(no subject)

Aug 01, 2006 00:31

Hi :)
I've been a member of this community for some time already, I've even posted a few times, but I still haven't written any "official" introduction ;) So, here it is now :)
My existence as a GO fan expresses itself in an urge to: a. write fanfiction, and b. draw fanarts, and while I still don't value my arts highly enough to show them to anybody, I've written a few drabbles (or something like this, as they are usually longer than 100 words) which I value a bit higher ;) One of them is

Title: Falling
Rating: G
Word length: 173
Disclaimer: everything belongs to Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman
Summary: Can there be love for demons?

Demons weren’t capable of loving. Love belonged to angels, and the demons’ domain was hatred and fire and everything wicked.

Angels radiated warmth, a lot of warmth, in every possible meaning of this word.

Demons radiated warmth too, a lot of warmth, just enough of warmth to make you die screaming.

Angel’s heart was the symphony of soothing and forgiveness.

Demon’s heart was a trap.

Demons existed to be the mockery of those, who they were before they’d fallen.

Fallen angels.

This could suggest there were some remains of angels in them. Wrong. There weren’t any. Of course, the attitude of a rebel and outsider was a very efficient means of the acquisition of new souls. Humans were so naive.

In fact, you wouldn’t be able to be a demon if there was still anything angelic left in you. Becoming a demon by definition meant that you had nothing but evil in your heart - if you still had one at all. Falling meant that you won’t love ever again.


Not sauntering vaguely downwards.

angst, crowley, drabble, gen, fic

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