Sep 09, 2014 18:32
So, I'm going to try to recruit my daughter. At 7 I think she's ready. I love Ten the most and was thinking of starting there, but then I started thinking about how the Christmas Invasion might not make that much sense. I could start with New Earth. I did also consider just starting from Nine because that's how I saw it and it leads to less questions.
I eventually want to catch up on the Matt Smith episodes, but there is a selfish part of me that doesn't want to risk my kids imprinting on Eleven as their doctor. LOL I've seen a couple of episodes and enjoyed the episodes but am still on the fence about Matt. I also need to see about watching the new ones on the DVR. J will be gone next week so that would be a good time to do it since he has no interest in Doctor Who, which is a shame because I think he would enjoy it, but he's got a bit of an anti-British sentiment when it comes to TV. I think he saw some of the older, campier episodes and never really was able to look past the low budget effects, which of course the new incarnations do not have.
So the question is Nine or Ten? Though I may skip Blink and possibly Silence in the Library/Forest of the Damned, though those were not near as terrifying as Blink - which I started watching around 9:30pm one night and had to turn off until it was daylight outside so I didn't have nightmares and I was 34 when I watched that. Don't need to scar my 7 year old.