Breaking Akihito ch7

Apr 13, 2007 04:16

Title: Breaking Akihito ch 7

Author: Lovingly_Sadist

Pairing: AsamixAkihito

Rating: R

Disclaimer: Not the mama! Not the Mama!

In the months after their attempted assassination the treatment of Akihito had been the hardest. His head, arms, and legs were strapped to a chair and then attached to a machine monitoring his heart rate and brain waves. His eyes where held open by retractors, but he was not asleep. His body was just shut down, and his screams quieted--mostly because his voice was gone. He was very resistant when it came to changing his persona from Asami's "whore" back to mild -mannered, troublesome photographer, however, he was very receptive to suggestion. His inner turmoil's made it virtually impossible to work through the chemical changes in his mind. So they suggested. They tweaked, pushed, pampered, and brainwashed. Also, they rehashed traumatizing events; past and present humiliations; fears and demons; and bad habits. Ultimately, they broke the boy into three pieces. It had taken months, and even still they weren't so sure whether they had it.

As the "The Good Doctor" broke the news to Asami and explained that he could not visit Akihito at the moment, Asami tried to not break the "The Good Doctor." When the "The Good Doctor" woke up in one of his own hospital beds the "Good Nurse" informed him that Asami was not pleased.

A week later Asami was granted visitation.

Asami walked in his office at Sion to finish paper work before heading to the hospital. He felt the boys presence. He looked around. There was only him. He sniffed the air. He could smell him. He looked under his desk, in the closet, and under the couch, no hiding surprise. There is a letter on the coffee table. It was wet and sticky, "Eww." He smelled it.. "Akihito.... So I'm not losing my mind, and from the condition of this letter you are ready for me." Asami flew out of the office.

"Is this as fast as this car can go." The car lurched forward.

Asami was positively crawling out of his skin with anticipation. When they finally arrived at his mansion he didn't wait for the driver to open his door. Before the driver came to a complete stop he lept out in almost a run, up the steps into the entrance slamming the door. The driver was dumbfounded.

He'd expected to be led to the hospital by Yamata instead he was led to the small dojo in the gardens . He was informed that Akihito had taken to learning self-defense and was quite adept at some things. As they neared the dojo Asami could hear the soft thud of a fight. His pulse quickened, he'd never seen his boy in action like this. Then he heard a yell.. pushed past Yamata running into the dojo.

He burst into the dojo, "Akihito", was on his lips... he bit back the urge to say it, but he remember the instructions on the letter.

" Asami-sempai. Akihito-chan is ready to meet you. However you must not speak his name yet. The Akihito you will meet now is your willing "pet". But nothing like the real Akihito.

Asami stared blankly as the smell of Akihito's labor washes over him, he clumsily tries to think of a name to call him, "hey boy" just doesn't seem to be dignified enough..

"Hey brat, who gave you permission to go tearing up My dojo, Beating up My guards and making an ass of yourself."

" Ah, so you came. I wondered how long it would take you.. Hmm for some reason you're not as tall as I remember." Akihito walked closer grimacing as he measured Asami up.

" That�s because you like to be on top. You spend a lot of time there." He lights a cigarette.

"So I'm the Seme to an old man, how disgusting." He stands toe to toe to Asami. And if Asami didn't know any better he would swear the boy was testing him.

" It seems to me you've lost your memory. How about you bend over and I pound it back into you." He smirked.

"Asshole." Akihito took a swing at Asami.

Asami easily side stepped the beginner back hand, "Since I've spent so much time in yours, I guess you could call me a product of my environment." He smirked, this was new.

Asami feigns anger when he grabs Akihito by his wrists spinning the boy until his chest is against the boys back. He growled into Akihito's ear, "You have forgotten your place my kawaii.... kawaii pet."

Thus entered the New Akihito. The Akihito that Asami and the "The Good Doctor" built.



The Butcher

"Ah! Asami-sama how nice to see you," the man rasped as he slid down the face of the cement column in a parking garage.

