Origins Day 3 & 4

Jul 07, 2006 15:15

Let's wrap this puppy up huh? Cause honestly y'all can't still be interested.

Day 3

This was the first time we all had breakfast together and in general had breakfast. At this point all I had planned for the day was a "Fistful of Ugly" western game, I think using Gurps again, with Wesley and the tournament that the 3 of us signed
up for.

I headed over to the Studio 2 Publishing booth and indeed Shane Lacy Hensely was there. I gushed at him (I had actually met him before at Origins in 1997 - I had won a prize in a Deadlands game and I had him sign it.) and asked him if he would sign my Orignal Deadlands Book and Wes had him sign his stuff. Back in '97 I had Bruce Campbell sign it as he was there. Apparently that made for a great story as Shane is a big fan of his and geeked out that Bruce remembered who he was when they ran into each other years later.

So he made a big production about signing my book!:) I then got him to take a picture with me, Wesley, and Connor and he said that I should email it to him and he'd put it up on his site! Yes, gushy, geeky and giddy was me!!!

I walked away from that booth all happy and had to deal with Connor mocking my gushing and mimicking me and Wesley saying that he was glad he hopped into the picture because knowing I was in it would definitely get it posted on the site being that I'm a girl and all. It was at that time then that I told those two that I hate them both and always have! It didn't help when we met up with Kendra later and she was filled in that she got in on it as well saying it's cause I have boobs. Shuddup. I hate you too! Thpt!!!

Back to the gaming room the three of us attempted to rent out Arkham Horror again. But alas there were no copies left we opted instead for Fury of Dracula. There was a bit of humor as the whole renting process turned into something out of a 3 stooges episode. Wesley had to keep going back and forth between two tables and each time he showed up at a table the attendant would leave, he finally got his hand on the game and then the next attendant took it away from him which left Wes scratching his head. I finally had to tell the guy that we'd like to rent the game and that Wes wasn't returning it. Then the guy banished up to a table in the corner of the room (now there was assigned seating!??!) where I think his intention was that we kick a 10 year old girl out of her seat and take over the table (we didn't). Bizarre.

That taken care of we finally got around to the game. As Connor had at least played an earlier version of this game before and with a quick read of the rules, he easily got Wes and I up to speed. Personally I love the first rule "Dracula cannot cheat". And low and behold Wes, who played Dracula, proceeded to cheat at one point! See I knew he cheats! Cheater!!!! Again he gave the whole "I made a mistake, I didn't realize..." Yeah yeah buddy whatever. I'm onto you! *evil glare*

This game took up the rest of the afternoon and it was pretty entertaining. We managed to corner Dracula 3 times before finally kicking his ass! Yeah that's right cheater!!:) Just in time for us to pack up the game and head over to the....

Hero Card Galaxy Tournament.

We had no idea how this was going to be set up. What if we end up playing each other and knock each other out of the tournament? That would totally suck. So course once we got there we immediately bothered R.C., who told us it would be completely random - though it ended up turning out pretty good as the 3 of us never played each other so I gotta wonder if they tried to set it up that way. Maybe not wanting us to work together or something.

Anyway, there were about 8 game tables with 4 people to a game. The scoring system was printed on each table. The first person to reach 15 points or over would win that game. And everyone would be scored. We gave our names and then we were placed at a table and told which cards we'd play with.

Round One (Mechagen) - I ended up at a table with 2 guys and gal. I should have known I was in trouble when the gal said she didn't even know how to play the game. She had signed up for the tournament but didn't get a chance to demo it. R.C. gave her a quick tutorial before the game started. So either she was putting us on, or an amazing fast learning, cause she quickly caught on and from the get go started attacking me. The sucky thing was I didn't have the cards to defend myself, so for two rounds right off the bat she attacked me. One of the other guys did later in the game as well and there was some contention about what card affects went first when I tried to defend myself. One of the Tablestar guys came over (they were there to answer questions during the game) and said my defense would only work if the guy hadn't played his cards as a set. Which he quickly said he did. He actually didn't. When he played a card I went on the defensive and before I could put my card down he said "oh yeah, I'm playing this too". Whatever. The other guy was actually really nice and was arguing with the first guy on my behalf. I honestly wasn't too worried about it and it was just funny to watch him defend me. I finally said it's okay, don't worry about it and I took the attack. At the end of the game, the gal won, I came in a close second and the guys tied for third. I did thank that other guy for being the only one nice to me. Yes, I know these games are about winning and attacking. But there is a fun way to do it people. And from the get go going on the offensive isn't gonna make me your friend. But that's just my opinion.

