Don't Wait Up [Chpater 5; Planning Out]

Jul 19, 2010 15:03

“Oppa!” Yoona called out.

He turned around to see her running towards him, he smiled at her.

“Hello Jaejoong Oppa!” Yoona puffed as she gave him a hug.

He wasn’t expecting the hug but he decided to hug her back.

“Hi to you too.” He smiled brightly.

“Did you wait for long?” She asked as she fixed up her earmuffs.

“No, not at all.” Jaejoong chuckled at her cuteness.

Now the two of them were wearing earmuffs. Jaejoong felt like the happiest man on earth. Did Yoona finally except him?

“Come on, didn’t you promise me lunch?” Yoona grinned as she linked arms with him.

‘Did she just link arms with me?’ Jaejoong thought. ‘Alright, something’s up’

“Umm, Yoona… What’s with the-“

“Okay listen here.” Yoona whispered to him as she pulled him a little closer.

They started to walk out of the park towards a café.

“I appreciate you being so nice and everything, but I’m not ready for a marriage… and especially when its with someone I barely know.” She stopped to talk a peek behind them.

“I’m only putting up this act because of my mother. Sadly she is following us.” She sighed.

Jaejoong tried to take a peek at her but Yoona stopped him.

“Don’t look back cause she might get suspicious!” She hissed.

“Aish, what a dumbass” she muttered.

“Anyways, in conclusion; I can’t marry you.” She sighed once again.

Jaejoong stopped walking and turned to face her. He finally saw Yoona’s mother wearing a long fur coat with big round sunglasses. She looked like a total spy agent.

“I know you’re not ready and I’m not ready either, but I think I’m willing to work on this thing we have going on Yoona-shi. I’d really like to get to know, even maybe win your heart.” He said as he grabbed her hands and held them up to his chest.

Yoona slowly loosened from his grip. When she her hands were finally free she crossed her arms and looked up at him and pouted. (Without her knowing)

‘Win my heart?’ She thought, ‘It’s never gonna happen’

“What do you say?” Jaejoong asked with his puppy eyes.

“I say that you’re an idiot.” She smiled as she walked off without him.


“What’s for lunch?!” Shindong asked as he sat on the long couch.

“Yah, Shindong Hyung! We just had lunch” Kyuhyun laughed as he took a bottle of water out of the fridge.

“But I’m so hungry!” He complained.

“Where is Kibum?” Leeteuk asked as he counted the heads in the living room.

“And where is Eunhyuk and Donghae?” He added.

“Oh well hyung, umm. Kibum said he went to visit his family today and I don’t know where the other two is.” Siwon said as sat next to Shindong and turned on the television.

“The CEO of the company has now passed down the position to his son, Kim Jaejoong.” The news reporter announced.

“Whoa, he must make a lot of money for his age.” Sungmin admired.

Heechul sat infront of the television.

“Yah, you guys! That’s Donghae’s cousin!” He pointed out.

“Wow, I guess their good looks runs through the family.”Heechul said as he brushed his fingers through his hair.

Leeteuk leaned in closer to the television.

“Hey you’re right! I remember Hae was talking about him once.” Leeteuk said as he snapped his fingers.

“Hey guys, we’re back.” Someone said as they closed the front door.

“Oh Hae! Isn’t that you’re cousin.” Eunhyuk asked as he tapped his shoulder and pointed to the television.

“Yeah, that’s him.” Donghae said as he headed towards the kitchen.

“Yah Donghae! Can you get me something to eat?” Shindong asked without taking his eyes off the plasma screen.

Donghae grabbed an apple from the fruit basket and threw it towards Shindong. He wasn’t expecting anything yet so that apple hit him on the head.

“I don’t want this!” He whined as he threw it back.

“Well bad luck.” Donghae replied as he took a bite out of the red apple.

“Oh you guys, Jaejoong hyung called me and he told me that he was going to stay here when he visits Korea… Well I think that’s what he said. Because he doesn’t want to stay in a hotel and he has an important announcement to make? Well I don’t really know. That’s what I think he said anyways.” Donghae said before taking another bite out of his apple.

“You know Donghae, sometimes when you talk. You don’t make sense at all.” Kangin laughed.

“At least I know you were listening.” Donghae laughed.


“Oh Yoona, I’m glad you let me come with you to Korea. I even have a place over there where we can stay together.” Jaejoong said as he leaned onto the door frame with a smirk.


“That is a GREAT idea Jaejoong-shi!” Yoona heard her mother say.

Yoona turned around to see her mother walking out of the dining room.

“Thank you so much for taking care of my little Yoona.” She said as she pinched Yoona’s left cheek.

“No worries Mrs. Im” Jaejoong smiled.

“Now I don’t have to worry when you’re over there since you’ll have your fiancé by your side.” Her mother nudged her.

Yoona was too tired to even argue back. She just let out a loud sigh.

“I’ll be going to my room.” She moaned.

“Thank you for today.” She added as she kept on walking up the stairs.

Jaejoong and her mother watched her as she walked up the stairs and waited for her door to close. Yoona slammed her door and fell flat on her face on her bed.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” She screamed in her pillow.

She kicked and hit the bed, having her little tantrum, soon after she quickly sat up.

“No Yoona, You mustn’t go crazy…just yet.” She calmed herself.

“Bye Mrs. Im!” She heard Jaejoong’s voice.

She quickly ran to her window to see him waving as he walked down the pathway of their house. All she could do was give him a cold glare, hoping it would hit him soon that she doesn’t want him around. Not now, not EVER!

As Jaejoong walked up to his car, he looked up to Yoona’s window to see her glaring down at him. He found it somewhat cute and waved at her.

‘You’ll see Yoona. Some day you’re gonna be mine.’


Haha, thats another chapter for you guys! ^^
I'm so happy about the possitive comments that I was like to my mum
'Quickly mum! I have to get home to write down another chapter for my readers!' xD
She thought I was crazy! :$
Hope you guys liked it! :) <3

fan fiction, super junnior, jaejoong, donghae, yoona

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