An Appetite for Love - Part II [Winter] (Chapter Two)

Mar 15, 2008 16:33

Title: An Appetite for Love - Part II [Winter]
Chapter: 2/5
Pairing: Masuda Takahisa x Tegoshi Yuya
Rating: More or less PG
Summary: Massu and Tegoshi celebrate their four month anniversary, but Massu wishes they didn't have to pretend all the time.
Disclaimer: If I owned them, this would be a movie instead of just a story.

:: < two > | manmade stars

Tegoshi toyed with the strap on his phone as he gazed out the misted window. There was a light dusting of snow on the ground, and the fat snowflakes were descending endlessly upon the streets of Tokyo. He hadn't been expecting snow when he had left his house that evening, so he tried to absorb as much warmth as he could before he had to face the elements. He wrapped his jacket more tightly around himself as the bus came to a smooth stop and its doors swung open, ushering a burst of cold air inside. Despite his best efforts to stay warm, Tegoshi could feel his cheeks stinging from the cold as he stepped out at the Decks Tokyo Beach shopping area.

Massu was already waiting for him on the bench of the bus stop. He waved at him and Tegoshi hurried over, puffing his warm breath into his cupped palms to try to ward off the chill. Massu casually slung his arm over Tegoshi's shoulder once he had come close enough; it was as much as he could do in public, as much as he hated to admit to himself. He really wanted to wrap his arms around Tegoshi and warm the other boy's mouth with his own… but the crowds of people around him crushed his courage to put his desires to action.

He squeezed Tegoshi's shoulder gently before letting his arm drop back to his side. He could see Tegoshi shiver beside him. "Are you cold? Do you want to borrow my jacket?"

He began to take off his heavy jacket without waiting for an answer, but Tegoshi lay a hand on his arm to stop him. His touch felt icy. "No, I'm fine," he said lightly, smiling at him. "Really, I am. Don't worry about me."

Massu gazed at him before reluctantly shrugging his jacket back on. All the things that they had to do to conceal their relationship were taking their toll on him. They had been keeping it a secret from everyone; no one, not even their families or the other members of NEWS knew. It broke his heart to realize that now he was rendered useless from even protecting his own boyfriend from the cold. It was one thing to be held back by your own feelings; it was another thing altogether when you are held back because of societal rules. It was times like this that made him prefer staying in, knowing that there was nothing to hold him back. But to confine Tegoshi behind doors of privacy would be to stifle his very nature.

Massu pursed his lips and nodded at Tegoshi. "Okay. Then, let's go?"

They had come to see the Daiba Memorial Tree, the largest Christmas tree in Tokyo. It had been lighted a few weeks prior, and they had decided to celebrate their four month anniversary there. It was only a quick jog across the street from the bus stop before they stood in front of the tall, luminescent tree that dominated the street. Behind it, they could see the illuminated Rainbow Bridge and the sky scrapers jutting out against the Tokyo skyline. The landscape was softened by the lazily falling snow.

"The view is amazing, isn't it?" Tegoshi said, still breathless from their dash across the street. Massu glanced at him and smiled, remembering how Tegoshi had stood, awestruck, at a different kind of light display at the matsuri festival four months before. Many things had changed since then, but this moment felt the same.

"Let's take a picture," Massu said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out his camera. Tegoshi nodded and tore his eyes away from the lights.

"Try to get the bridge in the background of the picture too," he suggested, peering into the glowing screen of the camera that Massu had rotated towards them. They tilted their heads together in order to fit into the picture.

"That was a good one." Massu smiled as he tucked the camera back into his pocket. He was about to step away when Tegoshi grabbed his arm and pulled him back to his side.

"Wait, I want one for my phone too." He leaned his head against Massu's once again and held his phone out in front of them. Massu could faintly smell the shampoo in his hair. The fragrance, along with the contact, made something inside him ache.

Tegoshi's phone made a faint clicking noise and they stepped away from each other, turning around again to look at the tree. Tegoshi clutched Massu's arm for a fleeting moment, before motioning that they should walk around. They crossed the street once again, walking along the brightly lit sidewalks lined with trendy shops.

