Feb 15, 2011 22:56
Yeah ok so no one reads this anymore. Kinda makes me sad...
but then again I don't really read anyone else's ljs either. Maybe I should try that first.
Today I went to the Immigration Bureau in Shinagawa to apply for an extension of my visa. Well technically an extension of my status of residence certificate or whatever, but everyone just calls it a visa. (Visa is technically what allows you to entry the country and it's void the moment you use it to enter the country! Which is why foreigners need to apply for re-entry permits if they're going to leave and come back again under the same status-of-residence, ie. go back to work).
I was nervous about which documents I need. I had most of everything all set but I wasn't sure what kind of documentation I should bring to prove my relationship to Mimu. I didn't have a marriage certificate or a copy of one, but I did have a copy of the official form stating that the city ward certified our marriage with the country. I called immigration and the line was busy for like 20 minutes. I decided to just get on the train and go there anyway, and just as I was about to enter the station, I finally got through! The lady was very informative and concise like people at immigration always are (I LOVE THEM).
She said "you're just applying for an extension right?" to which I said "yes"
She then said "Your husband works right?"
"Then you should have a health insurance card, right?"
"Oh yes, I do!"
"That works as proof of relationship so just show them that and that'll be fine."
"Wow really? Awesome! I got it, thank you!"
Yeah, it was awesome.
Immigration was crowded anyway and I was there for at least an hour or two or something like that. You can't eat in the waiting areas so having not eaten lunch, I was starving the whole time! Luckily I had brought some crochet work with me to keep me busy. There was a family in front of me, they looked like they were a Sikh family or something because the father had a turban and so did the little boy. The boy kept looking at me while I was crocheting and was so wild in the seats. It was funny, but of course I had no idea what they were saying to each other. One of the parents would say something and he'd whine and then kick some more... they'd make him take of his shoes so he could kick and not get the seats dirty.. XD He dropped some lip balm and a candy wrapper, which I gave to his mother.. it was funny.
Met with Mimu in Shibuya when I was done at immigration, and we had lunch. Oddly enough, I wanted McDonald's. It's hard to find a good burger at an affordable price, and McDonald's quarter pounder is about all there is for that then. everything else is 1000yen or more (about $10) and is too big and is more like a meatloaf than hamburger. All other fast foods are 50/50 beef and pork and the hamburger patty is so thin, you might as well not even have it in there at all. But regardless, we went to a place that didn't have hamburgers. I got a hamburg steak with an omelete in a demiglasse sauce. It was ok, I didn't finish it all because there was a smal cockroach in the restaurant near us and I totally lost my appetite when I saw it.
Let's see... then I checked out Marunan, the fabric store, for some nice yarn to use on some gloves for my mom. Couldn't find any I liked that were cheap, because I'm thrifty like that. Not because I don't want to use nice yarn on my mom, but because I don't like to use expensive yarn on anything unless someone else is buying it 8D No pricey yarn for me unless it's ALL THERE IS in the color and texture and size... Anyway, they didnt' have any I liked.
So I decided to check out Daiso in Harajuku because they sell that too. Well, Daiso does, but not the one in Harajuku. I was shocked.
But then I remembered that I needed to get some toe socks because it's good for circulation and I has teh problems. So, yeah, Daiso usually has these too and they only had them in mens. I wasn't going to risk it when I knew there was a girly socks store right across the street, 3 for 1050yen. So yay I got myself some nice toe socks in brown, black, and grey patterns.
my feet are going to get better and stay better YAY!
I also found a fake suede vest cardigan thing that I liked. It was only 500yen, so I bought it. I've been wanting one so that's cool. yippee.
Got a cinnamon churrito, and went home.
Gave Kipi her medicine and stuff when I got back, waited for Mimu, I did more stuff than he did today, we woke up at the same time, and he's WAY more tired and emo. I was insensitive because he didn't communicate what he wanted to eat since I wasn't really hungry and I'd told him that. I asked him what he wanted to eat and all he said was that he was hungry. So he came home, I felt bad, he was disappointed, and I felt defensive because I would've cooked something had I known he was just gonna come home. Also, if he had told me when he got to the station, I'd have asked him to pick up food at the store.
I decided I wasn't helping and when he came out of the bathroom I gave him a hug and rubbed his back and massaged his head and said "Hey.. it's ok now ^_^ you're not at work now you're at home. You can just relax now." Then he goes "I want to play Little Big Planet 2" and then the night was happy again. Yaay.
Ok I'm done yaay