
Oct 07, 2011 08:36

Who: The Student Council and all interested!
What: The first meeting!
When: The 7th
Where: The school.
Summary: There's food, cake, candy and more!
Rating: PG
mercilessly thwacking erasers since 2010 )

[clannad] fuuko ibuki, [tales: abyss] gelda nebilim, [persona] minato arisato, [clannad] nagisa furukawa, [durarara] mikado ryugamine, [07 ghost] shuri oak

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Comments 459

SERIOUS BUSINESS acowardlyoak October 7 2011, 11:41:17 UTC
acowardlyoak October 7 2011, 11:45:48 UTC
[ when all mingling is said and done, everyone's encouraged to take a seat. the charming and charismatic leader of this wonderful group of people takes his rightful place at the front of the room, offers a dazzling smile, and takes the meter stick to lightly tap it against the board. ]

First and foremost, allow me to welcome you to the first meeting of the student council. Though I understand that not all of you will continue to meet with us and join our ranks, your interest and presence here means much to us. Together, we can create a school environment to encourage students to become more involved in the learning process.

My name is Shuri Oak and I am your President. I founded this council with a member who is no longer here, Mitsuru Kirijo, and I carry on our ideals for the school though she has returned home. However! Though experienced and skilled as I may be, I cannot do it alone. Which brings us to all of you.

You are here because you wish to make a difference! Or the free food... eh... H-However! Either way, your ( ... )


acowardlyoak October 7 2011, 11:57:47 UTC
[ and when everyone starts arriving, they can find their fearless leader thumbing though his journal, sitting near the front of the classroom, casually munching on a carrot stick. ]


platinumtrinity October 7 2011, 14:35:25 UTC
[Platinum is by no means a member of the council and doesn't want to be, but as she walked past that school today the delicious smell of cakes and treats forced her to break in through a window. She's quite happily helping herself to the goodies.

Because she can't cook, so she'd starve otherwise.]


acowardlyoak October 7 2011, 15:15:36 UTC
[ you can imagine his surprise when he looks over and, you know, spots a strange girl crawling in through the window. ]



platinumtrinity October 7 2011, 18:10:48 UTC
[Completely ignoring Shuri, Platinum then moves over to the food table. TIME TO DIG IN!]


itsaxingthing October 7 2011, 15:53:57 UTC
[Ling is here just for the food, okay. He's over there, chowing down, smiling at anyone he sees, but more interested in eating than... well, anything else.]


acowardlyoak October 7 2011, 18:10:55 UTC
Eh... you really eat a lot, don't you... [ please don't eat all the food, that's for everyone. ]


itsaxingthing October 7 2011, 22:45:58 UTC
I was hoping there would be more. [This is a disappointing spread, Shuri. Honestly.]


acowardlyoak October 8 2011, 11:42:35 UTC
[ frowning. ]

You can't expect one person to provide everything... All of this is what I made myself.


falenandawn October 7 2011, 17:36:41 UTC
[Frey had considered for a while the idea of volunteering to help out with the Student council, and that had led him to the meeting.

He arrives early to mingle and talk, and maybe have a bit of food while he's at it.]


acowardlyoak October 7 2011, 18:12:18 UTC
[ oh it's... you. shuri remembers their conversations, vaguely, and it's more or less left him with a less than favourable impression of the prince.

buuuuuuuut he'll suck it up and offer a dazzling smile at the newcomer. ]


falenandawn October 7 2011, 18:24:24 UTC
Hello, Shuri. [He smiles back, remembering their... differences before. Hopefully they can overcome those with time, though.] The meeting has gotten off to a good start.


acowardlyoak October 7 2011, 18:32:50 UTC
It really has. [ there's a certain air of smugness and clear self satisfaction. he's put a lot of work into this - more than he has in his entire life. and it feels good to see success come of it. ]


squaring October 7 2011, 19:16:33 UTC
[Aoba, creepy adorable child that he is, decided to make a good impression by arriving early! An hour and a bit early, to be precise.

So, now he's just waiting for everyone else! ... And sneaking the odd glance at all the food, but it'd just be rude to dig in before everyone else arrives, right?]


dragons_peak October 9 2011, 06:39:44 UTC
[ An hour plus early? Boy, you crazy.

Your senpai's going to be arriving a little before the scheduled start time, just to be sure that everything's in order and stuff. As a good secretary should, right? ]



squaring October 9 2011, 12:38:05 UTC
[It's important to make a good first impression on any future co-workers!!]

Senpai! Ah, you're a little early. [Not that he's in any way surprised but...]


dragons_peak October 10 2011, 05:39:06 UTC
I am a part of the council, after all. I should be here a bit early at least.

Did you make up your mind? [ In regards to joining, that is. ]


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