Aug 19, 2014 20:23
So I almost managed to finish writing the next chapter in my fic, but life happened. We did some travel for summer vacation and then there was getting Katie back to school. She has seemingly entered a new realm of defiant lately, so that's been sucking a lot of energy out of me. I have one chapter that's back from beta and the one I had to seriously rework that I did outline most of before I get back into stuff that was previously written. Of course after another couple of chapters I'll need to rework the back end of the story due to various changes that have been made to the plot along the way.
What I really need is Prof McGonagall to stand sternly over me and make me work on the story rather than futz around with whatever. I had hoped Monday would be a good day, but I don't know what happened. First day of school he decided not to nap and I honestly have no idea what I did on Friday that prevented me from working on anything. Today was early release day so he didn't nap before Katie came home, but honestly, not an issue since she was in so much trouble she was banished upstairs all afternoon. Today should have been the day to knock something out. Now, it's time for Erik to go to bed and for reasons I can't explain, I'm beat.
I have the relevant files open so maybe I'll take a look at something. Or more likely plop upstairs with the ipad and play silly games with a movie on I've seen a dozen times. I should try to work on Chapter 27 upstairs. I have the keyboard and first draft stuff is easy to do on the iPad. I find editing works better if you have access to a mouse/touchpad and not a touchscreen.