The Lost Comment Fic Battle - Prompt Post

Jan 03, 2009 01:05

Well, guys - we now have under a month before we're going to be hit with some new episodes! I hope everyone's excited (and suitably nervous as well!) To help get us hyped, we're going to be hosting a Lost Fic Battle here in lostsquee.

The Lost Fic Battle will be a bonanza of comment ficcing. We'll collect prompts here for the next two weeks, then the day before Lost starts we'll start writing short fics for those prompts.


Lost Fic Battle Prompt Post

- Post your prompts here in the comments, as many as you like, until the 17th of January.
- All ratings, all pairings, all characters are accepted.
- On the 20th a Fic Post will be posted with a full list of prompts. You can leave your ficlets in the comments there until the 31st.
- You can leave as many prompts as you like. Gen, het, slash, AU, anything.
- You don't have to leave prompts in order to write them; you don't have to write in order to leave prompts. Do what you like.

Please leave prompts in this format:
Character/pairing/OT3, prompt

For example:
- Alex, fire
- Locke/Karl, vampire AU mpreg
- Charlie/Desmond/Sayid, a ghostly observer on the freighter

You have until the 17th! Prompt away!

lost fic battle 2009

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