As promised I bring the rest of the SNAFU pictures :) This post is mainly going to have some rambling from my geek out session with other Durarara!! fans and my limited swag I came home with.
Sunday September 11:
So Sunday I didn't really have any big plans to do anything at the con other than go to Darrel Guilbeau's Durarara!! panel he was doing by himself at 2pm. When I first got the schedule for SNAFU I had to laugh when I saw the day and time of the panel cause the DRRR!! AX panel was on Sunday at the same time. So Sunday I let myself sleep in and went to the con so I just had a half hour to kill before the panel. I ended up getting to hang out with a group of DRRR!! cosplayers, one of them I had to get a picture of though cause it's the first time I'v eseen this character cosplayed, to see who, look below.
First up we have the most awesome Anri (Durarara!!) cosplayer ever :D I took this picture when we were all waiting outside the room Darrel's panel was going to be since there was a panel in it before. She was so good that Darrel, who plays Mikado who is one of the two guys that see Anri as a love interest in the show, kept pausing in his panel to go "god you look so much like Anri!" He even asked the audience if anyone else there knew the cosplayer in real life just to make sure she didn't walk out of the tv :)
Darrel's panel actually had a better turn out then I was afraid he would, the room was about half full, and while some people were taking pictures I decided to snap one. Unfortunately I got a really odd look on his face - which I apologize greatly for because Darrel is actually really cute in person. Really short, but really cute XD I only took this picture and one other during the panel - mainly because of the room being small and I really was just enjoying the panel. He talked a little about his work and how he got into voice acting then spent the whole panel just having a dialogue with us. He said he wanted to be able to hear feedback from us and answer any questions, just something easy and friendly :)
Also I have to add when he saw the Anri cosplayer his first thing was "oh, well I guess I'm going to have to ask Anri to marry me right?" With such a small group I managed to ask him a question during the panel :D I asked him if there was another character he wishes he could have read for since voice actors sometimes just get called in and given people to read rather than go in and they pick someone to read for. He said he was called in for Mikado and Masomi (his character's best friend) but he was honestly happy with Mikado because he could relate to him the most since he was like Mikado when he was younger. So yay! I thought it was a cute answer :)
One of the other questions he got asked that really made me giggle though was he was asked his thoughts on the Shizuo & Izaya slash pairing. He kinda laughed and said that all he would say is that when there's that much hate between two people and you fight that much, doesn't it make you wonder what other feelings are there? I'm not really a Shizuo or Izaya slasher (even though I have a few doujinshi) but I definitely see why people go that route.
So this is when Darrel was actually acting as Mikado and he asked the Anri cosplayer to get up and act with him. Again *face palm* I got a very awkward picture of Darrel but it was extremely cute. I've already heard Darrel do a marriage proposal as Mikado at AX and he was asked to do one on Saturday at the voice actor panel I went to - but it was just so different with him walking around and being animated doing it :)
After the panel was over Darrel said he would be more than happy to sign autographs and pose in pictures and just talk with us - have I mentioned how cool this guy is? And unlike Saturday I, being in fan girl mode, did remember to take one of my other art cards from my DVDs :D So I waited in line and when it got to me I told Darrel I remembered something today and he laughed and asked me if I had a preference for where he signed, when I said no he signed on the front and shook his head. The pen was being picky so he asked me if he could sign on the back too - not really minding I told him he could do what he wanted and that I wasn't picky. Well he signed the back and personalized it then asked if I had any special request, which I shook my head (hey, I realize I'm not a normal fangirl okay?), he asked "really?" then turned the card over so it had the artwork side up and asked "how about this?" and kissed the front of the card over his character. The girls around me all squealed and I have to admit, it was pretty amusing XD Although I also had the same girls asking me where I got the card and they seemed surprised when I said the DVD set since I was asked if it was the English set. Apparently not many people have actually invested in owning the series yet *face palm*
After autographs Darrel really wanted to pose with the cosplayers that were in the audience so we all went out into the hallway to do pictures. Unfortunately mine weren't the best they could have been, mainly because people weren't taking pictures then moving out of the way to let other people get a good shot. But I at least got a few. The girl with the pink hair in this shot was cosplaying the girl that Izaya stomps on her cell phone early in the series, Darrel said he felt horrible for taking the cosplayers to act it out to realize who she was.
Darrel with Anri.
And them trying to do an action shot to look like Mikado was dragging Anri away from a fight :)
After all the fun from Darrel's panel was over I kind of did my last rounds of the con - looked at the vendor room and artist alley one last time - watched some of the cosplayers milling around, then decided I was good with the con being over and went home, gave myself some of my Sunday to myself :) Last year the con was only 2 days so this year being the first to have a 3rd day there weren't as many people or events going on. But all in all with this only being the 2nd year this con was going on, there has already been a vast improvement.
Now to show off the goods I brought home. My loot is definitely not as vast as going to AX but I still managed to get a couple things to add to the insane fandom collections, and of course, more art :D
From left to right: Izaya from Durarara!! (so excited about finding this at the con cause it was WAY cheaper than I paid for my Shizuo or Celty), Fullmetal Alchemist Edward figure (from the new movie), Chii plush (from Chii's Sweet Home), and a new Uglydoll Picksey.
Now some goodies from the artist alley. The two buttons are by the same artist, first up a Celty & Shinra from Durarara!! and Watanuki & Doumeki from xxxHolic :D Then the two charms I bought from an artist I got some prints from as well, the first is the symbol from Fullmetal Alchemist for the homunclus and then the other is the Dollars symbol from Durarara!!
Two of the prints I bought from the seller I got the necklace charms from. First is Soul Eater with Maka & Soul and then Celty from Durarara!!
The third print I got is from Darker Than Black (and side note - so excited the next season comes out next month *g*).
Darrel signatures up next. First I have the front of my con badge on the left and the front of the art card Darrel signed from my DRRR!! volume 2 DVD set.
And the back with the signatures :)
And finally Edward and Izaya out of their boxes. Right now they have joined a shelf with figures from their respective series :)
Please do not hotlink.
And that be it :) Hopefully this wasn't too boring and apologies for taking a week to get them up *face palm*