Poll For Members re: Hiatus '09 Activities

May 02, 2009 15:42

Hello Lostsquee-ers!

Well, once again, the summer hiatus looms on the horizon. In an effort to provide some Lost-related entertainment during those long months, your mods - toestastegood and me, zelda_zee, have come up with a few options for challenges and activities - and now it's time for you to give your input!

Below are some ideas for possible lostsquee activities that could run during the upcoming hiatus. You can vote for as many options as you like, but please only vote for the ones you think you would participate in, as the point here is to get a realistic idea of the interest in each. There's also an option to check if you have an idea for something not in this poll. We are open to your ideas! This is *your* community, guys! If you have an idea for a challenge or activity, share it!

The ideas so far:

~ Another Drabble Challenge, like the one held in March, using randomly-generated prompt words.
~ A Ficlet Challenge, just like the Drabble Challenge, using randomly-generated prompt words to write 500-750 word ficlets.
~ The Lost Summer Luau, version 5.0 (For explanation of the Luau, go here.)
~ A Fix-It Challenge, in which writers would 'fix' something they'd like to about the show. I think we all have *something* we'd want to have gone down differently!
~ A Remix Challenge. (For explanation of what a Remix is, go here.)To my knowledge, the Lost fandom has never had a remix, so this would be something new for us!
~ Another Lost Fic Battle, like the one held in January.


Thanks for letting us know your opinion!

mod post

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