
Jun 13, 2011 19:21


“How do I look in this dress?” Woori asked, hands on hips and doing a twirl in the 5th dress she had tried on that morning.

There was a big event coming up and Rainbow had been invited to attend, it wasn’t a concert and they had all been informed to dress formally by their managers. Normally the girls would all have their outfits sorted with their stylists roughly a day before the actual thing, but Woori decided to go out and find herself a dress as well as get an honest and unbiased second opinion.

Her second opinion came in the form of Infinite’s L, or Myungsoo as he was called off-stage, and he lounged on a comfortable chair in front of the mirrored door of her dressing cubicle, watching and nodding in a somewhat bored manner as she came in and out with a different result each time.

“Pretty,” he said in that monotone he had repeated for the last hour, mustering up enough of his energy to widen his eyes in order to look like he was paying attention. Woori dropped her hands to her side, irked by his lack of enthusiasm. Seeing this, Myungsoo sat up more and raised his voice an octave higher to try to sound perkier. “Really pretty.”

Woori puffed a sigh and turned her back to him to look at her reflection in the mirror. She raised up the long frilly skirt of her dark green dress and surveyed herself with a head tilt. She saw Myungsoo’s reflection too from the corner of her eye, looking bored again and slumped in his chair since there wasn’t really anyone around in the empty store to snapshot him and upload it onto the internet. Woori clicked her tongue in distaste and whirled around to shoot him a glare.

“Is this boring you?” she asked. “Because you can go home if it’s boring you.” Myungsoo shook his head, but his expression stayed the same.

“No, I want to be here,” he insisted. His voice sounded more convincing than his face, but Woori wasn’t satisfied with just that. She folded her arms across her chest.

“You’re not even helping,” she said with a huff. “All the dresses I’ve worn, the only thing you’ve said is that I look pretty and not giving me any real feedback.”

“But Uri Woori nuna is pretty,” Myungsoo piped up, his blank eyes widening a little to emphasize his words. “That’s why I say it. Honest.”

Woori turned her head to the side and bit her lip to hide a smile at his cute nickname for her. She went over and reached out her hands to his stoic face, pinching his surprisingly soft cheeks.

“This face,” she sighed. “I can’t read a thing from this face of yours, Myungsoo yah. You just always look so bored.”

She released him and suddenly clapped her hands together in front of his face, naturally making Myungsoo flinch. Woori observed his reaction; his eyes squeezed shut and scrunched up… but again his expression stayed the same. It was a little funny. Woori straightened back up and crossed her arms. She tilted her head again and stared down at him with scrutinizing eyes, trying hard to read him. Myungsoo let out a laugh, feeling flustered at this.

“What are you doing?” he chuckled, waving out his arms at her.

“Trying to see what you’re thinking,” Woori said, her voice soft amidst her concentration. Myungsoo laughed again and grabbed her around the waist, pulling her to him until she was on his lap.

“Is it working?” he asked curiously, wrapping his arms around her and leaning closely so she could get a better look at his expressionless face. Woori touched her lip thoughtfully and studied him for a few more seconds before shaking her head in dismay.

“What are you thinking about?” she said with a frown, playfully poking his chin with her finger. “I can never tell.”

“I’m thinking about how beautiful you are,” Myungsoo told her. He grabbed her hand and pretended to bite her finger. “And how you look more beautiful in the orange dress than this one.”

His words snapped Woori out of her thoughts and she looked down at her dress, touching the green fabric delicately.

“Really? You think so?” she squeaked high-pitchedly, like she did whenever she became excited. She lifted her head back to look at him, and Myungsoo could tell the comment meant a lot to her at the bright glow in her eyes, but perhaps he didn’t respond well enough that Woori then laughed and hit his shoulder, shaking him by his shirt.

“Yah, that’s not what you’re thinking!” she exclaimed with another laugh.

“It is!” Myungsoo said defensively, grabbing her hand so she wasn’t shaking him so hard. Woori smirked and looked at him critically.

“No, really,” she said teasingly. Her voice was soft and she didn’t sound offended or angry. “What are you thinking of right now?” Under her gaze, Myungsoo shrugged with a flustered expression and scratched his head.

“Well... I’m a little hungry,” he muttered.

Woori burst out laughing. She hit his shoulder again and pushed herself off him, dusting her dress.

“Okay, okay,” she sighed good-naturedly. “I guess I’ve been keeping you here for too long.” She turned back to the mirror and preened her reddish-brown hair over her shoulder. “But the orange one still looks the best, right?”

“Yeah,” Myungsoo replied, and she smiled, hearing the truthfulness in his voice.

After Woori went to the counter and paid for the dress, Myungsoo was already on his feet and waiting for her at the entrance.

“Ah, I’m tired~” he breathed to himself as he pushed the door open for her to go out first. Woori gave him a smirk as she passed, making Myungsoo look after her questionably.

“What?” he asked as he followed her outside, tucking his hands into his pockets. Woori just shrugged, smiling mysteriously.

“Nothing,” she said. “You just don’t look like you’re tired, or even hungry.” She moved closer, looping her arm around his and beaming up at him sweetly. “But what do I know, right?”


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