sanders is a close second, and I was for him over the corporate hawk, Hillary, that they pushed through the last go-round. I had a feeling Trump would win when electing Hilary meant keeping the status quo (which was what she represented) when the status quo was failing so many people in much of this nation. And I was sadly right. Trump was worse than Hilary would have been, but... the democratic party abandoned what was once it's base: the working class white people who voted against more of the same, even if it meant Trump.

When the popularity of Sanders and Warren started scaring billionaires to the point a billionaire jumped in, I laughed. Bloomberg is such an ass.

Anyway! That's where I stand. I hate both parties right now because BOTH work for corporations and billionaires and I'm sick of it. And so is much of the rest of the country-- as evidenced by the populist revolts against the status quo candidates. Eventually, something is going to give, and I'd rather it didn't give towards a harsh far right quasi-Nazi society, thank you very much!

politics, news

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