✪ TRAPPED! Ofuda River of Memories✪ [Video] (Backdated to early afternoon)

Aug 23, 2009 19:58

[The feed cuts in and Cube's big blue eyes are all that is seen for a split second before he pulls away, the background coming into view... as well as a scale that is currently resting upon his head. The lighting isn't too bright, but it's clear the room he's in is smaller than most.]




!medicine seller plot, invisible barrier is invisible, omg ofuda, scared of flying paper river, anemone, stuck in the closet, help!

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loyal_cube August 25 2009, 01:47:27 UTC
[Clenching tightly to his communicator, he opened his eyes and looked down upon the floor. His breath drew from his lungs as he recognized the familiar color of liquid running along the floor, inching closer to his feet... which to him appeared as dark purple paws. Cube instantly withdrew from his current footing and looked dead ahead. He knew this room. He knew this castle. He knew this place very well... he had buried it within his memories but here it was again... and as tainted as ever.

The demon's stomach tightened and twisted as his eyes fell upon familiar corpse of his mistress' mother. A trail of blood seemed to almost connect reach out to him. Trembling. His breath caught back up with him, working overtime, heavy yet quick breaths filled him with panic. He turned behind him at the doors, his mind racing. One thought. One word.




The room soon peeled away to reveal a medieval style bedroom, quiet and serene. The loyal protector trotted over, paw after paw, to the bedside. His gaze upon the window, watching the light flicker from the flames below. Taking a more human form, he peeked out, upon the hoard of demons that swarmed the castle, many screaming and hailing a single man... holding a disembodied head.

The master's head.

Backing away, slowly. Tears fought within his eyes. Now's not the time. Now's not the time to cry. Stop. Think. Why hadn't he been there. Why couldn't he have saved anyone.

But there was someone else...


Turning to the bedside, a young blond child rested, starting to stir from the noises of rebellion outside. He leaned over her, apologizing softly as he pat his hand upon her forehead, releasing a slumber spell upon her... whispers filled the room, then his mind.

She will die soon.

He shook his head and slipped his arms under her. There was still hope. Still something he could do. Something he'd have to live with for the rest of his life. Holding the young girl close, she wasn't much shorter then himself yet her innocence was much more apparent. Cube stood there a moment looking upon his mistress innocent face, the flames from outside lighting it like a painting. He Spread his wings and faced the sky outside the window.]

Madariatsa Das Perifairu Kabisa...

[Slowly a spiral of light opened in the sky. Blue and offsetting he fire below. The scene peeled away again, as Cube took flight towards it. His face focused yet he cried. He cried inside not looking down. Up. Hope. He landed, the girl fading from his arms and reappeared standing in a modern bedroom.

Was this all he could do? Was this all there was? Fleeing. Running. That's all there was. Feeling. Running. It's all he did. Feeling. Running.

No. He had to protect the mistress.

Fleeing. Running.

The scenes peeled back faster and faster, revealing the girl again, the times changing, the girl aging. Cube fighting demons along side her. A dragon fell from a blast from his fire ball.

Ojousama is most important.

Fleeing. Running. Hiding.

He slain so many demons and fairies just to keep in hiding.

Fleeing. Running. Hiding. Fighting.

And when it was over...

It wasn't over. It never was over. He never saw her marry the prince. No. He woke in Discedo. He smiled. He laughed. He was with Friends and Family he thought he lost... thought were a dream. Johnny. He was with Johnny again. He let himself forget. Cube even pretended to not be what he was. Hiding, letting his new life blanket his past but the past could not change.

Cube slid down to the floor. His gaze looked empty as tears streamed down his face, his posture resembling a forgotten doll. Did he truely do the best he could? Did she really grow up happy or did she just grow up to stop a war?

He felt surrounded by those he protected and those he failed to do so. Each of his mistresses standing around him.

Did he do the right thing?]



ksuriuri_san August 25 2009, 02:11:12 UTC
[And through it all, the scene never once cut, and the barrier never lifted, keeping both Cube, and his otherworldly audience right where they all were, thousands upon hundred of eyes, and a single, unwavering pair, watching every second of each horrible moment. All with the distance of someone who was merely observing some work of fiction... or a silent judge looking over a defendant.

It was only after that scene, when it all faded to those staring eyes, that there was a sound.

Cloth sliding together, the chime of a small bell.

And here the being stood, suddenly there with the simple blink of an eye.

Looking down in silence at the weeping being upon the floor.]


loyal_cube August 25 2009, 02:22:24 UTC
[The chime caused the small demon servant to jolt out of his daze. Slowly, his body still slumped, he looked up to the shimmering gold being before him, accompanied by a single scale. His lips parted but no sound came from him at first. Just gazed upon the seeming unrealistic form. His presence made Cube's already trembling heart to shake more.]



ksuriuri_san August 25 2009, 02:34:24 UTC
[The single scale tipped down, one little arm pointing directly at Cube. The golden beings ember like eyes hardly regarded the tiny object.

