(no subject)

Jun 03, 2007 17:18

Title: An Intrusion
Author: LttleDvl
Fandom: Power Rangers SPD
Pairing: Z and Bridge
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Nope, I don't own a bit of it; I just like to play around with the characters.
Summary: yah, it has a shower scene...
Word count: 1113

This short story I originally wrote for the LJ community MMOM Which stands for 'merry month of masturbation'. Don't worry, I didn't get that 'squicky' with this story, otherwise I wouldn't have rated it as I did. Please enjoy!

Z dropped her soiled uniform into the hamper before turning on the shower. She never could understand why some people would climb in first then start the water. You could never tell if you’d get hit with an icy blast or a scorching.

As she ran her fingers under the water she pulled them back quickly. “Syd,” she muttered under her breath. The Pink Ranger was known to indulge in extremely long showers, but the problem was that by the time she was through, the water would have turned cold and to compensate, Syd would crank the shower to the hottest setting.

Meaning that the next time it was used, the person in the shower would be scalded. And of course that next person always happened to be Z. She grumbled at her roommate as she re-adjusted the temperature setting, bringing it down to a nice soothing warmth. Z didn’t like really hot showers like Jack, nor could she stand cold ones like Sky. He had argued that it was more efficient that way; less waste of resources plus if one took cold showers; they would be quick ones thus ensuring a speedier return to duty. When he had delved this bit of wisdom, all the rest of the rangers had looked at him like he was nuts.

Poor Bridge, Z thought. He must go through the same thing I do, just in reverse. I would imagine that every time he takes a shower, the water probably feels like it came straight from the artic.

Sighing, she stepped into the shower, still thinking about her teammates. I’m so glad we got upgraded quarters. No more having to stand in open shower stalls surrounded by other people. Z never admitted it, but it had always made her a tad bit uncomfortable being that exposed. Sharing with just one person is much better. At least Syd and I aren’t showering at the same time anymore. God, I can’t stand the thought of showering with someone else. Although; there is one person I can think of that I wouldn’t mind so much...


Bridge tapped on the door to the girls’ room, but got no response. “Z?” he called. He knew the Yellow Ranger had returned to her quarters after the last battle. They all had briefly; after dealing with that last slimy monster, they all felt the need to be clean. Sky for once had allowed Bridge to use their shower first, something Bridge was immensely grateful for.

They had only been in the new quarters a few weeks and so it still hadn’t quite sunk fully into Bridge’s head yet about Sky’s cold showers. Several times already, he had hopped right in only to be met by the frigid water. Bridge jokingly swore to Sky that he could see icicles forming on the shower walls. Maybe that’s why he let me go first, Bridge mused. He didn’t want me making any more cracks about his shower habits in front of the others.

As Bridge prepared to tap on the door once more, it slid open. Blinking in surprise, he stuck his head in and peered around the room. “Z?” Not seeing her, he stepped in. This is the only drawback to the larger quarters, he thought; in our old ones you could immediately see if someone was in here or not. He began to wander around a bit, trying to spot his teammate.

As he approached the wall next to the door for the bathroom, the sound of running water greeted his ears. Oh, she must still be in the shower. “Uh-oh,” he mumbled. I’d better get out before she comes in here and spots me; she’d probably kill me for being in her room while she was in there. He began to back away slowly, placing his hand on the wall to guide himself as he walked backwards. He stopped suddenly as he was overwhelmed by a strong set of feelings.

His eyes widened in shock, jaw hanging open slightly as Z’s emotions continued to flood through him. He closed his eyes tightly, trying to regain control and force them out. He could feel what Z was doing while she was in the shower; the strength of her passion was beginning to heat up his own. As he continued to fight it, a bit more of Z’s feelings stole in; she wasn’t just letting her mind wander, she was thinking of someone in particular as she did it. He got an even bigger shock when he realized that she was thinking of him.

Utterly speechless and unable to move, Bridge shook slightly as he placed his forehead against the wall. He could hardly keep his own arousal in check anymore. He fought it back down, though it took every once of strength he had.


Humming slightly and feeling fully refreshed, Z stepped out of the shower. She wrapped a towel around herself and stepped out of the bathroom, and nearly jumped out of her skin when she saw Bridge leaning against the wall, eyes squinted shut and breathing heavily.

“Bridge?” she stepped up to him and tugged his arm lightly, “Are you okay?”

“Huh?” he jerked his head off the wall and snapped his eyes open, glancing down at the shorter girl. His cheeks turned an interesting shade of pink when he realized that she was only donning a towel.

“Uh...Z...I...um...,” Bridge found that he was suddenly incapable of speech.

Z stared at him a bit more intently, wondering what was going on. It wasn’t often Bridge was at a loss for words. “I asked if you were okay. You seemed like you were struggling against something there. What was it? And why are you in my room?”

Bridge let go of the wall and took a step back away from her. “I was...I was looking for you. And the door opened. And I came in, thinking you must have opened it and then I realized you were in the shower, so I was leaving, but I got hit with these feelings and I...,” he stopped himself short as his face flushed an even brighter crimson, “I...I’m sorry!” He turned quickly on his heels and all but ran from the room.

“Bridge!” Z called after him, but he kept going. Z looked back at the wall where he had been leaning against it. She gingerly ran her fingers along the spot where Bridge had his forehead pressed. He picked up on something? she thought, I wonder what? Realization dawned on her as she suddenly thought about what lay on the opposite side of that wall; her shower. Oh my god, I wonder how much he picked up.

Part Two: Guilt

fandom, z delgado, mmom, fanfiction, bridge carson

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