Breaking Akihito ch6

Feb 23, 2007 14:28

Title: Breaking Akihito ch6
Chapter: none
Beta: None
Rating:R for mental abuse and language
Disclaimer: All characters belong to Yamane-sensai

I'm sorry this story kind of sucks but My climax  bunnies went out for carrots and I've promised Myself not to be like the worst poster ever so here is only half of My idea.

Title: Breaking Akihito ch6
Chapter: none
Beta: None
Rating:R for mental abuse and language
Disclaimer: All characters belong to Yamane-sensai

I'm sorry this story kind of sucks but My climax  bunnies went out for carrots and I've promised Myself not to be like the worst poster ever so here is only half of My idea.


Akihito sat down in the middle of the table circular kitchen table in front of The Good Doctor. The Good Doctor having already poured his tea sipped quietly. Yamata followed shortly after Akihito choosing to sit to the left of the boy who's staring into his lap playing with his fingers. Asami strolled in last sitting on the right of Akihito. Akihito looked shocked as if the man had hit him for no reason. He stood up then sat to the left of Yamata , leaving Yamata to suffer the un-sexy, better move your ass quick, slits of quick death glare from Asami. Yamata quietly stood up and picked a corner to stand in, hoping to become invisible.  Akihito poked his tongue out at Asami feeling safe with the shield of an empty chair between him and Asami...until Asami occupied the chair.

The Good Doctor watched in disappointment. If he didn't interfere he was sure Asami-sempai would chase Akihito-kun around the room. "Akihito-kun, please sit next to me.  Asami-sempai please stop harassing Akihito-kun. He's a little sensitive right now. You are  being a bully."  He grinned, " please Yamata-san sit next to Akihito. " Asami-sempai stop glaring. You are going to make yourself look old before your time. You all are going to make the tea grow cold and the cake stale. Allow me to serve you."
 The good Doctor placed small saucers with teacups in front of the three, then he poured the tea, last he placed slices of lemon cake with poppy seeds on each plate.

Akihito slowly ate his portion, while Asami watched him pull his fork from between his plump pink lips.

"Now, the good news is... this tea is realy're all not crazy. The bad news is you are all going insane. The bad news is that you will all die... Yamata-san don't look so down, try your tea, honestly some people just don't know how to relax. The good news is that you don't have to. The best news is I think I may have a way of stopping you from killing yourselves or each other... would you like more cake Akihito-kun, maybe more  tea? Yes, no?"

"Uhh-No." Akihito looks stupefied as he tries to absorb what he was just told.

" Good Doctor, please to be telling us why I am killing myself and not that idiot that was pointing a gun at My Akihito." Asami says, quickly growing impatient  as well as enjoying the slight bullying of a deflated Yamata - still trying to be invisible,  since he can't bully Akihito.

"Well, Asami as you know you were exposed to a nerve agent. In my research I've found that all the soldiers were allowed to descend into their depression with little aid from the government, however they were studied and continuously used as puppets until they finally killed themselves.This was useful to the military since they were performing Black- Ops missions and since dead soldiers tell no tells, were allowed to die. This is not the case. It seems that repeated and prolonged exposure is what causes one to begin the downward spiral, but being exposed even once has prolonged effects, the worst of which happens near the end, when the body is going through the last of the withdrawal. Sort of like a bad reflex."

The Good Doctor sipped his tea allowing the news to sink in for the less war fare inclined people at the table. (Akihito)

"Lemme show you how it works. Asami-sama I'll start with you....Uh. I'll thank you not to kill me before the demonstration is done."  The Good Doctor stood then walked out of the room. He walked back holding four folders.  " What I have here is all of your profiles. It has your sexual history and preferences which is more important than you think. It also has your eating habits, excercise routines, personality traits..etc.  Now, Asami-sempai. You are a seme. You are sexually aggressive. Agressive, controlling, manipulative, assertive, unrepentant, Sadistic, Narcisistic, Obsessive. A neat freak. Sex Addict.  You do however enjoy the arts, strong willed people, highly intellegent people ( he couldn't help but look at Akihito at that one). Sometimes your job causes you great amounts of pleasure that can sometimes cause you sexual arousal. ...aaaaaaand you're gay."

"pffft, where the hell did you find this guy Asami. He's a total fucking quack." Akihito huffed haveing caught the glimpse from the Good Doctor questioning his intelligence.

"Be respectful Akihito,he's the one who sewed  you back together.." Yamata warned before feeling Asami's eyes apon him again. Yamata went invisible again.

