: : one perfect day : :

Dec 29, 2007 17:31

Flame Trees - Sarah Blasko

♦ Today I shared a cockpit with the real real Captain Jack Harkness.

Darn backseat pilots! Flew my great uncle back to his home in the A.C.T. & I shoulda' hired a vintage de Havilland Mosquito but 2 things prevented me. 1: Didn't think of it till we were airbourne & 2: Dunno know how to fly one! Still, he found no fault with my skills in the air - my touchdown on the other hand... well, at least he didn't kiss the tarmac! ::grateful::

I worry about my uncle more & more, if he's lonely & the like. He's outlived his lover & most of his friends, his siblings are scattered too far & wide for company. Bray visits regular but he won't be in Canberra forever. My folks'd like him to live with them but he loves his own space, always has. He seemed puzzled by his Christmukkah gift of Torchwood S1. I told him: 'Dude, you are Captain Jack!' Hmmm, there's been a few things in the Who'verse of late that've seemed eerily familiar. I'm beginnin' to wonder if RTD is stalkin' my family! A test, Rusty: Include a blond Tharil (ain't they all?) hitchhiker called Luca in the next series or so & then I'll know to get a restrainin' order! ::paranoid::

Not that I'd need to thumb a ride 'cuz by then, I should have my very own rocket plane! It's tragic really, I desperately wanted to be in the Rocket Racing League next year but I've yet to attain my glider ratin' & the chances of gettin' enough flight hours under by belt by then are < than 0. What's the matter with 'em? Don't they want young & pretty flyboys blazin' up the skies? Handsome pilots bring in all the girls... & some of the boys, just ask Jack! ::dons goggles::
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