Breaking Akihito ch4

Feb 06, 2007 14:26

Pairing: Asami X Akihito
rating: R  for language, reference to rape
summary:  The day after brutally rapeing and beating Akihito.  Asami thinks he knows what happened only to find out the sickening truth.
disclaimer: No characters are mine.

I hope My writing has gotten better. And for those who don't know whats going on in this story there are 3 previous chapters somewhere.  I'll edit this chapter again to include the other 3 when I find them.

Does anyone else have a problem with LJ cut shutting down the window before you finish cutting it.

August 17 8:08 am

Asami's brain is muddled, his body is sore, sluggish, he is horny as hell and for some reason really realy pissed.
He sat up to scan the room. His eyes are blurry and there are no sounds of Akihito anywhere. No suprise there, however a little voice chirped that there is something wrong..

'... did the little bastard drug me?' He grabs his head while throwing back the covers.

The scent wafted over and through him stirring his inner predator... Blood.
It was like hanging Fresh. Raw. Dripping. Akihito steak in front of a hungry Asami panther... Asami is always hungery.

All previous thoughts ceased.

Asami grits his teeth giving a low growl. The scent was making his cock hard, he wanted to fight, to fuck and kill.
His eyes rolled to the back of his head,  they returned to scan the room with the eyes of a big cat. They cast down to the bed where the scent radiates. He dipped his head  low to the large red stain ...he inhaled loudly.


His eyes dilate.

His gaze cast over the bed onto the floor to find blood smeared on the carpet. Then a drop. Then another and another and another with a partial heel print. More smears and droplets lead all the way to the closet door.

Asami lept out bed. His subconscious mind was screaming ,' something isn't right here.' but the instinct to hunt was stronger. Asami stalked to the closet door then threw it open- it rattled on its hinges as if it were afraid of this Asami to.

The air was thick. Warm. Heavy. Filled with the metallic edge of... blood. It was also intoxicating. Exciting him. Feeding his urge. Telling him he needed... sex.

"No please. Please don't hurt Me anymore. please." A horse whisper slipped between a badly split lip. The hot little body trembled in Asami's arms- flickering in and out of consciousness.  When he slept he clung to Asami, when he startled awake he pushed Asami away. He'd seen Akihito in so many ways but none like this. He couldn't quite make sense of it.  And what he'd said. He had never realy hurt the boy before. Never realy. But the evidence was irrefutable. 
11:00 pm  The good doctor  with bad news

The doctor said had Asami waited any longer infection would have spread maybe not life threatening now but given the opportunity it could have been.

Asami wished he'd never asked the next question as he lowered his head into his right hand... He was totally unprepared for what he was told...

"... repeatedly raped. Possibly... more than likely gangraped. Beaten, bitten- severly in some places. He has a slight concussion. Two ribs were broken almost puncturing a lung. There are rips in the anal ring as well as tears in the rectum.. um I don't believe a broom handle was used because I didn't find any splinters but something large and blunt must have been..shoved in him- without lube"  the doctors voice trailed away when Akihito sturred under the covers. "Its the tears in the rectal tissue that caused the infection...  The poor kid. What type of monster would do such a thing. Poor kid, he didn't want me to touch him. He said "He'll hurt you to if you touch me."  Tried to push me away. I had to sedate him. Poor kid, even in his state- trying to protect me.. I hope you catch the bastards behind this Asami.. I'm sure this kid didn't diserve this.. "

Asami was frozen in thought replaying the events of this morning.

He'd found the boy naked, bloodied, sweating under one of his coats in the furthest corner of his closet, asleep clutching his gun. His body was so hot it felt like it would burn him or burst into flames. Whatever  thoughts Asami was having before then fell away and he snapped awake. He scooped the boy up then ran into the bathroom propping Akihito against his naked form under the cold shower.

"What the fuuu.." a fire raged over his cock as the cold water landed. He adjusted the boy to one side to take a look at his bruised groin to find friction burns as well. He glanced at his dick then Akihito then his dick again. Dipping his head low he inspected the bruises to Akihito's face, neck and ribs.  He closed his hand on the circular bruises around his boys neck..."shit"- a perfect match. Even as the icy water rained on them Akihito didn't awaken, he didn't even moan. He bathed Akihito thuroughly not lingering over any points of interest. Akihito's body was still so hot.. So. Hot.

