a return to form.

May 27, 2008 14:09

hi, there you are. i haven't posted in over a year. mainly that's due to my work blocking our access to LJ, but it's back now. i started lj-ing b/c i was about to quit my last job and needed an outlet for my accumulating tales of jewish institutional life. i find myself now, over 3 years later, in the same situation.

but my experience here, at this other jewish institution, has gotten so normalized i can barely distinguish a respectable story from a typical solomon monologue. and if you know anyone in my family you know what i'm talking about. it begins in a thoroughly depressing tone of voice that all but says 'this is your fault and i hate you': "omg my day sucked so much; i'm so tired; blahblahblahblahblah; [45 minutes of explanation of something incredibly boring and to which there is no appropriate response]..."

so naturally i don't want to do this, to anyone at anytime, let alone online. but i'm losing it here, so i'm going to have to find a return to form somehow. it is, after all, my favorite coping mechanism, and unlike watching 90210, is one i can get away with while AT WORK.

is there someone out there who wants to pay me to play music? it would help.

in case you're wondering: omg, my day sucks so much, i'm so fucking tired because i was up until 4:30am playing scrabble ON MY PHONE and now i have to actually do phenomenally boring work all while smiling and feigning enthusiasm, blahblahblahblah.

i'm going to go eat something. and then maybe i'll be capable of say, capitalization.

dayjob, jewish institutions, tv, misery, family, band

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