Don't Wait Up [Chapter Six; My eyes must be playing tricks on me]

Jul 21, 2010 17:22

“Unnie~” Yoona said as she used her ageyo voice to wake up her sister.

Jessica didn’t move at all, so Yoona tried it again but louder and closer to her ear.


No answer.

“Are you serious?! YAH! Unnie! Wake up or else we’re gonna be late!” Yoona suddenly burst as she shook her sister.

“Wake up! Wake up! Wake up~” She sang loudly.

“Five more minutes Yoona.” Jessica mumbled.

Unbelievable. Yoona was starting to get annoyed.

“YAH! If you don’t wake up when I count to five, I’ll have to bring out the cucumbers!” Yoona said as she stood up.

When Jessica heard the word cucumbers, her eyes eminently shot open.

“I’m up! I’m up!” She said quickly as she sat up from her bed.

“Much better!” Yoona smiled as she patted her sister on the head.

Jessica looked around her room to find it still dark.

“Hey um Yoona…” She said.


“What.. time is it?”

“Oh yeah, well its about 5.” She giggled as she ran out the room.

“YAH! IM YOONA! I’M GONNA KILL YOU!” Jessica screamed

She quickly jumped out of bed and ran out the door to chased Yoona.


“Okay, so do you have everything ready?!”Yoona smiled brightly.

Jessica looked at her pink luggage bags.


“Do have your passport and ticket?” She asked

Jessica quickly checked in her hand bag.


“And are you ready to have fun?” Yoona laughed

“Of course!” Jessica laughed along.

“Then lets go!” Yoona smiled as she dragged her stuff out the door.

As she got all her bags onto the porch, she heard a car make a stop in front of her house. She turned around to see a very luxuries car.

“I wonder who that is!” Jessica chirped

The window of the car scrolled down to reveal Jaejoong. From seeing his face early in the morning, Yoona had a bad feeling about this.

“Need a ride?” Jaejoong smirked

“Hmmm, a free ride from a stranger!?” Jessica said in a bimbo way.

“Ha! We’re not that stupid buddy!” Jessica said coldly as she flipped her long blonde hair behind her shoulder and crossed her arms giving Jaejoong a dirty look.

“Fine have it you way Bimbo.” Jaejoong replied

“WHAT DID YOU SAY?!” Jessica screamed as she started to walk down the path way, stomping.

“Unnie!” Yoona yelled as she tried to pull Jessica back.

“You don’t scare me” Jaejoong said as he stepped out the car.

Jessica and Jaejoong were face to face giving each other the evils, glaring at each other as if any moment they would rip one another apart.

On the other hand Yoona was trying to pull her sister back.

“Unnie!” Yoona whined as she tried her hardest to pull Jessica back.

But Yoona was completely ignored by the two of them.

“That’s it!” Yoona mumbled.

She stood in between the two and pushed them so that they lost balance. Jessica and Jaejoong both fell on the ground, butt first.

“OUCH! YAH! Im Yoona! That hurts!” Jessica whined as she got up and rubbed her butt.

Yoona giggled at her sister.

“Come on Unnie, We’re going to be late!” She said once again.


“Welcome to Korean airlines, I am your captain speaking.  For your safety, we would like you to buckle you seat beat before we take off. We hope you’ll have a safe flight and thank you for flying with us, Korean Airlines.”

“Ohhh, this is exciting!” Jessica clapped as she looked out the window.

“Wow, I didn’t know idiots could talk.” Jaejoong commented.

Jessica then flipped her head to Jaejoong’s direction.

“What did you say punk!?” Jessica said angrily.

‘Crap. I’m stuck in the middle of this!?’ Yoona thought.

“I said I didn’t know idiots could talk. What are you deaf now!?” Jaejoong spat.

Jessica then punched Jaejoong in the arm.

‘It’s going to be a long ride.’


“Oh hey, His plane landed about 15 minutes ago” Donghae said to Leeteuk as he looked at his watch.

“I guess he must be waiting for us at the gate.” Leeteuk said as he walked off to find the gate number.

As they walked down the airport they got closer and closer.

“YAH! WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!” They heard a girl scream.

As they got closer and closer to the voice,  they found out that it was near the gate where Jaejoong was.

“YOU CANCELLED OUR HOTEL RESERVATIONS!?” They heard the girl scream again.

“Donghae! I see your cousin… and it looks like he brought company.” Leeteuk laughed hysterically.

Donghae just laughed at Leeteuk.

“YAH! Hyung! Jaejoong Hyung!” Donghae called out.

As Jaejoong looked up to see Donghae, the two girls that were with him turned around.



“YOU CANCELLED OUT HOTEL RESERVATIONS!?” Jessica screamed at Jaejoong.

“Hey, don’t worry. I have a place where we can stay at.” Jaejoong said.

“But that doesn’t give you the right to do that Oppa!” Yoona said, as she felt very frustrated.

“I can’t believe I even let you come along with us!” Yoona continued.

“Its all my fau-“

“YAH! Hyung! Jaejoong Hyung!” Someone interrupted Yoona.

‘That voice… Its sounds so… NO! It can’t be!’ Yoona thought.

As she turned around to see who it was, she couldn’t believe her eyes.

“Donghae Oppa?…”

jessica, yoonhae, snsd, fan fiction, jaejoong, donghae, yoona

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