(no subject)

Jun 03, 2007 21:48

Title: Misunderstandings
Author: LttleDvl
Fandom: Power Rangers SPD
Pairing: Z and Bridge
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Nope, I don't own a bit of it; I just like to play around with the characters.
Summary: how could they have been so blind...
Word count: 1003

Third part! MMOM again! Please enjoy!

Z sat down quietly on the grass next to Bridge. So far, it seemed as if he hadn’t noticed she was even there. Z was probably the most nervous at that moment than she had been at any other time in her life. Oh man, how do I even start? she thought.

“Bridge?” she asked quietly.

Bridge knew that Z had approached him from behind and was now sitting by him. He hadn’t said anything to acknowledge her presence because he wasn’t sure what to say to her. “Yah, Z?” he replied without opening his eyes.

“Look, I think there’s been some kind of horrible misunderstanding,” Z spoke; drawing in another deep breath in an attempt to settle her nerves, “I wasn’t upset by you being in my room, just startled a bit. It was kind of unexpected, you know?”

Bridge only nodded in response.

Oh god, what did you pick up on? Z wondered. “I’m sorry if I surprised you. It wasn’t any reason for you to go running off though.” She nudged his arm lightly, trying to get him to at least look at her.

Bridge obliged partially by slowly opening his eyes, though he continued to stare at the grass beneath him. “I, uh...,” For the second time that day, Bridge found that he was without words.

“Bridge,” Z turned towards him so that she could see his face a little better, “You said you picked up on something while you were in my room. I’m sure it couldn’t have been that bad. Whatever it was, I’m sorry. I wouldn’t ever want to hurt you.”

Bridge finally looked at her. “There’s nothing for you to feel sorry about. I’m the one who should apologize. I picked up on your feelings and I...,” his cheeks flushed slightly as he continued speaking, “Invaded your privacy. I’m sorry.”

Z smiled at him slightly. “It’s okay. I know you don’t always have control over your powers. Especially when it comes to really strong emotions. Whatever it was you picked up on, I promise it won’t happen again.” Z could feel herself blush.

An odd look crossed Bridge’s face and Z was unable to even guess what he must have been thinking. “You don’t have to do that, Z. I’ll just...make sure I keep my distance. I wouldn’t want to...,”

Unable to continue, Bridge began rise up as if he were going to leave. Z reached out and snagged his hand with her own. “Bridge; don’t! Please don’t leave it like this.” She closed her eyes for a moment; willing her edginess back down. “I know what it was you picked up on. And I know it must have made you upset to realize that I...,”

Bridge quickly pulled himself back down by her. “Z, no; that’s not it. I thought that once you realized what I picked up on that...,” he lowered his head back down before continuing, “That you’d think I’m some kind of pervert. Listening in on others during a private moment.”

Z noted that the tops of his ears had turned a deep rose color. Z chuckled slightly; causing Bridge to look back up at her, with a perplexed look on his face.

“Bridge, I highly doubt that you spend your time hovering outside of people’s showers on purpose. You may be a bit odd perhaps, but perverted? Definitely not,” she looked intently into his eyes for a moment, “So...that whole thing. What I was thinking about; that doesn’t bother you?”

Bridge shook his head. “No. Why would it? In a way, I’m rather flattered,” his cheeks flushed a tad further.

“Really?” Z was genuinely surprised, “I thought that with the way you ran off, you were horrified by the idea. Besides, if either of us is a perv here, it’s me. How many people think dirty thoughts of someone else while they’re showering?”

“Uh...you’d be surprised,” Bridge stammered. At this point, Z was sure that every bit of blood in Bridge’s body had relocated to his face.

She chuckled again slightly. “Are you serious? You?”

Bridge nodded, as Z discovered that not quite all of Bridge’s blood supply had made it during the first migration.

“Oh my gosh. This is almost funny,” she turned serious for a moment, “Can I ask...”

“You.” Bridge spoke quietly, resolutely staring at the grass between them.

Z was stunned. Bridge...like me?? When did this happen? And more importantly; why did I not ever notice it before? She looked back on a few moments when Bridge had been around her. Staring over her shoulder while she read a book; the sly looks he had given her when Syd had talked about her birthday. A few others that Z had never noted until this moment.

A few side glances here and there; a quick look over his shoulder; the quirky smile he had given her when Cruger first made her a part of B-Squad. Suddenly, it all made sense. Bridge must have had a crush on her ever since she arrived at the academy. Roughly the same time that Z had begun to develop one for him.

“Bridge,” she spoke his name softly and he slowly raised his head back up to look at her, “I don’t understand why I never saw it before.” Bridge arched an eyebrow in response. “Of course, the same could be said about you. Especially since you’re the psychic," she jabbed a mock accusatory finger at him, "I’d think you of all people would know if someone liked you.”

Bridge’s other eyebrow rose up to join the first. “If someone liked me? Huh?”

“Don’t you get it, you big goof? You have feelings for me and I have them for you. The question is; what are we going to do about it?”

“Um...I don’t know?” Bridge replied sheepishly.

Z just shook her head at him, chuckling. “You really are strange, aren’t you?”

Bridge began to shrug slightly but stopped when Z suddenly leaned forward and placed a tender kiss on his lips.

Part Four: Getting Even

fandom, z delgado, mmom, bridge carson

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