Jul 10, 2006 13:40
What's this nonsense!??!
I thought last weeks 3 day work week after a nice previous week off was the way to go.
Now I have to be here all week? Who came up with this crazy plan?!?!?
As I told my Mom today, I'm at work but I'm not happy about it!
So had another nice weekend. I think my cats officially hate me as I'm away from home longer than I'm here now. They could be plotting a revolt, or just planning on decorating the place differently. Who knows with them.
Saturday was Miss Buffy's lovely 4th of July party! Yes, it's no longer the 4th, but as it seems everyone else had their party on the first - which made it a slight be difficult for me to go to as I was at Origins at the time, she kindly changed it to this past weekend. Not for my sake, as Riley believes, but I'm willing to take the credit that she wanted me there so much she rearranged the party to fit my schedule!
That's my story and I'm sticking to it!:)
And hey, the weather held up, kids running amok in the freshly grassed backyard, "adults" (and I use that word loosely) telling war-stories about previous LARPS.
Willow and I also talked to Giles about the beautiful chaos he cause at the last Lione event. He had no idea how crazy it all was!
Me, Anya, and Willow trying out more Mojitos (MOJITOS!!!!) and Buffy trying one out for the first time (not realizing it has rum in it - which she doesn't like) and asking if it could be made with Vodka. Sure, why the heck not. So coconut Vodka was used (as that was what was on hand) and thus the Cocajito was born! Tasty!
I fell off a chair and I was cut off from drinking any more Mojitos - sad thing was that I was sober when I fell off, such is the klutz that is me. That will teach me to lean back on a chair that has no...back. It was okay though, my pride no longer wounds at foibles such as that. Please, not a day goes by that I don't bang my head or leg or arm on something. Falling off a chair? Pshaw! No bruise so I call it a win!!!:)
So I switched to Pina Colodas!
Then Buffy decided to be mean to all of us and make us take a test about States, Capitals, and Presidents. I still love you, but I hate what you did to us! It was so sad that all us grown-up where getting help (cheat) from any kid there that could recite all the States and their capitals. We could partner up for this "fun" test - and I got Doyle. I gotta tell you I felt like a total idiot trying to figure some of this stuff out. Doyle being much smarter than I, or maybe we were really good at guessing, managed to pull us in for the win. I still do not know how that happened. (Maybe I still had some Origins luck going for me - dunno) The prize was 4 scratch off tickets. Which got us a net win of $10 total. Doyle's gonna cash that in for us so we can figure out how to wildly spend our $5 each!!!!!
Buffy, you plan a lovely party.
Willow, you are an awesome date.
Anya, you make a mean Mojitos!
I *heart* you all!
Next up Atlantic City with the girlies!!!!