Mar 01, 2017 12:20
I made a longer post on Patreon and At Spiral's End about this, but the jist is that one patron quintupled his donation from $10 to $50 a month and I'm understandably thrilled! =^D
I DO need the money. I can't work and I will only have a living allowance from alimony for another 2.5 years. I have to come up with strategies to make up the difference fairly quickly. Getting paid for writing seems like a fair way to me. Its something I can do on my good brain days and I have to produce to keep the funds coming in. Even if I get disability (which is iffy-- since I have multiple issues that are mostly 'invisible' and the political tides are shifting against people like me) there's a good chance it could be only around $700 or so a month, and who can actually live on that? I need other ways to make money.
So its a big deal and I'm happy to have the trust and faith from those who support me every month like this. Every bit helps! Even my new $1 a month donation made me smile. It set my 'take home' pay from $74 and some cents a month to $75!
I'm on pace with my goals as well. Writing every week will mean that around May or so I should have all my raw memories and advice completed in At Spiral's End and I can begin polishing that writing up in a prettier blog with more pics that will be my first 're-write' towards a book this summer! Much faster progress then the first few years of having At Spiral's End. Other goals for other blogs and eventual books will be manifesting as well.
Which reminds me... I have to get back to my envisioning meditation posts on Druids Raven blog again... hmmm...
Point is, I'm feeling good! I have some real support and its helping to keep me focused and give me pride. I don't care what 'They' say-- external validation is always an awesome thing. Yeah, I'd write anyway just for myself-- sure. But having readers and sharing my life and thoughts/feelings with others and being appreciated for it is whole other level of satisfaction.
Thanks for that to all of you, patrons or not.
happy happenings,