Jun 27, 2008 22:43

I am beguiled by this fan's decision. I understand her love for Show, her desire to show the gang at SPN how MUCH they've influenced us, etc, but shoving fanfic in their faces is not a good idea.

Here's the link:

Here's what I said:

"It's rather a blatent disregard of all fannish conventions that I've ever ( Read more... )


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lori_leaf June 28 2008, 05:29:10 UTC
Okay, I'll be honest... I checked out her profile and laughed and laughed at her glorious "plan". (I must secretly be a bitchy high schooler.) She warns people not to be offended if they don't make it into the book. After all there will be SO MANY reccs that not everyone's piece can be included.

ONE person recced something. She has four pages worth of comments from authors NOT wanting to be included.

And dude, I got a special journal simply so I could write and comment on fic. I WORK in the industry. The last thing I need is for coworkers to discover exactly how much I love characters.

What I don't understand is why people think it's okay to do creepy things, if it's done by a large quantity of people? I've had someone make a website full of pictures of me. That's creepy. If that person turned it into an album and combined it with OTHER people's pictures of me... it wouldn't be any less creepy.

And for the record it's REALLY damn creepy when you find an physical album full of pictures of you. I've had two different guys "accidently" show me their albums of me. Another guy just admitted he had a wall of photos. Dude, it's CREEPY. And I'm not even working in tv or film right now! That's just from doing regional theatre! *shudder* I feel a lot of sympathy for actors who are viewed nationally. Psychos tend to flock to actors. I've experienced how horrible it is on a small scale. I have no desire to experience it on a national scale.

Dammit... now I feel guilty for reading RPS again... Why must GOOD writers write RPS? I don't want to read it. It makes me feel like a creepy person... but then it's just so gooood... *facepalm* I'm a bad actor. Someday justice will be served and someone will write creepy real person porn about me and some other chick.


lovesrain44 June 28 2008, 05:39:53 UTC
You know, there's nothing wrong with RPS. I don't get it myself, I have been known to read one once when Amalthia assures me it was funny as HELL (which it was), but really, it's just the faces and the names because the person writing it doesn't know anything about them. Not like they do Sam and Dean. But you know, more power to them, if that's what they want to write and it makes them happy, why not? As with you reading it. It hurts no one, pushes some buttons you need pushing and everyone goes to bed happy. What would be creepy is for someone to collect RPS and give it to an actor. Creepy is someone stalking you, which is sounds like they have. Not fun. Not something I would ever want to go through.

I'm pretty sure this chick has a mad crush on the J's, as do we all, which is fine, we're SUPPOSED to think they're hot and have crushes and that's what makes the money roll in when we buy calendars and amulets and pictures by the score. What she's thinking, I think, is that this is what's going to make them notice her. It won't. She'll get noticed by lawyers first, and then get US noticed by lawyers and then the party will be OVAH.

I love the characters too! I tell no one at work. EVAH. : D


lori_leaf June 28 2008, 06:03:00 UTC
I got bored and clicked some links and I get the definite impression that the person running this project is early twenties TOPS, and the ones telling her it's a good idea are high school or college students. Of course bad ideas aren't something that's limited to the under 21 crowd.

I have two huge fears when it comes to acting. The first is I won't get enough jobs to feed myself. The second is, I'll end up famous. Crazy people like famous people too much. I don't want that. I just want to tell stories.


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