(no subject)

Dec 24, 2011 15:43

Who: mischiefbreeder, tsuntrader, and anybody and everybody invited!
What: Silver's fourteenth birthday party, courtesy of Gold.
When: December 24th, mid afternoon
Where: The Rec Center, the place of all celebratory happenings.
Summary: Gold puts together the most kickin' birthday party his best friend's ever had. ...Not that he's ever had one, of course. But it's the thought that counts!
Rating: PG, most likely.
It was pretty easy for Gold to sneak away and start putting together this party. Silver never thought much of his birthday, after all, and was just approaching this day like any other. This gave Gold ample time to put together the Rec Center for the party. Food (taken from Seventh Heaven, of course), decorations... And, of course, a cake.

It's an ice cream cake.

Now, that just leaves the matter of the birthday boy himself.

[pokemon] silver, [pokemon] gold

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