As the hall we were in was freezing (stupid high air conditioner) I mean it was so cold guys were complaining about the cold! I'm so used to freezing with the AC on full blast that I don't bother saying anything. All I ever get in response is "How can you be cold!?! I'm boiling!" Shuddup whatever! we decided we needed more clothes.

So as Wes was actually still playing his game (he came in second), Connor (who had finished just before I had and come in first) and I ran back to the room to pick up sweatshirts for all of us and ran to the food court to get some food. Of course there were stupid long lines and by the time we got back it was set up for the next game and R.C. is waving us on saying "you sit here, play this and you sit there play that" This time my table was close to Wes's so I was able to throw him his sweatshirt. But Connor had the food and I was starving!!! Luckily a few minutes later he was able to get up and toss Wes and I our sandwiches. Yay!!

Round Two (Cosmic Cult. Yay!) - again with me playing with 2 guys and a gal. Again right from the get go the gal attacks me! (WTF!?!??!) But this time I had a better starting hand and defended myself. She kept attacking me and I told her "I can sit here and defend all day. You sure you want to keep doing this?" She tried to call my bluff, but alas I wasn't bluffing. Next turn I attacked her off point she had been trying to steal from me. I also realized I hate playing with women. Damn they're catty! (Okay I'm generalizing here but hey, my opinion) No wonder I have more guy and girl friends. Sheesh!! But I think I had sufficiently Alpha'd myself after that and she backed down and then tried to play nice with me after that. Sure no problem babe:) I also managed to keep the two guys at bay as well. One guy was okay until he started being picky about the rules - simple stuff, nothing serious. I asked him what was up with that and he said "sorry, I'm kinda a rules lawyer" (Oh joy) I told him to knock it off as it's unattractive and he actually did! The other guy apparently a high stresser kept getting (and answering) phone calls during the game and was annoyed that he kept getting calls. Hello people, put the phone on vibrate or shut it off for a damn hour. You're in Ohio, where are you going to run off to in a hurry!??! But the important thing is that I won that game. Go me!:)

As I finished my game first this time I went to check on the boys. Connor was playing with the first gal I had played against. I admit a bit a glee in seeing she wasn't doing too well this time. Okay I can be petty I admit it. I then went to check up on Wes who wasn't doing too well apparently. Seems he kept getting attacked by this 10 year old kid on his left.

Funny thing was that I thought it might be the kid that Connor said was in his first game and just kept attacking the guy on his right mostly without provocation and wasn't really trying to win the game (seems some guy attacked the kid and so he attacked him back - fair enough, but then after that he'd attack him every round!) Poor Wes, never even attacked the kid, and yet got his wrath. So he was never able to score many points, and neither was the kid really because after he stole the points from Wes someone else would take them from him (not that he'd attack that person - talk about fixation).

So end round two with Connor once again winning and Wesley coming in third. As this time we weren't running for food or clothing we got to sit around for the break and talk strategy. Wes kept talking about this guy Daniel that was in his game and that he was smart and paid attention to everything. He said it seemed like that guy was always 3 steps ahead. I just prayed I wouldn't get that kid in my next game and be on his right!:) R.C. then came over to me and said "hey, I got a little secret for you. If you win the next game you could take home the $1500!" What!?! NO! Don't tell me that!! Pressure!! Oh god *flailing of arms* And yes, I did actually say all that to him:)

Round Three (Crab! I love the Crab!!) - (can you feel the tension building!??!) I'm trying not to be nervous, especially since I see the name tag on the guy sitting next to me is "Daniel" damn. Wes so psyched me out on that guy. I figured what were the odds that it might be a different Daniel. But Wes was too far away for me to ask him. Okay, so this time I'm playing against 3 guys. The older guy and Daniel seem nice enough. Actually quite funny as they have this 'rivalry' going on between them. The third guy (gah, there's always one of those) right from the get go - before the game even starts is being a jerk. He wants to know what everyone's points are. I personally don't want to know what my points are. I don't want to get distracted. I also don't him wanting to know. Neither do the other two guys. But he's insisting that he has right to know and that the judges said he could ask and find out everyone's at the tables he's playing. So I'm thinking, wow this guy is really a jerk. Oddly enough he's not endearing himself to the other two players either. Turns out the judge can tell him his points but if we don't want to share ours he doesn't get to know. Ha! Take that!!! He also started saying that he wasn't going to win and generally being all around sucky. Funny thing is that guy aside, this was the most fun group I had played with so far. We did some good natured smack talking, and apparently so interesting was our table that Connor who was actually on the next one over from me said he kept looking over as ours was way more fun to listen too. talented boy he can pay attention to one game and still play his own. And by talented I mean "annoying" Damn him! But it was fun cause we could make faces at each other across the table now!:) So the game is getting close, the three of us are pretty close to winning except for the third guy who keeps randomly attacking and changing his mind. And for every point he steals or tries to steal he's just making enemies. He also keeps changing his mind and saying he won't attack someone and then does. People love that!

