The no-good frustrating day...

Oct 06, 2009 20:22

 I'm so frustrated today. Under the cut...

Let's just say that help for my autistic kids is on hold due to lack of state funds (and I had to cancel 2 other appointments and drive across town to find this out.). And hub's insurance company held "biometric screenings" on their work campus to determine eligibility for insurance. Which is a 20 minute drive in the OPPOSITE direction. Which consisted of a BP reading, weight, BMI (by using this little handheld electronic device...what's up w/that?!) and blood stick for cholesterol and diabetes check.

And if all this is right...I'm borderline high cholesterol, my BMI falls under "obese" (although I'm 129 pounds), and I've my sugar level is messed up (it wasn't a fasting test, so WTH?! They claimed it wouldn't make a difference. HUH?!). Get this...not a doctor in sight, and the guy who delivered my results was an INSURANCE REP DRESSED IN A SUIT!! Who couldn't answer any of my questions about the results, like for example, "WTF is THIS????"

And people ask me why I'm cynical sometimes. SHEESH!!!! *roil eyes* *facepalm*

I'm not even going to analyze this. It just boggles the mind.


autistic children, autism, services, health insurance, rant

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