there's a little kid named 4 PoundZ who does rap who appears to operate out of his
kid sister's bedroom somewhere in Chicago, whom th Youtube commentators love to crucify. "Those aren't my Barbies. They're my sister's," he rebuts, and even in 2009 -- 18 years after I signed up for my first e-mail address, innocently -- it is a moment of profound
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look for *here*, poor exam:
all about George, maybe, in his first graspy splinterings post-WHAM? ha-ha, that is FATE knocking, not FAITH! is in fact cultural studies knocking up all friendly-like against the back door following "a few drinks and a backrub." but it didn't hurt at all! it was, in fact, more a song about TOPIX than "here, let me poke you with Theory." lots of magick there, sure! ...including Ludey Vitt renouncing an entire phil'sophical self as not based in anything like a world of Real. hence, the Investigations - a more messier/plausible and FRICTIONAL world set in the actual said and done (there's stuff piled up on the floor / but, hey, it's a room that sees use), files away the germ-free Tractatus world under "MODERNIST WISH-FULFILLMENT propped up by MATHELOGICAL NOSTALGIA."
AISLERS SET "Mary's Song" (7.3 MB)
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