Daniel seems to have a good grasp of the rules which finally has me asking how long has been playing the game? He says he just learned the day before. I question him on his intelligence in knowing what all the cards that are played on him without having to read them (Yeah, I know some of the cards, but I still needed to ask - what's that do? on more than one occasion). And that's when admits that he "kinda" has a photographic memory. (AHa!) I tell him that's not fair to the rest of us stupid people!:) Turns out he's a pretty goofy guy and is fun to talk to. He started showing me pictures on his camera phone of Xmen 3 props because he has a friend in California who works does makeup/props for the movies.

Wes at this point walks up, finished with his game (he came in third again), and verifies for me that I am indeed sitting next the guy he was talking about. He then watches my game and Connor's. Apparently having a conversation (that I was informed of later) that went something along of the line of:

Connor: "hey, that guy Daniel is flirting with Lou - I'm gonna have to put a stop to that."
Wesley: "Experience son. I got it handled."

Because after that all I kept hearing was a clearing throat noise and a downward cut hand motion. Which had me having a conversation with Wesley later:

Me: You know you're not really my older brother right?
Wesley: That's okay I don't mind.
Me: Yes, but I do!!!
Wesley: *hand wave*
Me: And I'm older than you!
Wesley: Nah, you'll always be 22.

So what the hell do you say to that?:)

Anyway - back to the game (building up tension people!!!) So Daniel ends up taking down jerk guy knowing full well that I am going to win it - unless someone can stop me - on my next turn. I'm pretty nervous about this because I figured that if Daniel didn't decide to focus on that guy he probably could win. He was actually good natured about it too. So all I need is one card that the older guy has. So in a very nice way I tell him that I respect him & the Cult (his deck) but I gotta do this. He actually laughs.

I throw down my attack and wait for his defense. And he says take it, cause he doesn't have any. I was totally surprised. It was that easy. He had the same problem I had the first game, sucky cards.

So I win!! Yay me!!! Jerky guy disappears after that. I tell the other two they were really fun to play with. The lady judge comes up to me as we are counting points and says "Hon, I think you won." I'm like get out! That's impossible, I only won two games and my friend Connor has won three. Then I realize I just assumed he did so I yell out (cause he ended up finishing the same time I did) "hey, you won your game right?" He says "yeah". And I tell her that's the winner over there.

I also thought there might be another round, I wasn't sure - I assumed we'd each play one of the "characters", but it turned out that some people played the same deck more than once. The judges were all counting up points and I kept talking to Daniel about some stuff and then my name and Connor's gets called out. We are handed two pieces of paper each - "sign that so we have the right to use your image on our website and fill out those tax forms" Sure enough Connor won the $1500 grand prize!

Pretty damn cool for a boy that got laid off in time to go on the trip. And I won the $100 second prize and a signed copy of the Galaxy game and the expansion sets. Of course we were all so very goofy, which made the TableStar guys very happy. Seems at another convention the grand prize winner didn't smile when holding the check. But goof that Connor is had this big grin.

And the owner came up to me and said that he was so happy that girls played the game too and won. You can so tell it's such a new happy company.

Everyone who played (and didn't run off) got in a group shot and got T-shirts. Third prize, which I think was just a signed copy of the game went the gal that I played with in the first round. Each of the prize winners took their picture with the owner. And I dragged R.C. over to take a picture with me so I had pictures for the 'story'. Which of course had them all snapping pictures at too. I'm guessing they'll eventually get around to getting those pictures up on their site.

So riding high and being generally goofy we made our way back to our room and started making plans for tomorrow.

Oh yeah, Wes and I never made it to our "Fistful of Ugly" game:) Just wish had actually cashed out on it though.

Day 4 - Much sadness at leaving our hermetically sealed geek environment.

As Connor had to wake up hella early for his poker game he wisely packed most of his stuff the night before. The plan was Wes, Kendra and I would get up, finish packing, go get breakfast - bring some to Connor, go pack the car, then do any last minute shopping and what not until Connor finished up with his game.

Get up - check
Breakfast and delivery - check

Getting a luggage cart & the problems with only two working elevator - not so check.

Seems at one point the night before all 3 were all shut down and when Kendra headed back to the room she had to walk the 8 floors - by the time the 3 of us went to the room one was working). So more comedy of errors ensued as we grabbed the first elevator that arrived whether it was going up or down we didn't care. We needed to find the space to fit the luggage cart.

