Fic: A beautiful day part 1

Jun 30, 2007 17:27

Title: A Beautiful Day
Pairing: Asami x Takaba
Disclaimer: Characters all belong to Yamane Ayano, as I am just an obsessed fangirl.
Rating: R for Takaba abuse

This was supposed to be a lovey dovey fluff fic but as soon as I started writing it... it went to hell in a hand basket. I don't know what it is that makes Me want to see Akihito tortured just so Asami can fix him.

It was a rare day.

The sun beamed down on birds splashing tweeting in the fountains. People walked through the park smiling, everyone smiling. Children ran around them gathering them in their games and giggles. Even , every now and again, a genuine smile broke the ever present iron mask.

There was a flutter.


Hard to breathe.


It all went black.

Dirty moonlight creeped in through broken window panes as the faded flickering of a dim light bulb shone its focus on the body laying in the center of the floor. As he watched the sprawled form separated from him by a security glass cell in what has to be a warehouse, where he sat on the cell floor, attempting to figure out , who?

What he did know is that blood would rain, reputations would be ruined and suffering the likes of which would be akin to the second coming of Christ.

He had the privilege of watching his boy fight. Valiantly but uselessly. They toyed with him, punching and kicking the exhausted and stumbling fighter as they laughed while slowly stripping him of his clothes.  Still he fought until he was finally knocked unconscious only a few inches away from the glass cell. The punch that knocked Akihito out, snapped his head around to look directly at the glass cage as blood sprayed from Akihito's mouth onto the cells outer wall. For a split second, their eyes met one not seeing and the other seeing to much. The boy was knocked out, his attackers had lost interest after that, left, and the only thing Asami could think of after that was, 'Thank god that’s all they did.'

Asami paced his cell, not more than ten steps in either direction; he couldn't stop steeling glances at an unconscious Akihito. The best lover he'd ever had was probably dying in front of him or worse not dead but irreparably brain damaged. What kind of life would that be for this boy? How could he ever make that right? Asami began shedding his clothes starting with his jacket ending in his boxer briefs. The longer the situation went on the more annoyed, he became with himself for not being able to protect Akihito.

No cell phone, no watch... He could only hope. Hope that the chip implanted in the front tooth Akihito almost lost after a particularly stupid assignment. How hilarious was that when he'd burst into his office in the middle of a meeting, holding a cup of milk with his tooth in it.  Ranting at the top of his lungs and flailing his arms about how his goons had roughed him up for the last time. Asami tried not to laugh, but it burst out in a loud bellow that was so uncharacteristic of him that all in the room were unpleasantly shocked, especially Akihito who was so furious at him that he grit his teeth revealing a black hole in his mouth that made him look much like a peeved 5 year old child.  " Honestly Akihito aren't you a bit old to still be shedding your teeth?" forcing out yet another guffa from Asami.

Afterward Asami had sent him to his own dentist. Of course, he was allowed to screw Akihito in the office, then in the dentists chair and again in the parking lot, just to make sure he got all the fantasies at once.
Asami was surprised to find he'd fallen asleep by being rudely awakened by a bucket of ice water thrown on him. He realized immediately that he was not in the same cell; he frantically began looking for his lover. Akihito was blindfolded sitting in a chair a few feet away still unconscious, he was even drooling a bit... how cute.

"Asami nice to see you awake. How are you doing this evening? Not so good, eh? Well I have something that you would like. " The man stood just out of the light so only his well tailored suit and a smirking mouth were visible. " I know that you've had a lot of stress lately especially with such a randy boy. So I'm going to help you spend the time you need to keep him in check."

"Ah, so all this is to help me. Thanks but you really shouldn't have." Asami leveled a murderous eye on his captor, he'd rather not think of him as a captor, more like the man he was going to enjoy killing very slowly over the course of a week.  He also tried to identify the voice but unlike before, the room was several degrees’ colder and he was beginning to get very cold.  He could even see the steam rising from the other mans mouth.  He was starting to shiver but only wearing a pair of black boxer briefs would not keep him warm.

"I thought you would say that but lets call it a late birthday present...Now lets dispense with the pleasantries shall we, hmm?"

A man walked over to the cage using a black-gloved hand to slide a large manila envelope through the bars.  "Read."

" And this is..."

" Your retirement plans. All you have to do is sign."

" And what if I don't." He tried to keep the man talking attempting to delay the inevitable if even for a second.  Asami glanced at the papers before him. They weren't written on company letter head, nor in any place on the document that would give the name of the organization or person to whom he should be signing over all his assets to, just a blank line to be filled in later.

" I'll only give you twenty opportunities to comply after which I will just kill you and take it anyway."

" Well then my answer is no, no and no."

"Ah well, fine then." Asami could hear the oily grin wrap around the mans face as he spoke, "I was hoping you would say that but I didn't think you would use 3 opportunities so quickly. I wanted to play you some music. We like the same artist his vocal talents are incomparable. "  The man raised his hand in the air then snapped his finger in the air, immediately another man appeared at Akihito's side.

Asami braced himself. He knew it was coming. He knew what was going to happen. He's seen it before. He's heard it before. He'd even done it before.

Akihito wasn't awake.

The pop, the odd shape of the once perfect appendage.

Taken totally off guard as his pinky finger was bent a backwards and broken at the second middle knuckle, Akihito was now awake, in pain, and as completely in the dark as one can get about anything.

"Ahhhh! What the fuck is this!  Ahhh!  Asami! I can't see! I can't see! " He tried to pull his injured hand into his chest to protect it only to have the realization set in that he was restrained. He jerked, fought against his restraints, kicked, spewed mucus and spit when he spoke, and pissed his pants etc. All the things absolute panic can make you do.

Asami watched on trying to keep his emotions in check.

" No! No! No god, AAAHhhh! "  Then the second finger was broken. Before he could recover, he felt his tormentor wrap his fingers around his middle finger. He tried to withdraw his hand from the cuffs violently cutting up his wrist.  His finger was pulled back slowly to increase the pain.

" AAAAAAAh, Ahhhhh.  Please, Please stop. What did I do, who are you! You have the wrong guy! I don't have any information!"

" No wait, wait. "  Then there was silence Akihito couldn't think of anything else to say.  His chest heaved as he looked wildly in the eyes of his persecutor, who for just a moment ceased pulling his back.

The soft meaty crack of the tiny delicate bone in his unmistakably artist finger broke the quite, the final pop made Asami flinch.

"UUUUwuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh haaaaaaa."

It was the sound Asami was waiting for.

"Oh what a resplendent voice. I could listen to it all day. I love the way he hits those high notes... don't you. Hmmmm Asami-kun?"

" You could break all of his fingers. I still won't sign. "

a beautiful day

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