(no subject)

Jun 03, 2007 18:59

Title: But It Was an Accident
Author: LttleDvl
Fandom: Power Rangers SPD
Pairing: Z and Bridge
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Nope, I don't own a bit of it; I just like to play around with the characters.
Summary: after stumbling across Z’s emotions, Bridge has to come to terms with his own
Word count: 791

Yep, this story continues! Once again, originally written for MMOM I took a page out of my friend archae_ology's book and wrote in segments. Please enjoy!

Bridge paced the length of his room, his mind reeling at what he’d just experienced. I can’t believe I just stood there and...and spied on her! I must be some kind of pervert, he thought almost bitterly. But it was an accident, a small piece of him spoke up, You didn’t mean for it to happen. Shaking his head at himself, he disagreed, Even so, I shouldn’t have stayed there and continued ‘listening in’.

Though it kept nagging at the back of his head, there was another thought that he refused to let out. The thought of her thinking of him while she did it. He still couldn’t believe it. Out of all the other guys in the Academy, why me? Yah, I like her; I like her a lot actually, but I never thought that she’d have similar feelings for me. And now..., he flopped down on his bed, burying his head in his hands. Oh god, how am I supposed to be able to face her now? Surely she knows what I was doing.

The door hissed slightly as it slid open, but he didn’t notice it. Nor did he realize that someone approached him.

“Bridge? What the heck is going on? Z said you were in her room...,” Sky trailed off as Bridge’s head shot up.

“Z? She said that I...what else did she say?” Bridge asked in a rush.

Sky blinked for a moment, not sure what was prompting his friend. To Sky, it seemed as if the Green Ranger was rather nervous about something.

“Not much. She said you came looking for her and that she found you in her room and that you seemed upset,” Sky looked at him intently, “What’s going on, Bridge?”

“Nothing. I just...encountered something odd, is all.” Bridge stood up and started for the door.

“Where are you going?” Sky asked; his brow furrowing in puzzlement.

“Just out. I need some space to think.” Bridge replied as he scampered away.

What the hell was that all about? Sky wondered.


Bridge wandered through the corridors of the S.P.D. Earth Headquarters, trying to find a quiet spot. Unfortunately, there wasn’t many to be had. He kept walking; not sure where he was headed, but needing to find a quiet place where he could think things through.

His wanderings led him outside to the small park area that butted up against the Academy grounds. He sat down on the soft lawn and idly began to fiddle with a few blades of grass at his feet. What am I going to do? he thought, I can’t just come right out and tell her what I felt; it would be admitting that I invaded her privacy. But it was an accident, that small insistent voice spoke up, Accident or not, it was wrong of me, he sternly shot back.

Besides, if I told her, would it mean that I would also have to admit how her feelings made me feel? It’s so perverted, he thought as he lowered his head down and closed his eyes against the torment of his own emotions. Especially since Z isn’t the only one to have thoughts of others while they’re in the shower...

“Uhn!” Bridge groaned as he dropped his head into his hands. How many times I have been thinking of Z; wishing that she was there while I..., he didn’t allow himself to finish that particular thought, I like her. And I want to be more than just friends with her. But now...how can I face her after what I’ve done? She must think I’m sick.

Bridge continued to just sit there; aimlessly berating himself for his actions.


After she changed into a clean uniform, Z left her room in search of Bridge. She had found the others in their common room, but none of them had seen him in a while. Sky seemed rather suspicious that something strange was going on, but she declined to enlighten him.

Walking along the hallways, she asked a few cadets if they’d spotted the Green Ranger. All of her hopes were dashed until she ran into a younger cadet.

“Yah, I saw him,” the short blond haired child told her, “I think he headed outdoors.”

“Thanks.” Z replied as she went about her way. Bridge, what are you doing? Why are you running away from me? Her thoughts turned dark for a moment. Oh no. What if he picked up on me thinking about him? What if he couldn’t stand the thought of me liking him in such a way? I’ve got to find out!

As she stumbled into the bright sunlight, she spied a familiar figure sitting upon the grass; head hanging down, fingers pressed against his temples. Determined to put things right, she drew in a large breath and approached Bridge quietly.

Part Three: Feelings

fandom, z delgado, mmom, fanfiction, bridge carson

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