Name: Heather
Her name: Chi
My age: 23
Her age: 25
Link to original member stats:
hereTogether since: November 2009
Time we were long distance: 1 year, 8 months
Short distance since: 22 July 2011
How we finally became local: Circumstances came together that my girlfriend had to give up her apartment and going to school for summer semester, and so we decided it was time to come together, combine our lives and finances, and move onto the future from here. My lady will be arriving here on Friday morning, accompanied by her cat, and we'll finally be short-distance.
Future plans: I finish school in May, but she still has some time to put in. In a few years when we're done with college, we'll get married and move back to her former city of residence, where we both want to live. But right now, as far as I'm concerned, we're already there at happily ever after.