Jun 27, 2008 22:43

I am beguiled by this fan's decision. I understand her love for Show, her desire to show the gang at SPN how MUCH they've influenced us, etc, but shoving fanfic in their faces is not a good idea.

Here's the link:

Here's what I said:

"It's rather a blatent disregard of all fannish conventions that I've ever encountered to require that a fanfic writer needs to tell you NOT to include his or her stuff; it should be the other way around. Besides which this is not a good idea. It doesn't even matter that you're disincluding those genres of fanfic that you feel would be disrespectful (slash, wincest, etc), what matters is that if you force our creations on them (as others have said), then you force them to acknowledge what we're doing out here. And I for one would not want to see that. Also, if any actor, ANY actor, wanted to find him or herself out here in the fannish beyond, all they have to do is google themselves and they'll get a huge list. So they don't need a book like this. Put your resources and your energy into some other means by which to show your love and your passion for Show, that's what I think."

Most comments that people are making are not wanky, thank goodness. I just hope the whole thing dies down.


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