Icon meme!

Oct 01, 2009 21:32

1. Comment to this entry saying 'ICONS!' and I will pick 6 of your icons.
2. Make an entry in your own journal and talk about the icons I picked!

Icons meme, icons picked by secondalto for me:

true love coffee

I don't remember where I got this one...I've had it for so long. (Photobucket?) This is how I am in the morning.  Like Rodney McKay, I can't function without coffee.

The next icons (except the last one) are made by ivymae (Levangie) at The Enterprise Oddities Index  I love her art based on Star Trek Enterprise, which is one of the main fandoms I write in. (The other, so far, is Stargate Atlantis).


One of my main 'ships, Trip and T'Pol (aka TnT). Those two are like fire and ice. Human and Vulcan. I use this icon to mark entries where I'm frustrated or majorly p*'ed off.

hoshi/malcolm dogwalker

My other major 'ship that I write about in STE: Ensign Hoshi Sato (the communications officer) and Lt. Malcolm Reed (the Armory Officer). Hoshi's walking Porthos (Captain Archer's beagle...yeah, though I don't think it's the same one Scotty lost in the Star Trek reboot) and the dog gets them, um, wrapped up.

t'pol science 

I love this icon. T'Pol in a TOS blue science outfit, her hair in a beehive, with a PADD. I use this to mark entries about writing.


Hoshi's my favorite character. We have a lot in common: Asian heritage, languages, interested in meeting new people and cultures. Here, she's doing the tea ceremony in a kimono.


Another icon that I've had for so long I can't remember where I got it. A little animated gif of a marshmallow in a cup (of cocoa?)


malcolm reed, icon, marshmallow, star trek enterprise, hoshi sato, meme, trip tucker, t'pol, coffee

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