Kendra and I had to ride on the luggage cart as the elevator got a little snug. Got to our room, packed everything in the cart in an artistic and precariously balanced way, only to find that we could get the cart back out of the room because of (of course) some luggage that bottom of the cart. Damn big luggage and small doors. No amount of backing up and pushing it through faster would make it work. However it did cause most of the luggage to fall off the rack which at that point we knew we'd have to repack in the hallway.

Finally getting back on the elevator, getting an empty one on the first try that of course proceeded to stop at every. single. floor. on the way down causing sighs from other customers who knew they couldn't possibly fit in the elevator with us. We actually already had 4 other guys in there too who just kept hitting the close door button as soon as it opened. It was pretty funny watching the surprised look on their faces!

Getting the Car - Minor check

See Wesley and I had already realized that there was short somewhere in the car when we went to retrieve something from the car a couple of days earlier. So we already knew that when the valet went out to get the car he'd need to bring that nifty charger with him. Turns out it was something with the brake that kept the brake lights on which drained the battery - hence we figured we'd never stop until we got home. Drive thru's and someone in the car keeping it running during bathroom breaks:) But we figured after a couple hours on the road and Kendra's CD case jammed under the brake it would be fine to stop for lunch and gas.

So as we're packing the car Connor calls up (ah I will agree that it's a beautiful having a cell phone during a con, so much easier to track a person down) He's finished with his game really early. It's not even 11am yet. So we assume he didn't make it to the finals. How stupid we were. He shows up before the valet has even finished getting our car and says that due to the lack of people that showed up this morning they went straight to the finals - which of course he won. A nifty trophy and a heavy case that held poker chips and cards, one of those fancy suitcase for people with gambling problems *cough* Connor *cough*. Which Wesley promptly complained that we were running out of space and couldn't he have won something smaller?:) Hey, at least his check from last night was a reasonable size. Not those ginormous inconvenient ones.

So we pack the car up, send it back to the valet, cause we still have our last minute assorted things to do. I take Kendra with me to meet Charles Urbach and to buy the "Call of Adventure" print for Wesley as his birthday's coming up. Charles was pleased that I came back and signed the print for Wes and then he got into a long discussion with the two of us. Probably at least an hour. See, really nice guy. But I figured the guys would be wondering where the hell we were unless they were still demo-ing a game for TableStar (see - bother them enough and they have you demo-ing games that aren't due out for at least year). Which it turns out they were. The designer was actually taking notes on their comments about they game. So I gave Wes the print and then Kendra and I ran around the dealer room getting whatever last minute stuff we needed to pick up.

And the convention isn't officially over until at least one more story that involves "big brother" Wesley. (This was told to me later) The card game Connor and Wes were demo-ing had a pictures of girl on them. The designer said that it was an actual girl, one of the other designer's daughter. Connor sat up straighter and said "oh really!" all interested like. The designer got a confused look on his face and commented that didn't he already have a girlfriend? Now Connor's all confused trying to figure out how this guy he doesn't know has any clue about his life. The guy finally says, you know, the girl who just came over the one you were hanging out with? *Ding ding*. Which of course has Wesley chuckling as Connor sputters "Oh. No. Wait. She's not my girlfriend!!"

*sigh* Good thing I like Wesley cause he's about to become and even more unbearable "big brother".

Wesley did indeed (sucker) pick up another version of the game, Connor gets the Galaxy game (see winning the $1500 doesn't get you your own copy! Thpt!!!) and seems he also won a booth raffle for a free expansion set. Bunch of winners we are!! Okay Wes didn't end up winning anything but he's still a hero in my eyes and that's worth something. (It is dammit, okay maybe not worth cash or shinny prizes but hey who drove you to your eye doctor appointment? Yeah, that's right. Thank you!)

So we said our good-byes to those guys, Kendra got her boatload of Kobolds books, and I even gave the giant Cthulhu a squishy hug bye. Which caused a guy at that booth to say "That's so wrong." (I so wanted it as it was cute. Not $60 cute though!)

And we end our tale with a 10 hour drive home in no rain (cause Connor and I decided Wesley is cursed and so didn't allow him to drive as it would summon the rain spirits - what? It made sense at the time. He drives. It rains. It's logical!!!) Between the two of us driving, stop for gas, lunch, bathroom break, a couple of naps, and interesting conversations, and more facts about Kobolds and their baby stealing ways we got back to Wes's around Midnight. We all crashed their for the night before heading out to our various abodes the next day.

I'd call that a very successful convention trip - lots of fun, lots of prizes, great company and NO crankyness!!!! So let's start planning for next year!!!:)

origins, wesley, kendra, connor

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