A soft chuckle came from the form in the shadow leaning against the limousine. The figure drew on a cigarette, " You are sadly mistaken Motsabura-san. Would you like to know who your reaper is." Akihito steps into the light. He smiled broadly. "I'm going to enjoy torturing you slowly. Matsabura-saan. However I would like to thank you for the ...ummm...lets call it the "relationship help" that Asami and I needed. Without you... I don't think we would have ever come to our senses." Akihito chuckled as he reached into his breast pocket.

The man looked on in shocked horror.. The photographer. He looked like a teenager, all smiles, eyes and hair. Nothing like the most trusted assassin in Asami's organization. An adrenaline junky gone mad and it was all his fault. How could he have ever thought he and his conspirators could get away with it.

The money soon proved not to be enough. There was nowhere for anyone to hide and japan soon lost one thousand men, women and children in what would have been Asami's revenge....if it hadn't been for Akihito. Akihito demanded the extinction of bloodlines. Entire family trees where cut down. Tens of thousands of lives lost.

Such is the love for Akihito that Asami assigned Akihito his own men - ones who wouldn't flinch at blowing a babies eyes out of its head. In return Akihito was Asami's forever. He gladly referred to himself as Asami's dog. Not a bitch.. a ravenous, blood thirsty, pitbull and with only a look from Asami Akihito would not rest until he brought the throat of whomever dared displease his lover. His Master.

"Aww, Matsabura-saaan. Tsk, why the tears. I simply want you to be reunited with your family. I know!... those are tears of joy. Well hasn't anyone told you that when you are joyful you are supposed to smile. Let me help you." Akihito gave a deceptively sweet smile as he walked to the man slowly, his hand still searching in his breast pocket. "Eh, Asami, would you help Matsabura-san to his feet."

Asami, conducting business on the phone, lazily stepped out of the car. " What is it now my pet...

Aw, yes Akihito is here- ..My, my so it seems my proposal is more generous than you first thought. I will have men draw up the contracts they'll be at your office this after noon to be signed. " He snapped the phone shut. " It seems I should have you present on more of My business calls."

Akihito smiled while he spoke, "I need some help getting Ma-chan off the ground. And I was thinking of how sexy you are when you show me how strong you are. Can you pick this fat bloated ass off the ground for me. Please. I want to show Maaa-chaaan how to smile. To thank him for being the chemist who modified your sleeping gas canisters that almost drove us to kill ourselves. But he can't seem to get his ass off the ground."

" My pet is so kind...Does he ever tire of thanking people," Asami chuckled as he walked past Akihito, plucking the cigarrette from the younger mans lips. "I told you smoking doesn't suit you," he said before tucking it between his lips.

"NO...No please I'll do anything for you! please forgive me.. I'm so sorry. Its not my fault they made me do it. " Matsabura begged while Asami cuffed the other mans hands behind his back before hauling him up. He gave a little chuckle at how often he carries such things now when he's with Akihito... handcuffs, gags, shackles, etc.

"Wellll� See, aww man I really wish I could help ya, however the time ,"to do anything", for Asami and me is before you took the money. I mean Asami pays way better, I mean talk about a bonus for snitching on his rivals plot and he's only got the best witness protection plan around. I mean they're either dead.. or not."

"AH! Found it. I was beginning to think I dropped it. Now be very still... I wouldn't want to ruin your beautiful smile.." Akihito positioned himself flush against Matsabura's trembling body. He sealed his hand over Matsabura�s mouth securing his head against Asami's chest. Then Akihito the Butcher, starting from the left slowly carved into the mans cheek, digging deep enough until the scalpel scrapes across the mans back molars.

Matsabura eyes went wide as he squealed, which immediately turns into a high pitched muffled scream and his lower body jerks in a vain attempt to throw Akihito. In return to Matsabura's undulations, Akihito began grinding his growing erection against the flailing body under him. Undeterred he drags the cold steel along his victims face, under his nose, to the right side of his face, to the back molar. He turns the blade around to cut off the bottom portion of his mouth across the chin ending where he began. Akihito attempts to rip way the dangling flesh but the sliver of skin that connects lip to gum is still attached.

