Jun 27, 2008 22:43

I am beguiled by this fan's decision. I understand her love for Show, her desire to show the gang at SPN how MUCH they've influenced us, etc, but shoving fanfic in their faces is not a good idea.

Here's the link:

Here's what I said:

"It's rather a blatent disregard of all fannish conventions that I've ever ( Read more... )


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lori_leaf June 28 2008, 05:07:56 UTC
Oh god, what a terrible idea. And apparently the entire internet agrees with us since she got ONE response for people submitting their work, and almost a hundred of people going "hell no!"

Not to mention that many actors try to avoid fanfic because it makes things messy. It's hard to create a character from scratch, and it's a really bad idea to let too many people tell you how THEY think your character really is. It's a big ettiquette thing in theatre or films. Unless you're the director, you don't tell another actor how to play their character. So it's easier to avoid fanfic in general.

And then there's the legal ramifications... *facepalm* Why doesn't she just ask the boys if they read Wincest at a con like every other horribly awkward fan? At least then it's like ripping off a bandaid. The uncomfortableness would only last a few minutes instead of being commemorated in book format.


lovesrain44 June 28 2008, 05:17:39 UTC
Exactly. People have already shown the boys fanfic/wincest, they've been asked about it, they know it exists, why keep shoving it at them. And no way do I want my stuff read by the J's. I have no filters on at the moment, I'm free to write what I want. I'm sure you feel the same, as do many many other fans. If I thought the J's had hold of my stuff? I'd be tighter than a virgin, and wouldn't be able to write a thing. I don't write for them! I write for me, for US. Fuck.

What really kills me is because she's being lazy, ha ha, she wants us all to tell her NO, we don't want to be included. Blast and botheration.


lori_leaf June 28 2008, 05:29:10 UTC
Okay, I'll be honest... I checked out her profile and laughed and laughed at her glorious "plan". (I must secretly be a bitchy high schooler.) She warns people not to be offended if they don't make it into the book. After all there will be SO MANY reccs that not everyone's piece can be included.

ONE person recced something. She has four pages worth of comments from authors NOT wanting to be included.

And dude, I got a special journal simply so I could write and comment on fic. I WORK in the industry. The last thing I need is for coworkers to discover exactly how much I love characters ( ... )


lovesrain44 June 28 2008, 05:39:53 UTC
You know, there's nothing wrong with RPS. I don't get it myself, I have been known to read one once when Amalthia assures me it was funny as HELL (which it was), but really, it's just the faces and the names because the person writing it doesn't know anything about them. Not like they do Sam and Dean. But you know, more power to them, if that's what they want to write and it makes them happy, why not? As with you reading it. It hurts no one, pushes some buttons you need pushing and everyone goes to bed happy. What would be creepy is for someone to collect RPS and give it to an actor. Creepy is someone stalking you, which is sounds like they have. Not fun. Not something I would ever want to go through ( ... )


lori_leaf June 28 2008, 06:03:00 UTC
I got bored and clicked some links and I get the definite impression that the person running this project is early twenties TOPS, and the ones telling her it's a good idea are high school or college students. Of course bad ideas aren't something that's limited to the under 21 crowd.

I have two huge fears when it comes to acting. The first is I won't get enough jobs to feed myself. The second is, I'll end up famous. Crazy people like famous people too much. I don't want that. I just want to tell stories.


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