"I'd bet you are so hot inside" Asami thought. " Soo hot and tight," he whispered into the crook of Akihito's neck before broadly licking the throbbing vein up his neck to behind his ear. 'No. Now is not the time',he lifted the freshly washed boy from the tub carrying him to the bedroom kissing him deeply all the way. He pats the boy dry, carefully rubbed him down with anti-inflammatory cream. He walks back to the bathroom to get the tylenol from the medicine cabinet. He glances up at the mirror to find a bruise the size of two small nuckles in the middle of his cheek. The image of tiny fist swinging at him flashed through his mind, he closed the cabinet. He walked slowly to Akihito then forced 3 tylenol down his mouth then coaxed him to swallow.  He peered at Akihito's bruise again. Several pictures flashed across his mind.

Akihito screaming..."AAAAAAH!" deep manly scream. The kind Asami's used to when he''s torturing someone.

Akihito fighting... swinging wildly trying to push someone larger than himself away... He can smell the blood.

Akihito's head snaps to the left-right-left- ...

Asami can almost see the son of a bitches face. "I was there? Why didn't I stop it? I was drugged..thats the only way I couldn't stop this... Which one of My enemies...maybe Fei Long. No. Somethings not right."

Asami stood up looking down at the battered boy. He looked so small and weak. Like a little meat puppet. So easily thrown about.  So innocent looking.... So fuckable... "No. Akihito's waiting for you to make it all better..get him dressed and to the doctor."
Asami quickly dressed the boy one of his T-shirts and sweat pants. He made sure he didn't touch the boy more than necessary because he could swear each handful of flesh was making the boy moan or beg for him to... He didn't want to think about it.

He picked up the his cell phone before walking out of the bedroom with the boy hoisted on his shoulder. " Bring the car out front in..." A little red flashing light caught his eye.. 'surveylance camera?..when the fuck did I have those installed.'..."in five... in fifteen minutes." He snapped the phone shut. He walked around the apartment starting from the guest bedroom going room to room looking for the small camera's. He came to the conclusion they were to small to be simply found and he didn't have time to search for them. He went to the small office ( in comparison to the one he usually worked in) in the penthouse. He found the monitor and camera controls on his desk.


"Asami- sama your car is waiting out front."

"I'll be down in a moment. Also find Yamata." He snapped the phone shut . He looked at the monitor. He decided he'd come back to it after he took Akihito to the doctor. He turned around and walked out the door.   He walked to the unconscious boy laying on the couch. Even bruised he is lovely.

He scooped Akihito up, kissing him again but careful not to open Akihito's split lip.  He walked out the door with Akihito slung over flung over his shoulder... He vowed to kill the bastards who did this to him.


"Asami- sama... Are you okay? You shure you don't want Me to give you a quick check up, you look a little vacant..." The doctor pulled out his pen lite to check his pupil dilation.

Asami waved him away respectfully " No thank you. I'm sure I'm fine. I was just thinking." He lucked out when he found the only doctor and nurse team that were agorophobic and exceptionally talented in surgery. They lived on the primises of his mansion for 10 years and all of his medical needs are attended to by only this doctor in a fully equiped mini hospital.

"... well if you start to feel light headed or confused come see me. Well I'm going to check up on the lab reports.. I'm sure Akihito will be fine... I'm just curious though? Where do you keep finding these boys. The first one you brought in he was a handfull. I wonder if there's some kind of psycho path going around trying to kill all the cute twinks? Hmmm...ah.. I mean... I didn't mean to say.." The doctor realised what he just said to be out of line even for him.

" Yes, you can go now."  Asami watched as the good doctor walked out of the door. He glanced at Akihito..then at the door. 'what did he mean the other one I brought?' Asami glanced at Akihito once more, he couldn't help but think the boy would jump out of the bed soon and beg him to fuck him into the lanolium.  Asami walked out of Akihito's hospital room to walked down the hall in search of the other occupant.


"Asami."  He stopped walking to stand infront of the second hospitall room down the hall.  He walked through the thresh hold, his stomach immediately began twisting. He walked over to the the sleeping boy.

"Yamata, what the fuck is going on." He leaned back onto the door jamb

"I'm sorry Asami-sama I'm not sure what you are refer-"

" Akihitio is in the Hospital, there is a second boy I don't remember bringing in but the good doctor said I brought him yesterday."

