✪ TRAPPED! Ofuda River of Memories✪ [Video] (Backdated to early afternoon)

Aug 23, 2009 19:58

[The feed cuts in and Cube's big blue eyes are all that is seen for a split second before he pulls away, the background coming into view... as well as a scale that is currently resting upon his head. The lighting isn't too bright, but it's clear the room he's in is smaller than most.]




!medicine seller plot, invisible barrier is invisible, omg ofuda, scared of flying paper river, anemone, stuck in the closet, help!

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Comments 70

ksuriuri_san August 25 2009, 00:31:51 UTC
[Oh, he wasn't alone. It would almost seem as if the closet became... larger? Or at least feel like it. Each eye on the ofuda staring at Cube, watching every little thing he did.

It was only the sweet scent of blooming flowers and burning cinnamon that betrayed the Others presence there.

A bright gold, shimmering figure, its own stare just as unblinking as the impossible amount of ofuda that filled the closet.]


loyal_cube August 25 2009, 01:47:27 UTC
[Clenching tightly to his communicator, he opened his eyes and looked down upon the floor. His breath drew from his lungs as he recognized the familiar color of liquid running along the floor, inching closer to his feet... which to him appeared as dark purple paws. Cube instantly withdrew from his current footing and looked dead ahead. He knew this room. He knew this castle. He knew this place very well... he had buried it within his memories but here it was again... and as tainted as ever.

The demon's stomach tightened and twisted as his eyes fell upon familiar corpse of his mistress' mother. A trail of blood seemed to almost connect reach out to him. Trembling. His breath caught back up with him, working overtime, heavy yet quick breaths filled him with panic. He turned behind him at the doors, his mind racing. One thought. One word.



Ojousama ( ... )


ksuriuri_san August 25 2009, 02:11:12 UTC
[And through it all, the scene never once cut, and the barrier never lifted, keeping both Cube, and his otherworldly audience right where they all were, thousands upon hundred of eyes, and a single, unwavering pair, watching every second of each horrible moment. All with the distance of someone who was merely observing some work of fiction... or a silent judge looking over a defendant.

It was only after that scene, when it all faded to those staring eyes, that there was a sound.

Cloth sliding together, the chime of a small bell.

And here the being stood, suddenly there with the simple blink of an eye.

Looking down in silence at the weeping being upon the floor.]


loyal_cube August 25 2009, 02:22:24 UTC
[The chime caused the small demon servant to jolt out of his daze. Slowly, his body still slumped, he looked up to the shimmering gold being before him, accompanied by a single scale. His lips parted but no sound came from him at first. Just gazed upon the seeming unrealistic form. His presence made Cube's already trembling heart to shake more.]



hakai_aniki August 25 2009, 03:27:50 UTC
You... what?!


loyal_cube August 25 2009, 05:15:16 UTC
[Cube's voice seems oddly serious, not sad and definitely not sparkly]

I was trapped... in Anemone's closet... by an unknown force.

However, a man came...

I'm alright now.


hakai_aniki August 25 2009, 05:27:19 UTC
You were trapped in a closet? Hah! How do you get yourself into these situations?


loyal_cube August 25 2009, 05:35:31 UTC
I was cleaning it...

When else have I been stuck in a closet?

This situation was... different...


wears_a_torc August 25 2009, 12:46:18 UTC
[Back ground noise betrays the fact that Knuckles is outside, and is running.]



[After OS MS] loyal_cube August 25 2009, 22:49:57 UTC

I'm alright... I'm not... harmed.


wears_a_torc August 26 2009, 14:30:38 UTC
[The footsteps slow down, but don't stop.]

What happened?


[Locked] loyal_cube August 27 2009, 00:01:15 UTC
Someone... or something... used some kind of scolls to seal me in the closet... and...

... Knuckles-san remember when I told him about the Demon rebellion? It wasas if... I relived that night... where the Master was murdered and... I had to run away with the mistress... I...

[His voice breaks]
I couldn't do anything else... the man... who showed me my memories... he seemed lost... he asked me what I was... I said a demon servant... he seemed to disagree... he called me a "guardian" but...

I... I feel ... like I should have done more... somehow...


cozmic_travel August 25 2009, 17:26:46 UTC
Hmm... I'll need to speak with Pharmacist-san when this is over...


loyal_cube August 25 2009, 22:48:34 UTC
I don't know if it was him, Sensei...

The man I met looked similar but... he didn't feel like the same person...

... even though Scale-san was there...


cozmic_travel August 26 2009, 05:38:14 UTC
If anyone would know anything, he would.


loyal_cube August 26 2009, 05:41:06 UTC
... hai.

[A moment passes before he speak again]

Sorry to worry you, sensei.


ohgod why am I late for everything ever /fail latteheart August 26 2009, 00:26:08 UTC


This post was late so, ITS OK! WE FAIL TOGETHER *FAILHUG* loyal_cube August 26 2009, 00:40:28 UTC

I'm alright. I just ...

...was frightened. I'm not hurt.


latteheart August 26 2009, 01:02:20 UTC
A-ah...are you sure? It sounded like...What happened? What were those things?


[Locked] loyal_cube August 26 2009, 01:14:06 UTC
I... I'm not sure... paper scrolls?

All I remember was... well... I was back in my home world... on a night I thought I... I... could forget.

I'm not quite sure if what I saw really happened... maybe it was a dream?


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