As Matsabura breathed haggardly through his raged, gaping, blood and drool dripping mouth hole, Akihito braced a foot on the mewling mans chest bone, he grabs the hanging mouth flaps dangling from what used to be the mans mouth, then pulled as hard as he could jerking the mans head forward, then left and right slowly ripping the lip and cheek meat away from his face. More blood gushed forth creating a hellish smile of bloody teeth where his lips used to be.

Matsabura pissed himself.

Yamata having done this more times than he cares to remember walked up behind Akihito with his camera in hand.

" Oh Matsabura-chan you have a beautiful smile, I would kiss you but your lips are much to thin for me. But you do remind me of a grinning dragon. I wonder? Do you spit flames but first... Picture Time!" He sang. He took several shots from different angles, he had his picture taken with his latest victim, smiling, and holding up two fingers in a V, before handing the camera back to Yamata.

Akihito again searched in his breast pocket procuring a bottle of lighter fluid. He waved the bottle in the mans face before squirting it into the teeth and mouth of the soon to be dead.

Asami stepped aside as Akihito flicked a match into Matsabura's face. He dropped to his knees banging his burning face into the pavement, scrubbing it along the concrete trying to extinguish the flames. Akihito walked to him, with his foot he flipped the man onto his back then squeezed more fluid onto his eyes and in his nose. His skin hissed and bubbled as flames shot from his mouth making unintelligible screams and howls until his voice was burned to a crisp.

Akihito took pictures until the man moved no more.

He turned from watching Matsabura's head catch fire to look at Asami's rather bored with the affair expression.

"Eh, Asami lets go camping. We could fuck outside on the ground by the fire like animals. You. Can do. Anything. You want.. and nobody would hear a thing."

Frankly the thought that, "nobody would hear a thing," made Asami's skin crawl.

They returned to their car. Matsabura clan is extinct.


Ain't this a bitch.

His beautiful flower had turned into a monster. His raging jealousy had turned his love into a lunatic. But he still craved him more than life without him. Akihito's ascension into madness was not without its perks. The crazed Akihito- the pet, was obsessed with him while the real Akihito lay dormant inside...until Asami speaks his name. Takaba Akihito is locked in a dream in his own mind. A dream where he is kissing Asami, being lovingly caressed and cared for.

As Asami washes the blood away from the porcelain skin. He is careful not to speak the name until all traces of the nights events are concealed. Clothes, scalpels, blood, pictures...yes, even the pet has Akihito's passion. Unlike Akihito's, the images are exceedingly gory, filled with death and misery so vivid, you can almost feel it gripping your psyche. He keeps every picture in a deceptively pink scrapbook which he meticulously keeps full of ribbons, glitter paint and paper- in happy spring time colors. Some volumes as thick as unabridged dictionaries filled with his merciless slaughters. Asami hides them from the real Akihito by giving them to Yamata to put in the vault under his mansion.

As they settle into bed together Asami feels more tired than he was before. He doesn't want the real Akihito to come out tonight not after what he saw in his eyes the last time. It was like he was fading . " The pet" would suck him off and be content that he was taken care of. They do things the real Akihito would never do without a real fight. If sex wasn't the problem then it must be the guilt... the guilt of...

Asami's mind was pulled back to the boy's head in his lap by the slight scrape of teeth on his cock.

" What's wrong?" Akihito looked up from Asami's semi erectness, his eyebrows knit together.. "Its time isn't it?"

" What are you talking about." Asami crossed his arms.

" You know. I can tell when you are thinking about it. We're fine by the way. I need a drink." Akihito pushed away from Asami in complete annoyance.

" We? My pet?" Asami reached for the retreating boy.

Akihito smacks Asmai's hand away, "Don't touch me when you're thinking of someone else! Weak sentimental fool." His little fist were clinched and his chest was heaving, he was furious; however his erection spoke the truth."