"Asami-sama... I..You... I do." There was a long sigh. " Asami-sama all I know is you tortured that poor kids friend to find out if he'd been fucking around on ya. Only to find out the kid was totally innocent. Innocent in the worse kind of way boss. But it was to late. So the kid traded his life for his friends.. and... and in return you promised to give his friend the medical attention he needed. Asami-sama I.. I dont know what triggered your reaction. But I've never...ever seen you so nuts. You were all wild eyed and sweating...But what I do know is that today I was Dizzy, confused and a whole bunch a things... I thought I was going crazy..hearing and seeing things involving that night. Like I was still there. Drove Me to the temple I was so shook up."

"I see... and the camera's?"

" You called and told Me to put the camera's up when I got Akihito-sama to the penthouse."

"I want you to come see the good doctor. I think I have an idea of what happened." Asami snapped the phone shut. He walked closer to the boy, who was more bandaged than Akihito.  At the foot of the bed he picked up the medical chart.

"No. This can't be right. cigarrete burns, all the knuckles are broken,  shoulder dislocated, brocken nose, mouth trauma, concussion...etc."  The boys face was black and blue and distorted, his lips were terribly swollen and so were his eyes. He decided that Akihito should be barred from leaving his room if he found Takato like this...Well.

Asami spun on his heels walking out of the room heading to the elevator.

"Asami-sama!... Wait!..Asami-sama!" The good doctor came flying around the small nurses station waving a file folder.

" Asami.....-sama. I have. Some interesting." The good doctor stopped a moment to take a deep breath. " Okay I thought maybe I made a mistake or something right. Well I didn't. Asami-sama these boys have been exposed to a military grade gas that is part hallucinogen, depressant,  and all around bad boy. So I searched around the data base and came up with the military's experiment with a gas; that given to soldiers in small amounts would turn them into a type of super soldier; one where you can control his mind and body by suggestion, but there was a small flaw. The soldiers  were also receptive to outside influences as well as ones own dominant or submissive traits. So you could unleash the beast but he would be spurred on by its  own primal instincts. desires fantasies, whatever. I'm sure there's more but I thought I should tell you before you left..umm... the side effects for all those exposed was depression, hallucinations,  paranaoia....then.. well.. every soldier in this experiment has commited suicide."

Asami eyes shifted from the good doctors face to the room holding Akihito.  "Yamata is comming tell him he is to be admitted and in charge of Akihitos safety. He and the boy are to be confined to thier room unless I state otherwise. I'll be back doctor. Keep up the good work and I'll expect a full report by 9pm tonight." Asami stepped into the waiting elevator. As soon as the doors shut he began to dry heave.


Asami stepped into the penthouse and walked directly to the office. He watched every horrible second.  He flinched twice when he'd entered the boy with little to no lube at all. He closed his eyes in shocke once when he watched himself repeated hitting the boy. He through when he watched himself raise a hand to Akihito  and the boy flew to suck his dick. How grotesque he looked rapeing away the boys beauty...

In Asami's mind Akihito was the line in the sand. The boy trusted him for the most part. In some ways the boy looked at him as a god. god of sex maybe but still a god. They'd come so far. But he had to push. He had to control the boy, why couldn't he just have waited until Akihito was ready to... Wait was this the depression or paranoia. He had to keep his wits about him if he was going to save Akihito.

Asami picked up his phone..

"Yes, Asami-sama." His personal secretary picked up the phone.

" Give Me the name of the last 5 weapons dealers I did business with and the goods that I bought, endorsed or sampled."

"Yes, Asami-sama." She chirped before hanging up.

'Maybe I am a little paranoid. But I refuse to believe the Dealer didn't know what was in his gas.. I refuse to think that I wasn't the target.  Maybe they just intended to shake My reputation with faulty product.. Used the old bait and switch. Demonstrated one product and  shipped another.. Any how...They just fucked up and hurt the wrong Yakuza's  lover."

Asami leaned back in his large leather office chair. He unbuckled his pants and bulled his dick out. He rewound the disk back to before the recording made him sick. He watch Akihito pour the wine all over his body...Akihito sucked his cock..slowly learning to take it all the way down his throat..He even did a slow lap dance before slowly slipping onto his errection.

Asami grunted,"Akihito."

breaking akihito

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