Today my baby girl turns 1 year old...

Oct 05, 2009 20:59

 Sarah is 1 year old today! :-) It was a relatively Ok day. We went to a playgroup at the local Catholic church and she had fun w/all the toys. She crawled around, "travelled", pulled herself up, and generally had a great time. She had a long nap afterwards...after all, she wore herself out having fun! Robert baked her some of her favorite foods: hot dog, carrot sticks and gingerbread cake! Grandma and Grandpa (my side) sent her a card, some money and gave her a call today to wish her Happy Birthday. Not surprisingly, Robert's parents didn't acknowledge it at all. They probably forgot. (Too self-absorbed).

I've been working on writing and editing, mostly. SGA Big Bang and finally getting around to archiving my Star Trek Enterprise and Stargate Atlantis here, at Writin' Across Universes. I'm pulling together all my fics from various places so it's accessible in one place. I've also rewritten parts of the first story in the STE: AU Switcheroo Series, "May the Wind be at Our Backs". I'd taken most of the series off because 1)it was starting to go in a direction I didn't like and 2)had a writing crisis when people made me doubt my ability to write, period. Talk about angst. This rewrite is my own personal project and a general "YES, DAMMIT, I CAN WRITE!!!" response to those critics. [Note: If you read the original on and Warp 5 Complex, this version is a bit different].

So come check it out, if you're so inclined.


fanfic, au switcheroo, writing, sga, birthday, star trek enterprise, archive, daughter

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