Don't Wait Up [Chapter 4; Missing Him]

Jul 16, 2010 19:13

It was 6 am in the morning when the sun had just risen.

Donghae was fast asleep in his bed while the rest of the 12 boys were up baking a cake and making breakfast for him.  There were loud bangs and clatters of pots and pans hitting into each other every now and then.

“Shhhhhh! You guys are too loud! You’ll wake him!” Siwon whispered to the boys as he kept his ear on the door of Donghae and Eunhyuk’s room.

“Oh yahh, Hyung! I’m so hungry!” Shindong complained as he stared at the 12 layered pancake tower for Donghae and rubbed his big stomach with both of his hands.

“YAH! Fat Shit! Stay away from the pancakes!” Heechul warmed Shindong while holding a large pan with both hands ready to attack.

“SHHHHHHH!” Siwon hissed.

“Sorry” They both whispered.

“Hey you guys, are you done? Cause the cake is finished!” Leeteuk said proudly as Sungmin and Kyuhyun came out holding the small cake with both hands on both sides.

They all gathered around the two boys to take a look at the cake.

“Dude, you spelt ‘Birthday’ wrong” Kibum chuckled.

“What!?” Leeteuk jumped as he checked again.

They did spell it wrong. The ‘r’ was in front of the ‘I’ , so it spelt “brithday”

“ahh, who cares, Hae’s English isn’t that good anyways.” Heechul chuckled as he took off his pink apron.

As they all tried to sneak into Donghae’s room without waking him, they crept over to his bed.

“Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you!” They sang as Donghae slowly opened his eyes to see then at the end of his bed holding a cake and a plate of pancakes.

“Happy Birthday Dear Donghae! Happy Birthday to you!” They sang.

Sungmin and Kyuhyun then placed the cake infront of Donghae.

“You guys spelt ‘birthday wrong.” Donghae pointed out.

“Leeteuk just laughed nervously.

“Make a wish!” Kangin shouted.

“Yeah!” They all agreed with wide smiles.

Donghae stared at the cake in front of him and without thinking…

“I wish Yoona was here with us” Donghae said out loud as he blew out the candles.


“Yoona, get up now!” Her mother screamed at her.

“NO!” Yoona screamed back as she crossed her arms together.

“Im Yoona, if you don’t get out of this bed right now, I’ll-“

“You’ll what huh? Make my life worse than it already is?!” She screamed out.

“How dare you!? After all I done for you!” Her mother stood up pointing at Yoona’s face.

“Ha! You’ve got to be kidding me. You messed up my life! You ruined everything! I had everything before I came here, I don’t need you!” As Yoona finished her sentence she felt a sharp on her right cheek.

“You will not talk back to me like that anymore, and get out of this bed now.” Her mother stomped out of her room, slamming the door after her.

Once the door slammed closed, Yoona cried. She hugged her legs as she buried her face between her knees.

She never felt so lonely before, she wished that Donghae was by her side. She needed his warmth, to hear his voice, to let her know that he wasn’t going to let her go.

Then her door opened, but she didn’t bother to look up.

“Jessica, I don’t know what to do. I really miss him, I really do.” Yoon confessed as she heard the door close.

There was no reply but Yoona didn’t mind. As long as she knew she was listening.

“I feel like, I need to go back to Korea as fast as possible. Please understand me, I really need you right now.” She continued between her soft sobs.

“Well you do what you think is best.” A male voice replied.

Yoona didn’t recognize the male voice, as she looked up to her surprise it was Jaejoong. He was sitting at the end of her bed.

“I know it must be hard for you right now with the sudden arrange marriage, but I’m willing to wait for you. No matter how long it takes, weeks, months, years, I’ll be waiting for you. Just do what you think is right.” He smiled.

Yoona didn’t know what to say. She didn’t expect him to be so caring towards her.

He then leaned in and wiped her tears.

“I think you should get out of bed now? Let’s go get some breakfast too.” He smiled as he kissed her forehead.

He then just realized what he did. [Oh shit!]

Yoona had an emotionless face.

“Why are you doing this?” She asked him softly.

Jaejoong then bit his lower lip and looks up at her.

“I don’t really know, I feel like… I should protect you.” He confessed.

Yoona looked up at him with her blank face.

“Well I don’t need it.” She said coldly.

“Why are you even here? And why are you in my room, and who let you in my house?!” Yoona started to question him.

“Uhh, well your mother-“

“Urgh! I don’t even want to hear it. Can you just leave.” She asked him as she pointed to the door.

“If that’s what you want.” He said as he got up and walked towards the door. He turned around once more to look at Yoona who was staring out her window with her arms crossed, again.

“I’ll be around if you need me.” He said before he closed the door.

“I don’t need you.” She whispered to herself.

She shoved her hand under her pillow to pull out a photo. It was the day they all graduated. She traced her finger on the photo, over her brother’s faces as she named everyone of them.

She traced her fingers on their smiling faces, trying to remember what they look like in person, trying to see if they changed any bit.

In the middle of the photo it was her and Donghae. They were the centre of attention in the photo not only because they were in the middle together but it was because of how Donghae kissed her on the cheek and her surprised look.

As Yoona looked at their moment, she smiled to herself.


Back in Korea, Donghae was looking at the exact same picture smiling over the same thing she was.

“Come back to me Yoona.”

Yay! :D I finally finished this chapter!
Sorry for the long wait! It took me forever to write this chapter! :S
I was seriously brain dead hehe
Hope you enjoyed it though ;)

fan fiction, donghae, yoona

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