"The universe tried to erase Rory once. It exploded."

Jul 01, 2011 21:04

There is no real point to this post, other than some vague Doctor Who related musings.

So I am currently in the middle of an epic Doctor Who rewatch.  It started on the public holiday a few weeks ago when I decided to start watching Series 1 with my sister, as I had introduced her to it around Series 4 and she'd only subsequently seen Series 2 and half of Series 3, but never 1.

We're now three eps away from the end of series 2, but I am very much enjoying the rewatch.  Nine is still my least favourite (although I confess I really haven't seen any Old Who - it's on the 'to watch eventually' list!) but what has actually really surprised me is that while I still love Ten, watching all of his episodes again is actually solidifying my love of Eleven.  At first I thought I was just being fickle, with my allegiance shifting to Smith as I got invested in the current storylines, and I thought seeing Tennant again would bring it all back.  And it has - sort of, I just seem to have a different perspective on him now.  And I wonder whether The End of Time had really almost ruined Ten retrospectively for me.

When I first heard Tennant was leaving, I was devastated, but by the time Ten threw that awful tantrum about saving Wilf and then all the sad-sackiness, to be honest by the time he (finally!!) regenerated I was ready for someone new and fresh, which is part of the reason I thought I loved Eleven so much.  But I admit a part of me always thought Ten would be 'my' Doctor, and so found it interesting that I had a different reaction watching series 2 than I did the first time.  That may change once Martha and Donna appear, but we'll see.

My sister, however, remains a fervent Tennant-fangirl, although by the end of The Doctor Dances she admitted that Eccelston made an 'alright' Doctor :D  She likes Smith, but he certainly hasn't replaced Ten in her heart.

Even though I have my issues with Moffat, I think I am certainly getting much more invested, fandom-wise than ever before in Who.  I've even started writing fic, and I never thought I'd be able to for Who (although, granted I'm still not comfortable writing the Doctor and the two fics I'm working on are Rory-centric, because Rory is awesome.  I have Donna-levels of love for him, although with the added side-effect of shipping Amy/Rory, and I don't usually do shipping on Who.  Before the Epic Rewatch, I actually re-watched a few series 5 eps and I have to say I find Amy a lot more endearing the second time round, perhaps knowing that her and Rory end up together and it's not a Mickey/Rose re-tread.  Amy took a long time to grow on me, but I honestly think the Rory-Amy-Doctor team dynamic is wonderful, although I am not yet convinced about River/Doctor.  Their story seems to be moving too fast, really.  I kind of liked the set-up that River was supposed to grow on us as she grows on the Doctor, but, at least for me, it feels like that has happened too quickly.  When they met again in A Time of Angels and the Doctor was just going to drop her off and leave, all irritated that he wasn't a taxi service was great.  But now he's all giddy around her and...I don't know.  I just don't see it yet.

Abrupt end to rambling is abrupt.

I'm off on my big US holiday next week!  Yay!

doctor who

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