"So, you know abo-"

"About everything, yes of course I do. I was there. I saw how you allowed "The Good Doctor"-sempai to torture and abuse I saw Akihito crack...," Akihito folded his arms then looked at nothing to his right, "hmph, stupid bitch is still crying." His head snapped around to glare at Asami again, " We all know you can call forth who you want the most. Its me. You call me every night and day. I'm your favorite. I understand you. I love everything about you. But you call him for sex. To make love. When you want to be gentle and think no one will know. I know.! I know everything! "

"Hmph, all that and still a brat I see." Asami smirked even though he was beginning to see the larger problem underlying what was visible. " Besides what can you offer me that he can't. If you can't think of anything better then why don't you just calm down and finish sucking my di-. "

If Asami's head hadn't turned.. If the sting wasn't so pronounced maybe it wouldn't... If he had taken the darkening features on Akithito's face seriously for once...Then maybe he wouldn't be bleeding. Maybe he wouldn't be tasting his own blood.

"You will Not! You will not treat me like one of your whores," Akihito crawled into the stunned Yakuza Boss' lap, " I am not afraid of you," he produced a pin knife from nowhere, " you are mine. I will kill you and myself before I let anyone have you."

Akihito licked up Asami's neck to the back of his ear. A shiver ran down Asami's spine and for the first time his stomach twists in revulsion. Their eyes lock. Asami roughly grabs the back of Akihito's head by the hair then pulls it back. Akihito emits a pleasure induced growl as Asami's fist tighten in his hair.

Unexpectedly Asami stands, tumbling the boy onto the floor he speechlessly walks to the guest bedroom dragging a scrambling Akihito behind him.

"You're sleeping in here from now on," tossing Akihito in head first, he grips the door knob then in an after thought he speaks between clenched teeth, "if you even think even think about coming into my room tonight I will beat you into a bloody hole in the ground."

He slams the door shut stomping his way down the hall to his bedroom, ripping his tie off and unbuttoning his shirt while muttering angrily and incoherently in four different languages.

Finally in the safety of his own bedroom Asami sits on the edge of his bed, head in hand cigarette firmly rooted in his mouth.

While it's true that his boy never failed to keep him on his toes he had a whole new bag of psycho on his hands now and up until now it was enjoyable. No one, and by that he meant nobody alive or who wished to remain so, ever slapped him, moreover succeeded in slapping him so hard his head snapped, also unless this was a battle to the death, which it wasn't, ' that little bastard just bitch slapped me.'

Asami snapped open the phone. Apparently from the long ring, then eventually the heavy breathing, also the sputtering and moaning woman on the other end, Asami surmised that the, "The Good Doctor" was engrossed in the "Good Nurse".

"He slapped me." He spoke flately.

"Ah..Ha..As-s-sami, how are you tonight? Fine I hope." Obviously not listening yet.

Asami pushed back the mental image of what the "Good Nurse" was possibly doing, "He slapped me." Just a flat as before.

"He what!" More concerned for Akihito- chan, " Where is he? Is he alright? You didn't make him cry did you? What did you do?!"

"He knows and he's jealous."

"Jealous? Of what?"

"Himself. I think my pet is the leader and I think the real Akihito is in danger. Somehow you are going to have to bring forth Akihito before -," Asami's head snapped up from his hands to stare at the door where a lite scratching sound was comming from the bottom of the door.

"I'll call you tomorrow, we'll discuss his treatment then." Still more scratching at the door as Asami hung up.

Asami slowly approached until his hand was on the knob. "God Damnit I told you not to come to my room tonight!" He yelled.

A small nervous voice called from the other, "A-Asami- sama?"

'Wha-!? They switched?! On they're own!' Asami swung the door open.

On his sweet litle knees a trembling chibi watery eyed Akihito or rather version of Akihito plead his case, "Asami-sama, you must help. Takaba-sama is going to kill Akihito-kun."

Asami stood. He leaned into the door frame looking down on Akihito-chan-nii-kun, which ever he was, thinking, 'Ain't this a bitch.'



breaking akihito

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