: : stick a terrapin on my head & call me Bam Bam : :

Dec 29, 2007 08:19

♦ This week, I have been mostly playin' Sonic the Hedgehog with my dad & drinkin' Bickford's Lemon Cordial. It's wonderful to be young agen, ::thrusts:: Tally ho human! ::parrys::

Um... am I disqualified 'cuz it's Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games on a Wii & the cordial had Vermouth, Vodka & Here-Come-the-Drums-Absinthe in it? Oh well, we all gotta grow up sometime & nostalgia just ain't what it used to be! Time bites us all in the ass end eventually & my old man is proof. I'm pretty sure he's shrunk some over the last couple of years 'cuz he once stood taller than Josh but now I'd reckon they'd be about the same. Gravity is a harsh mistress. ::rubs shin:: So if gettin' gnomeified is my fate, may as well keep playin' video games...

♦ And watchin' Dr Who... Voyage of the Damned. I liked it, for the most part, & the bits I didn't, failed to undermine the whole story like the last episode. The much maligned Power Ranger Angels ascension with Ten to heaven the bridge were naff but coulda' worked if it'd been frantic & dangerous instead of ponderously pompous. At least this time, he didn't swoosh up under his own steam! ::cringes::

The hosts bore an uncanny resemblance to my cousin Hamish, gold skin & all if you count Mardi Gras! They didn't lack menace though & I'm kinda' sad they frisbeeafied the sexy cybernetic engineer. ::hubada hubada:: Folk seem put out with their similarity to the Robots of Death & that's crazy 'cuz it weren't no coincidence. No doubt Mr Copper invested a few quid in robotics after he got dumped on Sol 3. Struth, what is with Ten & hot blondes anyway? After even eyein' up nudist guy in Gridlock, I could be in with a chance! He ain't the messiah, he's just a very naughty Timelord! ::sees sign::

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