Book meme...yay!

Nov 08, 2009 18:17

 Snurched from bitter_crimson

- Take four books off your bookshelf.
- Write the first sentence
- Write the last sentence on page fifty
- Write the second sentence on page one hundred
- Write the next to the last sentence on page one hundred fifty
- Write the final sentence of the book
- Let your friends guess what book it is.

Book #1
First sentence: The problem with waiting around in space to see a starship go by is that, when a ship is in warp drive, she's hardly there at all.
Last sentence on page 50:  Aaaaagh! Jim thought. I was all ready for the big jump and now this!!
Second sentence on page 100:What she found out as she got older was that it wasn't so much the animals that fascinated her, as the talking----comunicating with another kind of life, finding out what it was thinking, sharing her thoughts in turn.
Next to the last sentence on page 150: Timelessness, being without  physicality, potential plurality in oneness, existence without creation and from all time-----We have in fact found God.
Final sentence: Spock raised a tolerant eyebrow, and followed his Captain out into the world.
(OK, obviously a Star Trek novel, but which one?)

First sentence: Rain fell that night, a fine whispering rain.
Last sentence on page 50: It held nothing but a narrow bed surrounded by crates of books towering up to the rafters.
Second sentence on page 100: "Well, what does it matter?" he muttered when he was out in the corridor.
Next to the last sentence on page 150: Typical Elinor!.
Final sentence: As Mo had said: writing stories is a kind of magic too.

First sentence:None of us liked waiting in ambush, primarily because we couldn't be wholly certain we weren't he ones being set up for a hot-vape.
Last sentence on page 50:  Part of me knows they are right, but another part doesn't think Mirax can afford the time.
Second sentence on page 100: I traced bushes and grasses from leaf-tip to root.
Next to the last sentence on page 150: I'd been there with Tionne as we listened to Bodo Baas talk about the Sith War.
Final sentence: "And that is the toughest bit of all, my love," I laughed, "we have to tell your father that our first child will not be named for him."
(OK, obviously a Star Wars novel, but which one?)

Book #4 (This one might be harder. It's a fantasy novel.)
First sentence: "Your grandfather," said Vanyel's brawny, fifteen-year-old cousin Radevel, "was crazy."
Last sentence on page 50:  It was at that point that Vanyel realized that he didn't even know his captors' names.
Second sentence on page 100: "Which is?"
Next to the last sentence on page 150:"Vengeance."
Final sentence: -----yes, Withen, you would be very proud, I know I am.

meme, books

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