An Appetite for Love - Part II [Winter] (Chapter Three)

Apr 08, 2008 21:32

Title: An Appetite for Love - Part II [Winter]
Chapter: 3/5
Pairing: Masuda Takahisa x Tegoshi Yuya
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Tegoshi earns himself a spot on the naughty list, and Massu doesn't take it too well.
Disclaimer: If I owned them, this would be a movie instead of just a story.

:: < three > | the disconnect

He had Tegoshi pinned beneath him-Tegoshi's face close to his, Tegoshi's hands in his hair. His own hands were gliding down the slender body beneath him as he nipped the smooth neck. Bold fingers ventured underneath the striped woolen shirt, pushing it out of the way as they drifted up heated skin.

Tegoshi moaned and massaged Massu's scalp gently as the other boy began to suck gently where shoulder met neck, leaving a faint mark. The shirt that he was wearing was being pushed up until it was gathered above his nipples, and Massu moved down to lick playfully at his chest.

Tegoshi laughed a little and hooked one leg around Massu's waist, pressing his palm against the back of his boyfriend's neck. His body relaxed into the mattress beneath him.

A loud buzzing in his ear made him startle a little; Massu stopped and look up curiously. Their phones were vibrating in unison on the bedside table. Without moving out of their position, they each reached for the phones. The same e-mail had appeared in their inboxes. It was from Yamapi.

"X-mas party TONIGHT. 8 pm, at my place. It's mandatory!"

They exchanged questioning glances. Tegoshi plucked Massu's phone from his hand and let it fall along with his to the carpet beside the bed. "We still have some time until then," he whispered, wrapping his arms around Massu.

His shirt had fallen down a little, but his stomach was still exposed. Massu spread his palm against it, appreciating the soft skin with the pads of his fingers. Tegoshi laughed softly in his ear. "That tickles." His breath hitched when Massu's fingers brushed over the front of his pants.

Massu, he was about to say, Do it.

But before he could even begin to articulate the words, Massu got off of him, sitting back on his heels. His gaze lingered on Tegoshi's stomach for a moment longer before he pulled the woolen shirt back down, so that Tegoshi was properly covered once again. Kissing him gently a couple more times, Massu sat at the end of the bed, his back turned towards Tegoshi as he bent down to scoop his phone back up.

"I think it's better if I go home now. To get ready and stuff." Massu gestured to the clothes that he was wearing: pajama-like pants and a T-shirt. "I should get into something more presentable. And in any case, we shouldn't arrive together. That was a rule you made."

He didn't leave Tegoshi room to argue. "I guess so." The younger boy sat up and followed Massu as he went to the front door and began to put on his shoes.

"I'll see you tonight then," he said once he was done, kissing Tegoshi for one last time before leaving the house.

After he had gone, Tegoshi returned to his room to sulk. He could see his reflection in the mirror from where he sat on the bed. Pulling down the collar of his shirt a little, he examined the kiss mark that Massu had left on his neck. It wasn't too obvious-it could be hidden as long as he didn't wear anything with a low neckline.

He pulled the shirt over his head and tossed it in the general direction of the laundry hamper. Looking at his reflection again, he wondered if there was anything about him that had turned Massu off. It seemed to him that could be the only explanation for the odd way that Massu had looked at him, followed by his hasty departure. The more Tegoshi thought it over, the more it seemed to make sense to him; Massu always went up to a certain point with him, and always seemed to be firm at stopping.

There was still the question of what it was that turned Massu off. Tegoshi couldn't find anything wrong with himself. "It could be because I'm a boy," he murmured to his reflection. But the idea upset him so he quickly got off the bed, trying to ignore it by going to his closet to pick out something to wear to the party.

* * *
"They. Are. LATE!" Yamapi said, eying the clock. It was thirty-five minutes past eight. Uchi, Koyama, Kusano, Massu, and Shige had arrived already; they were gathered around the coffee table, snacking idly and playing games while they waited for Ryo and Tegoshi to arrive.

"What are you going to do about it?" Kusano asked, leaning back against the sofa, his eyes glued to the video game that he was playing on Yamapi's TV.

"They're going to be punished, of course," Yamapi replied. "They should know that when I say 'mandatory' I also mean that they should be on time." He turned away and began to rummage through a box of Christmas decorations. Finding what he was looking for, he stepped back and announced, "Mistletoe!"

There was a collective "Ehhhh?"

Koyama turned abruptly in his seat to confirm what he had heard. Shige choked on the cookie that he had been eating; Uchi began to thump him on the back, looking meditatively at the mistletoe.

"I'm going to hang this above the door, and not let anyone in until they both arrive. That way…" Yamapi tied some string around the stem of the mistletoe.

"You're going to make them kiss?" The conversation had distracted Kusano from his game. Since he was already losing, he shot a glance at Massu as he spoke. Massu was sitting silently, biting his bottom lip as he listened to the others.

"Exactly." Yamapi tied the mistletoe to a hook above the door and turned to his audience, winking at them. "Ready!"

Uchi had gone to look out the window, observing the street below. "Ryo-chan is coming," he broadcasted, watching as his group mate entered the apartment building. The rest of them gathered around Yamapi as they waited for Ryo to come. After a couple of minutes, Ryo appeared in the hall.

"You're late!" Yamapi informed him, opening the door a crack as he approached and peeking out at him.