"Hey, what do you want for Christmas?" Massu asked, stopping in front of a window display at a clothing store. The younger boy stuffed his hands into his pockets, stopping a few feet away from him.

"I just had my birthday," he mused, smiling. "And now you're already asking me what I want for Christmas?" He gazed at the display as well. "I'm not sure yet. What do you want, Massu?"

Massu turned away from the window and began to walk again; Tegoshi walked backwards in front of him so that they were facing each other. "I have to think about it some more, too," Massu said thoughtfully.

They wandered into a couple of shops but were not in the mood to buy anything. Tegoshi chatted about anything that came to mind--movies, soccer, school, and the newest trend that he was positive was started by Yamashita-kun. Massu listened to everything.
They reached a bridge that crossed over the street and towards Tokyo Bay, and followed it until they reached a planked walkway that extended out to look over the water. Tegoshi leaned against the railing and watched the long, thin dinner boats floating in the water towards the bridge. Massu leaned over next to him, reaching out his arm and pulling Tegoshi closer beside him. They were the only ones there.

"Are you sure you're not cold?" He said gently, rubbing his hand up and down Tegoshi's arm. The other boy huddled closer to him.

"I am, a little bit." Tegoshi sighed and turned so that his back was against the railing, pulling Massu over to stand in front of him and tucking his arms inside of Massu's jacket.

Massu enveloped the both of them in it the best he could. "You should have taken it when I offered it to you earlier," he chided lightly. He tightened his arms around Tegoshi. "I don't want you to get sick."

Tegoshi leaned forward and kissed Massu gently. "I would have, but you know as well as I do why I didn't."

"Taking my jacket isn't really that suspicious," Massu sighed.

"I guess you're right. What we're doing right now is pretty obvious though, isn't it?" He smiled in the dark, but didn't move away from their position despite his words.

"It's okay, just this once. No one's around," Massu caught his mouth again, slowly adding pressure to distract Tegoshi from protesting. He had to relish the few moments where they could do this, without fear, almost like a normal couple.

Kusano had come to Decks Tokyo Beach to do his Christmas shopping. He took pride in the fact that he wasn't procrastinating, because he usually had the reputation among his friends of avoiding it as long as he could. This year, however, he would prove them wrong.

As he wandered out of a store, he spotted his two group mates crossing over the bridge and heading towards the decks. "Eh…? Maybe they're trying to do some shopping too? They don't have any bags like I do, though… aha, I'm definitely beating them at Christmas shopping! Oi, Masuda!"

The other two were too far away; they didn't hear him and continued on towards the walkway overlooking the bay. Gathering his shopping bags in one hand, Kusano looked around to make sure that he hadn't attracted any unwanted attention from anyone who could have been a fan or paparazzi. Seeing no one, he went to follow his friends.

He reached the start of the walkway just in time to see Tegoshi kiss Massu all the way at the other end. "Tegoshi…? Masuda…?" He began to back away in the direction he had come, dumbstruck because he felt that he had intruded upon a couple's private space… and because the couple was his two friends.


Author's Notes: After one (almost two?!) years I FINALLY have the second chapter up. Did you give up on me ever finishing this? Haha, to be honest I wasn't really planning on continuing either, because I was honestly stuck at how this chapter should go. But I've been in a fic writing mood lately, I guess, and so here you go. A pleasant surprise I hope. :)

- Keep in mind that I wrote the first part of this story (the summer part) back before Uchi and Kusano were suspended, and so I am just going to continue writing this with them still in the group.
- The Daiba Memorial Christmas tree looks like this. (Click on it, it's a really cool 360 degree image of the street where this chapter takes place.)
- The walkway that Massu and Tegoshi are standing at in the end of the chapter looks like this. Just so that you can get a more realistic image of the scene. :)

As always, comments are greatly appreciated. They definitely motivate me to write more. ♥ I unlocked Chapter One in case anyone hasn't read it. However, AAFL Part I [Summer] will remain friends-locked.

rating: pg, pairing: masuda/tegoshi, series: an appetite for love

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