When he spoke, his voice... His voice was a low, ethereal rumble, a sound that seemd to course right through the earth itself]

What... are you?


loyal_cube August 25 2009, 02:47:01 UTC
[The Butler's breath escaped him again and right when he was asked... ordered to answer. He swallowed air, trying to regain his loss of words. He bowed his head and upper torso out of instinct before the strange entity before him. All Cube could imagine was this was some kind of god... come to punish him... or was he? As soon as he found his breath again he answered.]
I am a demon, sir. A demon butler... a steward... a servant for the gods and all who they entrust me to.


ksuriuri_san August 25 2009, 02:51:59 UTC
[He stood there, silent, and exceedingly patient, as Cube tried to answer. The bow was not met with any sort of recognition, only the answer would prompt a reaction from the being.]


A guardian. [Never posed as a question. From what he could see quite clearly from the scenes before, that much was obvious to him.

A servant of the gods, was it?]


loyal_cube August 25 2009, 03:05:26 UTC
[Cube's shoulders jumped. That's it. He forgot that one. He was a guardian, wasn't he? The guardian repositioned himself until he was sitting on his knees, too weak from the energy he expelled from reliving his terrible memory to stand. His eyes focused more now, tears no longer blurring his vision. This man looked familiar but felt very much otherworldly. He swallowed again, attempting to speak more clearly.]

Hai. That I am. May I ask the same of you, sir? What are you and why...

[his voice trickled off. He wasn't sure what to truely ask of this being. It was almost as if he could see into the steward's soul. That gaze. Cube looked away, as impolite as it was... he closed his eyes and bowed his head]


ksuriuri_san August 25 2009, 03:11:41 UTC
[Of course, due to the lack of communication between The Medicine Seller and this strange, glowing being, he hadn't any idea that his... other soul? Keeper? The Gods only knew what the connection was, but still, he hadn't any clue that Cube and The Medicine Seller had ever spoken with each other.

The question only prompted a thin lipped smile from the being... And no answer, of course.

At least, no answer that would fully satisfy such a question.]

I have been summoned here...

And yet I cannot... find the reason why.


loyal_cube August 25 2009, 03:28:51 UTC
[As tense as his shoulders were, upon hearing those words, they eased a little.]
You're not here to rid me for all the wrong I've done to those of Mazoku Blood? Are you...



[Cube tried to push himself off the floor but his legs still felt heavy. He didn't know why but he wanted to help... despite how fast his heart was racing]

So, you are lost... Who summoned you here?


ksuriuri_san August 25 2009, 03:51:46 UTC
[Frankly, he could care less what demons did among themselves. If demons chose to kill their kin, it hardly disrupted what he held sway over.]

The sword... is the only thing... that is capable of bringing me here.

[Indeed, at his side was the sword itself, the fanged oni faced grinning at Cube from where it was]

It must be drawn...

And yet...

There is nothing that would require such an act here.

[He sounded... somewhat irritated.]


loyal_cube August 25 2009, 04:02:35 UTC
[Cube tried to piece his words together but it wasn't making much sense to him. Was the sword his master? That seemed a big reversed, didn't it?]

Surely there must be a reason for you to be here, sir. ...

[After looking around, the demon took a breath before pushing himself off the floor, wobbly at first but standing no less. Still, the man before him was much taller and looming. His voice shook a little at the irritation]

Well, uh... w-what does it require?


ksuriuri_san August 25 2009, 04:28:52 UTC
[Of course, he'd get no explanation from the gold being.]

Then it is not here.

[Though indicated by the scale, Cube was as far removed at this moment from a mononoke than a human was]

... Something... that you would be better off... never seeing arrive here.

[He left it at that, the scale that was pointing to Cube suddenly... vanishing]


loyal_cube August 25 2009, 04:45:12 UTC

[Cube reached out to the golden figure]



Was it you who brought those memories back? Did you.... summon them?

[He slowly brought his hand back to himself.]


ksuriuri_san August 25 2009, 04:52:47 UTC
[He paused, though his form was already starting to dissolve along with the now vanishing ofuda]

... It was.

[No riddles or roundabout talk with that, at least. Well, he hardly saw a reason to extend it that far.

It didn't look like there was much time left. Each vanishing ofuda made the golden glow dimmer and dimmer, even those ember eyes starting to fade out.]


loyal_cube August 25 2009, 05:08:10 UTC
[As they faded, Cube couldn't gather words to say... not even a formal goodbye to the strange being. All he did was bow to him, still very confused and lost. On top of that, his memories were still fresh in his mind.

What kind of summon was that?]


[The demon watched as the last of the magical paper faded with their master, standing in the room alone again. Odd. Now that he was free... he didn't really want to leave. It was then he spoke.]



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