"Give me time. And a crayon."

Jul 03, 2011 00:11

Drabbles from requests ages ago, and also some that were just kicking around my head.  I am happy to write more if people would like them.

Prompt/Title: Furlough
Fandom: Star Wars
Characters: Luke/Mara
Requested by: ginchy

“How long have you got?”  She is already undressing as she asks, conscious of their lack of time.

“Half a day.”  He follows suit, and drums his fingers on his belt buckle before undoing it.  “I have a meeting with the Senate this afternoon - Academy business.  You?”

She grimaces.  “An hour.  The Wild Karrde leaves the system at noon.”

He is visibly disappointed.  “We haven’t seen each other in weeks, finally our schedules align and this is the best that we can do?  One hour?”

But she smiles, and kisses him.  “For you, Farmboy, I’ll stretch it out to two.”

Prompt/Title: Toothbrush

Fandom: Veronica Mars

Characters: Logan/Veronica

Requested by: songandsilence

She never tells him she loves him, but she shows up at his hotel room at unexpected times, just because.  She watches movies of his choice, and doesn’t make fun of the fact that he likes Jane Austen.  She never rolls her eyes or purses her lips in judgement when he spends a hundred dollars on a single room service meal.  She kisses him like he never ostracized her, smashed her car headlights, or unknowingly contributed to her rape.

She never tells him she loves him, but she uses his toothbrush and winks at him suggestively when brushing her teeth.

Prompt/Title: Afterglow

Fandom: Harry Potter

Characters: Ron/Hermione

He watches Hermione seated in the Great Hall, like he has done a thousand times before over the past seven years.  But then, they had been celebrating a House Cup victory, rather than victory over Voldemort, and were surrounded by cheering classmates and delicious food, rather than tried, grieving families and dead bodies.

She’s covered in dirt, ash and blood, her clothes torn, her hair bushy and matted, and there are dark circles under her eyes.  He’s certain that they both stink of sweat, fear and death.

But to Ron, she is the most beautiful thing he has ever seen.

Prompt/Title: Pretty

Fandom: Doctor Who

Characters: Tardis, Rory

Her Thief brings home another stray, and the Orangey One is oddly quiet, although the Tardis knows that she will be Shouty again soon.  The Orangey One is always Shouty.

The New One is Pretty and Quiet and Clever, and understands the Tardis instantly.  She can almost see him Shine, like a bright light behind a closed door, visible around the edges.  Not yet ready to be released.

He is Old, but not like her Thief is old.  No...will be Old.  Will be Shiny and Glorious and will help create something New.

But for now, he is at least Pretty.

veronica mars, star wars, doctor who, luke/mara, fanfic, harry potter, logan/veronica, ron/hermione

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