"I had to travel to get here, unlike most of you." Ryo grumbled, stepping towards the door. Yamapi didn't budge. "Are you going to let me in or not?" He could hear the others snickering behind the door. "Is everyone else in there already?"

"Maybe…" Yamapi drew out the word, stalling for time. He could hear footsteps coming around the corner. "… and maybe not." Luckily, it was Tegoshi who appeared. He came to stand next to Ryo, smiling and oblivious.

"Hey guys." He greeted Yamapi and Ryo in the hallway. He could hear muffled sounds coming from within the apartment. "What's going on?"

"Apparently, Yamashita isn't letting us inside because we're late." Ryo crossed his arms and looked at Yamapi incredulously.

"We're late?" Tegoshi blinked and checked his watch. "Ah! I didn't realize… I must have lost track of time. I thought I was actually going to be early. Gomen!" He clapped his palms together in front of his face and bowed his head.

Yamapi stepped away from the door, letting it swing open a little. "It's okay, Tegoshi. I wouldn't keep you guys out here. It's the Christmas season! You guys can come in."

Straightening up and dropping his arms, Tegoshi began to follow the older boy inside, only to crash into his back when Ryo stopped abruptly. He heard Ryo shout angrily.

"YAMASHITA! What gives?!"

Yamapi was preventing him from going any further than the door step. He grinned and pointed above their heads. "But Christmas won't relieve you from your punishment. You two are on the naughty list, and there's only one way to get off of it."

They both looked up at the same time, their mouths opening slightly. Then they looked at each other.


"You can't get in unless you comply with the rules of the mistletoe like good little boys," Yamapi explained, still blocking the entrance. The other members appeared behind him to watch. Some of them were suppressing their laughter.

"'Good little boys' my ass." Ryo said in a sarcastic tone. He and Tegoshi looked at each other again. Tegoshi's eyes were wide and he seemed to have gone mute. "Come here, Tegoshi."

Ryo grabbed him and pressed his lips against Tegoshi's. The others began to cheer and clap, hooting when the kiss lasted longer than they expected.

Kusano laughed, clapping his hands, but his smile faded a little when he glimpsed Massu watching. He saw Kusano looking at him and forced a laugh.

Ryo was showing off. He had his arm curled around Tegoshi's back, kissing him with gusto and plenty of tongue. When they finally pulled away from each other, Ryo slid past Yamapi looking like he had not just won access the apartment-he now owned the apartment.

Kusano noticed that Tegoshi couldn't bring himself to meet Massu's gaze as he hurried inside after Ryo.

* * *
The drinks had been circulating for an hour when Ryo, slightly drunk, invited Tegoshi to sit on his lap.

"Where'd you learn to kiss?" He asked lazily, his lips brushing dangerously close to the spot where Massu had laid his claim earlier that day. "You're not bad." His breath tickled Tegoshi's neck and the younger boy couldn't stop himself from giggling a little. Ryo's arms came around Tegoshi's waist.

"Ryo-chan, leave him alone. You're such a sleaze when you're drunk," Yamapi teased from the kitchen, where he was refilling the snack bowls.

"Shut up," Ryo said off-handedly. He turned back to Tegoshi. "I'm not a sleaze." He leaned back, making a show as he touched Tegoshi's soft hair. "I like him. Don't I, Tegoshi." He leaned in, grinning playfully, to whisper-quite audibly-into Tegoshi's ear. "Ai shiteru." Tegoshi couldn't stop himself from smiling.

Massu got up abruptly and left the apartment. Everyone fell silent, looking at the door as if they expected him to come back in.

Tegoshi's voice was quiet. "Sorry, I'll go get him…" Slipping from Ryo's lap, Tegoshi followed him out.

The remaining members blinked after them. "What was all that about?" Uchi wondered, chewing thoughtfully on whatever snack was closest at hand.

"I think-" Kusano started, but wasn't sure whether he should go on. Tegoshi and Massu didn't seem to want the rest of them to know about their secret, but in light of the current situation, it seemed better for the others to know. Everyone in the room was looking at him expectantly. "I think they're going out."

"... what?"

Massu struggled with the sleeve of his jacket as he stepped out of Yamapi's apartment building. Although it wasn't snowing at the moment, the wind was swirling the flakes at his feet. He took a deep breath. He felt like he was going to be sick.

"Massu, wait…" Tegoshi's footsteps behind him, Tegoshi's faint voice calling him. "Massu. Masuda."

"I don't want to talk to you right now." The wind carried his words in whichever direction it pleased. He wasn't sure if Tegoshi heard them, but the footsteps behind him seemed to have stopped. He kept walking.

Tegoshi looked on after him. His heart was cracking as if it were made of nothing more than thin ice.


Author's Notes: Forgive me! I know that up until now, AAFL has been candy and puppies and what-have-you, but with this chapter it has officially changed gears. There has to be at least some trouble in paradise.

Anyways, this chapter was a pain to write! XD Because I kept trying to write it late at night (which usually works for me) and would end up falling asleep instead of finishing.

Lastly, I'm not sure if I'll have two more chapters or one more chapter. I know what is definitely going to happen, I just don't know how many pages it'll take, haha~

This chapter kind of reminds me of the song "Mr. Brightside" by The Killers. :x

rating: pg-13, pairing: masuda/tegoshi, series: an appetite for love

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