"Yeah, well remind me to check the hall back there. I think my 'Give a Damn' fell out of My ass on the way down here."

"Ah, and that brings us to Akihito-kun. He has everything that Asami-sempai desires in a partner....except for .... the ability to appreciate him... Isn't that right Asami-sempai?" He had started the game and neither one saw it happening.

Asami was tense trying to control his urge to tackle the guard and make Akihito understand how much he meant to him.Yamata bristled at the idea of a brat like Akihito that didn't respect or appreciate all that his beloved boss and The Good Doctor-sensai did for him. Akihito was angry now because his destiny was in the hands of a rapist Yakuza, he would die before he let Asami control him.

Snap snap snap... The Good Doctor had to snap his fingers next to Asami's ear to get his attention. His eyes had become dangerous with his near loss of control. He knelt close to the mans ear, mimicking Asami's voice as close as possible, he spoke in a whisper, "I will allow the The Good Doctor his experiment and silently observe. I am the ultimate protector. I am the guard to all. I am the keeper of all. I will remember all that I see and work with the The Good Doctor to fix all the problem but I will not interfere in the least."...Snap

"I am the guard." Snap.
"I am the guard." Snap.

" This is getting boring, can I die now." Akihito blinked lazily.

"No, Akihito-kun, the experiment has only just begun." The Good Doctor's croon was serious eerie.

The Good Doctor took a deep breath changing his demeanor to that of imposing seme. He lowered his voice attempting to mimic Asami's baritoned coolness.  "Look at My hand Akihito, where is the fierce loyalty you are prided on. The drive to protect those you love and care for. The unwavering honesty. Have you buried it in this new skin of cowardice. Ha. So like a brat." He stepped closer filling the boys personal space, hardening his eyes he glared down into Akihito-kun's. The previous bravado had evaporated but not without a fight. The Good Doctor saw he was going to have to pull out the big guns for this one. The boys attempt at resistance was paper thin, cute as hell, but perfectly able to be shattered with one word.

The Good Doctor looked deep into Akihito's eyes making sure the boys where fixed on his. " You will listen and obey every command. You will nolonger fight me. You will be strong and resilient, but bend to my will. At the sound of my name you will comply. Wheither you want to or not." He growled.

"B-but...I-I don't want..." Akihito's eyes tried to look away but kept comming back to the dark pools that were sucking him in. His eyebrows came together in a pleading questioning way. "Why...Why can't we.. just..."

The Good Doctor  raised his other hand next to Akihito's ear. He snaped his fingers. One snap to get his attention. The order is very important. It was like morice code to the brain. Give the comand the hit the enter key, Windows does the rest. This boys brain was like Windows, but using dial-up connection. Good for Akihito-kun- it bought him time to fight, bad for The Good Doctor- made him work harder and made his success more or less 50/50. More likely 60/40, Akihtio's favor- he had to remind himself he wasn't trying to torture the boy. Just gathering enough evidence on camera to show them a little movie at the end of this...Asami-sempai would kill him but it was worth it. He had delicious treats prepared for them all.

With a swift lunge he stepped behind the boy, grabed his head, covered his eyes with one hand. He felt Akihito begin to panic.

The Good Doctor whispered  the word into his ear. Snaped his finger. The boy grabbed at his hand desperately trying to pull them away.

The Good Doctor spoke the word rougher into his ear, he snapped his fingers. He heard a weak grunt and the little fingers stopped moving to clamp over his hands.

Asami. Snap.

" Come to Me. "  Snap.

Akihito walked but his eyes were still covered and he was being guided to walk in circles around the room by The Good Doctor.

The Good Doctor probed more, " Who do you want, Akihito?"


'um, okay not exactly the answer I expected from a lover but...'

"Who do you love?"



"Who do you belong to?"

" You Asami-sama." Tears began to wet the hand .

'Aw, shit.' The Good Doctor gave a reprimanding shake of the head at Asami. Asami mearly cocked an eyebrow as if to say "you asked."

"You know my face." Step.

" You know my touch." Step.

" You've felt my need."  Step.

"You've learned my scent." Step.

"You know what to do." Step. Stop.  The Good Doctor removed his hand.

Akihito knelt in front of the long legs, cheap suit and dark sunglasses only seeing Asami. Only seeing Asami as he unzipped Yamata's pants. Yamata would have stopped him but  the The Good Doctor was whispering something in his ear. Something that made him feel like he wanted this, craved and deserved this more than anything. Yes. Thats right. This boy was his and he desired him. This was his whore. I am Asami Fucking Sama.  Snap. Asami Fucking Sama. Snap.


breaking akihito

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